
Truth feeder
Here is an interesting article:

"Weather Modification/Climate Change

HAARPs is utilized for many clandestine missions, of which Weather Modification is a fundamental objective. Microwave, ELF (Extreme Low Frequency), VLF (Very Low Frequency) and other EMR/EMF-based systems are transmitted into the atmosphere and reflected by the ionosphere, back through the Earth's Stratosphere/Atmosphere where various airborne chemical particulates, polymer filaments and other electromagnetic frequency absorbers and reflectors are used to push or pull the prevailing Jet-Streams, changing Weather patterns. (Note: Vast files of our research are available on the particulate, polymers, Microwave, ELF, VLF & EMG, etc) In many instances, Drought Inducement Technologies have been found in patented systems. Drought Inducement occurs, according to reviewed technologies by heating the Stratosphere with Microwaves, placing airborne chemical particulates in the airspace and thereby changing the base-line moisture gradients via microwaves from HAARPs and desiccating chemically with Barium Titanates, Methyl Aluminum and Potassium mixtures. (Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison: PCMDI Home Page)

HAARPs punches massive holes in the open-air column Ozone, electronically. This is the basis for the Ozone Remediation/Mitigation Strategies found associated with HAARPs. However, "patching" the holes in the Ozone layer has become a standard practice for US Air Force and FAC flight operations. The US Air Force has recently, 2001-2002, resorted to the utilization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV's) technology. High-flying Stratospheric Robotic Platforms negate the manned operation factors. Robots don't complain and never talk and remain, forever, non-union. Welsbach Seeding and Ozone Hole Remediation sciences utilize chemistries that are toxic to Humans and the Environment.

Welsbach Refractory Agents use Aluminum, Thorium, Zirconium and other emissitivity-refractive metals and metals oxides. Thorium is elementally, 98% purity. The remaining 2% are identified radioactive materials. Ground-fall includes Thorium. Mid and Eastern Canada are suffering from what has been clinically identified as Thorium poisoning. There are no other base-line resources for Thorium, all from residuals of aerosolized heavy metal particulate spraying into the Stratosphere".
