How to see an ET Spaceship. Abraham / Hicks Saturday, March 14, 2009


How to see an ET Spaceship. Abraham / Hicks
Saturday, March 14, 2009

By Eddy

Many people wonder why they do not UFO's while others see UFO's. And the answer is simple ....

It has everything to do with your vibration. If you do not have the corresponding vibration offers you do not see what you would like to see.

Recognizing that you want to see. Imagine how good you can find. Fanta seer about what it would be to see a UFO. Recognize how many people have seen UFO's. Read it. If you get into that vibration and would it be that you see a UFO. And do it for yourself, you can select another his or her vibration not change, only you can get to the desired vibration.

Of course I realize that there are enough people who believe this nonsense and that is not bad. Everyone must find his own truth and follow.

Below is a video which explains ABRAHAM extended by Esther Hicks.

Source: youtube
I saw the "The Secret" and wanted to study more materials available on a random day in December I headed for Barnes and Noble to read and ended up on some "New Age" materials and could not put down Abraham-hicks "Law of Attraction" as
the booked pissed me off and enthralled me all at the same time.