Female arrested forcibly strip searched nude by ohio male cops!!

That's always the way isn't it. Call 911 and get f***ed up by the police. You call, but they arrest you.

What's with the dash cam not being on? Don't they have to have it on at all times? Mother F***ers! And, seriously? They can't see anything wrong? Really? Really?

They deny it was a stripsearch, too. ya, because it was for humiliation, only. That's why they left here there like that for 6 hours. F***ers.

Don't call the police for help. You'll be arrested and abused and humiliated. Any crime your calling for better be worse than what the police could possibly do to you, or it's not worth calling them. They're not there to help you. They're there to intimidate and bully you, especially if you are NOT a criminal. Victims often get treated worse than criminals. Why? Because the TRUE criminals ARE the police. Call them and you become a victim not only once, but twice or more. As clearly shown in the video.

I hate the police. They're good for nothing. Nothing good anyways. Unless you call being an A**hole a good thing. They're so frigging blind they can't see a thing. I don't think they ever will. Well, maybe when they're finally on the other end of it. That day i'm sure is coming soon. I hope it's coming soon. From the looks of things, it's coming.
I can't believe this isn't getting more attention. That pisses me off more than anything. These stories should be priority in people's faces, broadcast nationally and internationally. Everybody should be exposed to what the police are REALLY about!