does the fact that the CIA/millitary has been researching/practicing Nazi mind control techniques bother you?

phil manutsac

New member
please read some of this before going on a tirade about my "tinfoil hat"- after you check it out, rant all you want... is a vast array of resources concerning this topic- these are just a few good ones)
Yes, it does bother me, just as that we have adopted a Nazi attitude towards Arabs, and those who practice Islam and visiting workers, bothers me.Face it, the only difference between the CIA and the Gestapo is that the Nazi's documentation has been publicized, and the CIA hasn't had to open the files ... yet.Wait for it.
no it doesn't bother me ...It actually makes me feel better cause you no these terrorist are not gonna hold back when they get american troops.Your American support your Government for once please. and like I tell so many people ..if you don't like america then leave ..get the hell out. see if you get treated better any where elese.
Nah. They have no Mengali or whatever his name was. They have already got you singled out to try it on for your question. It would work on you. It has from reading the drive by media obviously.You be watching to much CNN.
No. And it also doesn't bother me when people drive VW's, which Hitler popularized. Is that part of the conspiracy too?
OH Great another genius. Let me belive that the Twin towers were knocked out by our government too, right? Pathetic.
Hate to tell you this everyday in the corporate world people are using 'tricks' to make people do what they want when they want. Doesn't that sound like mind control? Corporations pay big money to get someone to trick you into being more productive.