Hollow Earth theory vs. Compressed Earth theory?


New member
Please give any supporting evidence for both . If earth is solid , why does it vibrate like a bell after earthquakes?
The earth's vibration has nothing to do with hollow... I mean, you don't HEAR it vibratiing, do you? No, you can only sense/feel it, things that only convey through solid matter.ALL of the evidence points to a solid earth. Zero evidence points to hollow earth. In fact, how could there even be earthquakes with a hollow earth? How could we measure them all over the world if the earth was hollow? How could gravity allow a holoow earth to form? How could volcanic eruptions happen with a hollow earth?There is only evidence for a solid earth. Hollow earth people are complete based in non-science.
The hollow earth theory stems from legend, myth, fabrication, and superstition. Check it out on the net. The earth is a series of mantles and pockets which are filled in. It isn't compressed, either as that would stifle all life and natural science processes. Vibration isn't an indicator. Bells do vibrate but not shaken apart nor their form integrity altered. Everything is in balance. By forces and phenomena science could explain as soon as it divests itself of it's pet fallacies. It is the height of presumptuousness to say we know it all. A hundred or so years ago you could be ruined if you were a surgeon who believed sterilizing of everything in surgery and post op care were critical. Less than fifty years ago, they were cutting out the frontal lobe of people's brains considering it therapeutic. What the scientific community has to say is not, to me, sacrosanct.
The Earth isn't exactly "solid" but it certainly isn't hollow. The density of objects can be derived in part by how waves travel through them. It vibrates like a bell because the energy travels through the Earth in waves, and the Earth, not being in contact with anything, has nothing but itself to damp them out.