Connecting the dots between George Adamski, Thomas Townsend Brown and Linda Brown

Dad was invited to go on one of those Byrd Espeditions ( I think his name was spelled that way Hobbit but your " Bird" might be right.... I will post a link to his expedition soon....thanks for the mention of it)

but turned it down because he was offered the cruise in the warm waters of the Bahamas at the same time. Most of you know my Dad well enough now to know that there was no difficult decision on his part. He LIKED warm blue water and white sand and avoided snow and cold absolutely.... so his choice was easy for him.

However, keep your eyes on what was going on in the polar regions because there are other connections to his work there, especially later with the nuclear submarines plying under the surfaces.
Note that the man in charge of the Nautilus was also with Dad in that first sub ( the S48) in the early thirties. And according to the researcher Jeanne Manning Admiral Rickover and my Dad were on a first name basis even twenty years later.

Something going on here just beneath the surface.... but the bubbles are reaching the surface. Linda

You are correct Linda...Byrd.
Admiral Byrd Diary | Diary of Admiral Byrd
In a hole in the ground, there lived a
And a very wise Hobbit Indeed!

The Nazis, Admiral Byrd and The Secret Land, page 1

On the way back Byrd gave an interview to the prestigious Chilean newspaper El Mercurio of Santiago on 5 March 1947. The article by Lee van Atta entitled "Admiral Richard E Byrd refers to the Strategic Importance of the Poles" had been sent from "On Board Mount Olympus on the High Seas". The article states "Admiral Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate defence measures against the possible invasion of the country by hostile aircraft operating from the polar regions. As regards the recently terminated expedition, Byrd said that the most important result of the observations and discoveries made is the current potential effect which they will have on the security of the United States."

Was Operation High Jump a cover to finish off Hitler? With the amount of manpower sent, it could be the case and considering the military tactics taken, with a 3 pronged approach to Antarctica. Towards the end of Operation High Jump, Byrd had one last outing over Antarctica, this is when the famous missing 3 hours occurred. Did he meet Hitler? Did he meet UFO's? or did he just get lost? "

note from me.....missing time? I hadn't heard about that yet. What does that mean?

Missing time? I haven't spent much time at all looking into these stories and this is from the Above Top Secret Forum so I am holding it sort of at arms length. Still these wild stories could be covering up something that actually happened.

Remember that there were other wild stories being spun about flying saucers in 1947 onward. I sense that we are all getting much closer to seeing what was actually going on. And perhaps the Byrd Explorations were all part of it.

"Why Antarctica? During the Nazi expeditions to Tibet they were given access to the secret cave systems of the Tibetan Monks that had not been seen for centuries. The Tibetans believed the arrival of the Nazis fulfilled their own prophecies that would usher in a new age of enlightenment. During the exploration of the caves by the Nazis, it is claimed that a secret volume of ancient texts from pre-flood times or even from Atlantis were found. These texts are supposed to have detailed where the opening to the hollow earth could be found and Hitler believed that an Aryan race dwelling there would help them win the war. "

I'm sure we've all seen the pictures of Nazi made flying saucers.... if not here is a link to some of the supposed pictures - YouTube...
Were these what Byrd had encountered during Operation High Jump?

Now THIS is interesting
"In late 1938, just before WW2, Byrd visited Hamburg and was invited to participate in the 1938/1939 German "Neuschwabenland" Antarctic Expedition by the Nazis. Byrd had a great knowledge of the Antarctic area, he had already been on several expeditions there previously. However Byrd declined.

That is exactly the time that Dad was in Europe.....on the USS Nashville......and he sailed home on the same ship that was secretely carrying fifty million dollars in gold bullion. And some other things..... He mentioned a certain number of crates but some of them were too light to be gold.... but were treated with the same unusual secrecy. What was being moved? This is an enormous question that still needs to be researched.
and talking about past history.......

The early OSS ( before it turned into the CIA) sent two agents to Tibet at the same time that the Nazis were sending representatives to Tibet. They had meetings with the young DALI LAMA and presented him with a golden watch which was a gift from the President of the United States. One of those men was named Ilya Tolstoy.

I know about him because he happens to be the same gentleman that I mentioned in my " The Good-Bye Man"....In 1965 that same fellow " vetted" the young man Paul Schatzkin called "Morgan".....Some of you know the story, some do not.... but I am just pointing out that there are connections here which go on for years and years.....and affect those who were drawn into the secret network that surrounded my Dad. Byrd perhaps? Tolstoy? Kitselman? Projects which had much to do with the exploration of deep trenches and gravitational anomalies. Borehole drilling in the ocean off of Mexico and Hawaii?

Obviously I have spent most of my time looking at the tropical aspects of all of this because I am alot like my Dad... I HATE cold weather....

Now in quick reading its like falling off a cliff of credibility. Nazis in Antartica? Hitler surviving and living there? My eyes want to roll to the back of my head.... but thats the response that is supposed to happen with most readers. Lets all be careful to look at the information without drawing any conclusions one way or another. Once we get all of the dots to the surface the pattern will make itself known to us. Understand that much effort has been put into misdirection...( and you can see with some of Mikados efforts that still is in operation.

"Morgan" once said to Paul Schatzkin as he was collecting information on Dads life.... that everyone had an agenda. Its important to always remember that there are scores of various agendas at work here.

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