Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher and "mind control"

Linda Brown

New member
Lady of Light,

Since this seems to be the thread for this discussion I would like to ask your members what they know about Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher and what she may be involved with now and for the next year? Any one have any current information?

She has personally expressed an interest in my Dads work and has actually told others that she met him in the early eighties. I would love to learn more about that meeting and what was discussed and I am sure that there are others out there who may know the answers to my questions. I am looking, of course, for the connection between my Dads discoveries and the use of " mind control".

Linda Brown
A little light reading which includes ER.
I am confident that Your father would have recoiled at such attrocities.
But He was very advanced in such technologies?
Mind Control

I am beginning to wonder if the " Mind Control" situation wasn't the part of what later was called " The Philadelphia Experiment".... to cover it up. Dad was involved in " degausing of ships" at the time...the things that were admitted and I have read recently Jeanne Mannings account where she says that the " crew" on the ship might have had their " memories wiped."

Remember that we are following a trail that has had a pack of experts obscuring it for years so the little piece of trail marker left behind is going to be faint indeed. But what would Dad have done if he realized that the military had used his work to begin a project of " mind control"? Would he have stayed?

I can tell you right now.... NO... he would have been disgusted. But that doesn't mean that he wouldn't realize the capabilities of the situation. He was into " Deep Camouflage" ( thats the only thing that my mother ever told me regarding the work that Dad was doing. When you are " into " that.... perhaps you have developed a technology that makes others " refuse to see" what is right in front of them.

Wouldn't this have been something that the " Entities" here on Earth perhaps have used for thousands of years to keep themselves safe from us?

But Dad would have recognized it and perhaps used it as protection only. I am hoping that all of you have gotten to know him well enough through my efforts to see that.

But what is Dr. Rauscher and her group doing? Could they be responsible for some of the strange personal reactions we have all seen at work on some of these Forums. The sudden near mass hysteria of fear and ridiculousness. Could that be caused by another entity?

And the mining on the moon is a valid situation that we need to look at someday Hobbit. I dreamed about that in 1955 and later was told that the " dream was no dream".... and when you started asking on the Pegasus Group you found yourself bounced off. Whatever information lodged there with John Lear has a sort of " protective barrier" around it.... and Zorgon and his cohorts are using it as " bait" to identify those who see past what they just throw out there as common tidbits.

They would have learned more from us if they had been just a little more experienced in intelligence gathering and a little less emotional .... but they are sort of like me.... we are all " amateurs" in this.... that might be why we have gotten as far as we have. We are able to do the unexpected.

It would not surprise me though to find that the Pegasus Group will soon " implode" taking with it the scientific discussions too. They have served their purpose by identifying those who are interested and talented in that field. Now I wonder what will happen. I doubt that some "mind control" will have any effect on those like Littleenki but that might be their next move.

I wanted to share this post which I recently put on the Cosmic-Token. I believe that it might belong here in this Mind Control Thread....

"This may belong in the "Mind Control" section but we are following Dads path and talking about the reason that he quit the Navy. He told George that he refused to shoulder the responsibility of clearing " coke bottles" off a playing field at the school.

Jeanne Manning wrote this about Dad

"Reynolds spoke on a panel discussion at a public conference (dedicated to Townsend Brown) in Philadelphia in 1994, along with highly-credentialed physicist Elizabeth Rauscher, Ph.D. Rauscher theorized that the Philadelphia Experiment legend grew out of the fact that certain magnetic fields can in effect "degauss the brain"—cause temporary memory loss. If the huge electrical coils involved in degaussing a ship were mistuned, the sailors could have felt that they "blinked out of time and back into time."

theorized that the Philadelphia Experiment legend grew out of the fact that certain magnetic fields can in effect "degauss the brain"—cause temporary memory loss

PERHAPS the Navy was just then beginning their mental control program... or erasure of memories at the time. Perhaps they " stumbled " on it as Mrs. Manning and Josh Reynolds have conjectured here...." Clearing coke bottles from a playing field? A program to be used on the sailors who were involved in some of Dads other work.....to make them rendered....harmless?

Of course the myth of the Philadelphia Experiment was that the " small crew" which were on the ship suffered intolerable sensations and in Hollywoods wildest version... one of the crew men was supposedly encapsulated in the hull of the ship. Perhaps the " mind control" situation went along with that terrifying development. Perhaps Dad was being told that he had to " clear the debris" away from the project.... that to me might mean..... make sure that the " blinking" was used to wipe clean their memories of what they had experienced.....

Dad resigned from the Navy and then headed off.... first to Vega.... but after that I am not sure who was financing his operation. I know that he used his own money for most of it... the estimate was that Dad had gone through over 250,000.00 by the early fifties
Also interesting to me how Dr. Elizabeth Rauschers name keeps coming up. Pimander was exceptionally interested in what I knew about her and I told him that I had never met her.

Strange how he has done a graceful " exit stage left" Isn't it?

Also interesting to me how Dr. Elizabeth Rauschers name keeps coming up. Pimander was exceptionally interested in what I knew about her and I told him that I had never met her.

Strange how he has done a graceful " exit stage left" Isn't it?


All things are presented as they need to be. :) Whether stuck in here on purpose or by 'synchronicity', the name is here and as such needs to be, especially with all the talks about different events that could easily have been happening under such influence.

Mass hysteria can be caused by so many things, all of which are used as a form of mind control. We have the conditioning from all forms of media which hardens in the mind-control that is silent, but there, such as radio waves, and/or, the influence of individuals or groups such as the case with Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher.

If Edgar Cayce could control his brother in law (who hated him), and make him go where he wouldn't EVER go, then why can't other people, or even groups of people control the masses?

The Philadelphia Experiment is a great example of such a thing, base on what you wrote above, Linda. Made to think something ELSE happened and none the wiser about what ACTUALLY took place. There are mysteries surrounding that story, that's for sure.

Oh, there goes my mind again, forgot where I was going with this. Thoughts removed from my brain before I could type them. Maybe I'm the target of the only mind control they can put on me, loss of thought/channel, LOL! Either that or it's of a higher level of "this is not meant to be stated now", I've gotten that a lot too. :) Oh well. Next round maybe. :) Back to work I guess. :)
During the summer that I lived at Ashlawn on the Main Line of Philadelphia there were riots in the city... it was rampant and mainly in the South side.... but a good example of how a sort of " hysteria" of dissatisfaction can spread into negative action. Stores were looted... I don't recall many of the details because my mind was elsewhere but I do remember my Dad saying that he felt that the entire section of the city was being influenced by " something else". I wish that I had paid more attention.

I am however convinced that for every negative force at work here there has been a positive one. For every evil influence there have been positive inspirations and encouragements. We just have never been aware of such " manipulation" before. Possibly we are getting closer to " coming into our own" and that process requires that we understand our past... manage our present.... before we can go into our future as the beings that we are meant to be....

An ongoing, muligenerational process.

And yes Lady of Light.... I find myself in exactly the same situation. I go charging off with one thought well placed in my head but it runs into others.... gets modified, turned around. No telling where one thought will eventually lead me.
