
Hello Poison-Passion, welcome to the site, its gr8 to have some new faces, i look forward to seeing you around the forums :)
Welcome! I look forward to your views on things. It'll be nice to get some different input on things. I look forward to discussions with you!

Truthers unite!
I am new here too, I am very interesting in the world wide truth movement and understanding the world around us....can't wait get in to detail discussions on the subject. :wink2:
Hello and welcome! I am very glad to have you here as a part of my site! Please enjoy your stay and don't be afraid to get involved in some of the conversations going on around here!

Lady of Light
Hello let me intrudes my self I am cal-leb and am form a planet that is beyond the World pool Galaxy and am looking forward on meeting others form other planetary system other than thins one and some of my history with others that are cures about the planet in witch I am from by genetics though I was born on the Earth. Were I am form we used the energy of the filed that surrounds are home planet since are planet is one of the few planets that did not orbit around a sun. the field around are planet had a glow that gave the planet its night and day. We loved fishing and bout things by trading are stocks. We cooked all are food on an open fire and visited this earth each year to gather cook books and other things. So that is a little about are race.
I for one am looking forward to getting to know you and your race better! Sounds like a great planet that you are from. Welcome to the unhypnotize forums!
Nice to meet you Cal-leb! It's great to have you here on my forum! I'm looking forward to what you have to say and to getting to know you better!
Welcome to the forum, Olanga! It's nice to have you as a part of this wonderful site and I look forward to conversing with you in the future!

Enjoy your stay!