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Interesting article about the differences in opinion about the uses of HAARP, I still believe they're up to making it look like we're in global warming. All the junk science(for want of a better word, surrounding Global Warming. (Which I think is cyclical after all Earth is 4 billion years old. What do you all think?

Smoking Gun: The HAARP and Chemtrails Connection | Alternative

By Peter A. Kirby

Located on an United States Air Force site near Gakona, Alaska, the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) is the world’s largest and most functional ionospheric heater. Construction began in 1993. Today, HAARP can generate super high powered beams of directed energy. HAARP is designed to shoot these energy beams 200 kilometers up into the sky; affecting an area known as earth’s ionosphere. In doing this, HAARP can perform a number of functions.The known uses of HAARP are: weather modification, power beaming, earth tomography (mapping of our planet’s interior), Star Wars-type defense capabilities, enhanced communications, communication disruptions and mind control. For an in-depth discussion about what HAARP does and how it does it, you must read the 1995 book Angels Don’t Play this HAARP by Dr. Nick Begich and journalist Jeane Manning. You can freely access a searchable .pdf here: http://freedomfchs.com/adpthaarp.pdf

Although lesser ionospheric heaters do not generate energy beams as powerful or possess the same functionality as HAARP, similar facilities are located around the world. Along with a smaller facility located near Fairbanks, Alaska, other ionospheric heater locations include: Puerto Rico, Norway, Russia, Tajikistan, Peru and the Middle East. The latest word is that Russia, China and the United States have set up HAARP-like facilities in Antarctica. (Source)
I think HAARP is definitely able to create a warming effect to support their global warming agenda and false science.
HAARP can apparently output 4.7 billion watts of power, and they refer to it as an ionic heater. So I would think yes they can definitely create some global warming affects on the earth.
Yes, and maybe the sounds it emits might be causing the earthquakes. But whatever, they are I think deliberately causing the drought conditions in the Midwest to make it appear that they're right and we're wrong.
Hmm. didn't know it did that power. There's one in Puerto Rico from my understanding. Maybe the cause of odd power surges, and perhaps the sounds this thing is emitting when shooting the particles in the ionesphere is causing earthquakes.

They're stupid to call it what it is an ionic heater. Maybe they figure there are more sheeple out there then thinking people, perhaps they're right about that one.
Perhaps the sound it might make when it shoots particles in the ionesphere is trigering these earthquakes. Kind of like a tuning fork perhaps?

But its all to support their pseudo money making idea of Global warming.
Perhaps the sound it might make when it shoots particles in the ionesphere is trigering these earthquakes. Kind of like a tuning fork perhaps?

But its all to support their pseudo money making idea of Global warming.

I think you got that exactly right, but electrical engineering terms they refer to that as resonance, and it's just a matter of them dialing a knob to get this resonance. This was a video floating around out there a large hurricane with a perfect number TWO in the middle of it, supposedly created by HAARP. I can't find the video put here is a screen shot:
Haarp - number2.jpg

This was on the news...
Apparantley the newsroom couldn't fadeout the two or they screwed up and didn't think there are still a few observant people left in this country. They're no doubt used to just broadcasting to their sheeple.

Thanks for giving me the correct terminology. :) I've heard of resonanane described as vocal tone only.
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