[FYI] Hello - The UFO Disclosure Clock Is At It's Latest Time Setting Ever


New member
Lee's Summit Craft Display And Continued Sky Noise Phenomena Move UDCC Clock To 11:51 P.M. (Latest Setting Ever) As 2012 Approaches

Hello everyone,

It is my pleasure to introduce my blog UDCC to members. UDCC has been covering the SNP of 2011 very closely, if you are not aware of it, please make sure to hit the tags in the posts.

UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock: Lee's Summit Craft Display And Continued Sky Noise Phenomena Move UDCC Clock To 11:51 P.M. (Latest Setting Ever) As 2012 Approaches

Rick Phillips

I also did an interesting post for Halloween yesterday about `Ghosts' appearing in a window pane (don't they always) at my blog called Barf Stew - TODAY'S B.S.: OMG, Ghosts IN Window Of Spooky House

hello and welcome m4ever, I will take sometime to check your blog, thank for posting it.

Ufos and ghost, sound great ;)