Congo, Somalia conflicts make 350,000 new refugees


February 22nd, 2009 in Breaking News, World Alerts

Congo, Somalia conflicts make 350,000 new refugees

Reuters AlertNet - Congo, Somalia conflicts make 350,000 new refugees.

NAIROBI, Feb 22 (Reuters) - Enduring conflicts in east and central Africa have produced some 350,000 new refugees since October, worsening an already dire humanitarian situation, aid agencies say.

The region already hosts the continent’s biggest number of refugees, but conflicts in Democratic Republic of Congo and Somalia are forcing many more from their homes.

“Multiple conflicts in the region have worsened the refugee situation in the region,” said Hassan Yusuf, spokesman for the U.N. refugee agency (UNHCR) in Kenya.

“We have seen the worst in recent months, seeing thousands of new refugees both internally and externally,” he said.

Also: Foreign troops(AU) in sovereign Mogadishu, Somalia

BBC NEWS | Africa | AU base in Mogadishu attacked.

The 3,500 peacekeepers from Burundi and Uganda are the only foreign troops in Mogadishu.
February 22nd, 2009 in Breaking News, New World Disorder
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