On July 23, Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter, became the first high-ranking official of Obama administration to visit Uganda and Ethiopia. He met both government and military leaders to seek their continue fighting US proxy wars in Somalia, Mali, Sudan and the Central African Republic.
Carter told Etiopian prime minister Hailemarriam Desalegn that Washington highly appreciate Addis Ababa’s role in US covert wars in Somalia and Sudan.
“Ethiopia and the United States have shared interests in these countries and we continue to explore additional ways that we can work together to tackle East Africa’s security challenges,” the deputy secretary said.
The DOD in a ststement over Carter’s Addis Ababa visit claimed: “The visit gave him a chance to discuss a range of regional security challenges with Ugandan partners – including the conflicts in Somalia, Sudan and South Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of Congo – and ending the longstanding threat to civilians and to regional stability posed by Joseph Kony and the Lord’s Resistance Army, known as the LRA”.
So whose interests Carter represents? Let’s conduct a little search in his shady past. Ashton B. Carter, wrote an Op-Ed at Foreign Affairs (November/December 1998 issue), entitled ‘Catastrophic Terrorism: Tackling the New Danger‘. It begins with the strange subtitle “Imagining the Transforming Event,” as if what was actually desired by the author was a transformation of the US government and the way Americans live.
The authors of the article (Carter, John Deutch and Philip Zelikow), like Netanyahu, did not even mention the political causes of terrorism. Understanding the causes of terrorism in an effort to prevent it did not even occur to them. No, these three among the architects of 9/11 terrorist attacks were busy “imagining the transforming event” – and how to respond to it.
The peaceful spread of Islam in African continent began during the Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) life-time. The first African convert was the powerful King Neiash of Abbissynia (Ethiopia). However, further spread of Islam throughout the African continent was neither simultaneous nor uniform, but followed a gradual and adaptive path.
Today, Muslims are in majority in African continent (53%). The Muslim majority African coutries, are; Egypt (95%), Nigeria (70%), Sudan (97%), Tunisia 99%), Libya 99%), Morocco (99%), Algeria (99.7%), Mauritania (100%), Somalia (100%), Gambia (90%), Comoros (98%), Guinea (85%), Mayotte (97.85%), Senegal (94%) and Tanzania (55%).
American radio personality, Jonathan Schwartz, once said: “As far as I can tell, there’s barely any difference in goals within the foreign policy establishment. They just disagree on the best methods to achieve the goals. My guess that everyone agrees that we have to continue defending the Middle East (Israel) from outside interference. The Democrats just think the best path is four overt wars (Iraq, Libya, Somalia and Sudan) and three covert actions (in Syria, Iran and Lebanon) – while the neocons want to jump straight to seven wars”.
Schwartz was referring to the “seven neocons wars”; Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Lebanon and Iran, in that order, as revealed by Gen. Wesley Clark after looking at a classified Pentagon memo in 2007. Watch a video below.
Neocons to lead US war on Muslim Africa | Rehmat's World
Carter told Etiopian prime minister Hailemarriam Desalegn that Washington highly appreciate Addis Ababa’s role in US covert wars in Somalia and Sudan.
“Ethiopia and the United States have shared interests in these countries and we continue to explore additional ways that we can work together to tackle East Africa’s security challenges,” the deputy secretary said.
The DOD in a ststement over Carter’s Addis Ababa visit claimed: “The visit gave him a chance to discuss a range of regional security challenges with Ugandan partners – including the conflicts in Somalia, Sudan and South Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of Congo – and ending the longstanding threat to civilians and to regional stability posed by Joseph Kony and the Lord’s Resistance Army, known as the LRA”.
So whose interests Carter represents? Let’s conduct a little search in his shady past. Ashton B. Carter, wrote an Op-Ed at Foreign Affairs (November/December 1998 issue), entitled ‘Catastrophic Terrorism: Tackling the New Danger‘. It begins with the strange subtitle “Imagining the Transforming Event,” as if what was actually desired by the author was a transformation of the US government and the way Americans live.
The authors of the article (Carter, John Deutch and Philip Zelikow), like Netanyahu, did not even mention the political causes of terrorism. Understanding the causes of terrorism in an effort to prevent it did not even occur to them. No, these three among the architects of 9/11 terrorist attacks were busy “imagining the transforming event” – and how to respond to it.
The peaceful spread of Islam in African continent began during the Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) life-time. The first African convert was the powerful King Neiash of Abbissynia (Ethiopia). However, further spread of Islam throughout the African continent was neither simultaneous nor uniform, but followed a gradual and adaptive path.
Today, Muslims are in majority in African continent (53%). The Muslim majority African coutries, are; Egypt (95%), Nigeria (70%), Sudan (97%), Tunisia 99%), Libya 99%), Morocco (99%), Algeria (99.7%), Mauritania (100%), Somalia (100%), Gambia (90%), Comoros (98%), Guinea (85%), Mayotte (97.85%), Senegal (94%) and Tanzania (55%).
American radio personality, Jonathan Schwartz, once said: “As far as I can tell, there’s barely any difference in goals within the foreign policy establishment. They just disagree on the best methods to achieve the goals. My guess that everyone agrees that we have to continue defending the Middle East (Israel) from outside interference. The Democrats just think the best path is four overt wars (Iraq, Libya, Somalia and Sudan) and three covert actions (in Syria, Iran and Lebanon) – while the neocons want to jump straight to seven wars”.
Schwartz was referring to the “seven neocons wars”; Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Lebanon and Iran, in that order, as revealed by Gen. Wesley Clark after looking at a classified Pentagon memo in 2007. Watch a video below.
Neocons to lead US war on Muslim Africa | Rehmat's World