
Truth feeder
De-calcification of the Pineal Gland

The pineal gland is seen by psychics as the “third eye”, the communication link to higher dimensions. It seems to be a doorway to higher consciousness and bliss.

And it is vital for supporting intuition, an ability that will be needed during hard times. So it is necessary to evolve spiritually in order to help create better understanding, acceptance of our fellow humans, and easier group cooperation. Meditation is a part of this evolving.

During the younger age the unconditioned mind can have many transcendental experiences, facilitated through a perfectly functioning pineal gland. Later, during adulthood, many of these childhood experiences are either diminished or completely blocked.
It is obvious that certain influences are taking its toll on the glands function over time.

It was discovered that the pineal gland and the associated production of the essential hormone Melantonin is

- very sensitive to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields. They have been shown to reduce nocturnal melatonin production.

- disrupted by emotional or physical trauma.

Also attachment traumas and abandonment issues in early life have been shown to result in low levels of melatonin production.

But is it only the psychological environmental conditioning and loss of innocence that blocks these spiritual links or is there a hidden biological process, which might be responsible as well?

The pineal gland is like a water-filled cavity with receptors around it. It is like an eye looking inside at itself.
A particular process has been identified which seems to be responsible for the reduction of the gland’s functionality with age:
It is called Calcification.

Like most body tissues with high blood flow and high metabolic activity, the pineal gland gradually accumulates calcium as we get older. This calcification has a significant impact on how the gland functions and hence its effect on overall melatonin status with aging. German psychiatrists found for example that people with higher degrees of pineal calcification were more than four times as likely to experience daytime tiredness and almost twice as likely to experience sleep disturbances as those with normal pineal status.

It has been firmly established that the pineal gland becomes increasingly blocked by the incorporation of hydroxyl-apatite, the same mineral used in bones. This process is individually more or less pronounced, depending on factors associated with the way the individual is living.

It can be generalized that, as much more the gland is calcified, as much less it can carry out its various functions.

The often mentioned fluoridation is targeting this hydroxyl-apatite and further reducing the enzymatic function of the gland.

See here: Hydroxylapatite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Without pineal calcification (PC) there will be no receptor-binding of fluorite to the apatite possible, thus also any accumulation of fluoride in the gland.

The PC can be understood as a kind of arteriosclerosis of the gland.

The key of reactivating the pineal gland is to understand how the process of PC is triggered and then stop it and - if possible - reverse the trend.

So how and why occurs the PC?

First some facts about the pineal calcification (PC):
The pineal gland can, despite its organic structure, adopt bonelike properties.

There was a very meticulous study carried out by Dr. Jennifer Anne Luke, but instead of you munching through all 300 pages of alienating scientific findings, I will post the most important info as direct snippets from the study, which can be downloaded here:

Here we go:

The pineal gland is an organ which is the second most “irrigated” organ of the body:

and it is outside the blood-brain barrier, it means it is unprotected –unlike the brain- from “unwanted” substances within the blood-stream:

About the progressing calcification though age:
You have 0.2% PC in the age group of 0-5 years, but ~40% in the group of 17-18 years old.

influence of fluoride:
