How to stop absorbing other peoples energy

It's important to be aware that most energy vampires don't know they in fact are. The majority don't do it deliberately but can be a real drain on an empath. One thing I do particularly when I'm around people that reek of negative energy is shielding. Simply focus on surrounding yourself from head to toe with white light and visualize their energy being blocked by that from getting to you.

It's possible to still feel that and not even be in the same room? Sharing a chatroom online with such people can have the same effect. Be kind to yourself and take a break from those environments periodically if you find yourself in one.
Drizzle, you are absolutely right and like you said most of them don't even know they are doing it. I have a friend that comes around or calls me often and I have to not answer the door or the phone some times. I have learned how to put up a shield also but there are times I just can't deal with her negativity.
Thank you for posting this video! I am always looking for ways to shield myself from negative energy. This is part of the reason why I don't like being in crowded places. I always feel that I'm picking up the energy of others. When I get home, I always have to take a shower because I feel so "dirty."

I had another friend that also suggesting visualizing a white light around yourself. And another friend suggested to use that white light and to try and let it go through the others.
This is part of the reason why I don't like being in crowded places. I always feel that I'm picking up the energy of others.

It is so much harder for me in a crowd, because not only is there more negative energy, but it is hard to figure out where the negative energy is coming from. When I protect myself from the negative energy, I also shield whatever positive energy is working in my favor. It's a tough balance to strike.
It is so much harder for me in a crowd, because not only is there more negative energy, but it is hard to figure out where the negative energy is coming from. When I protect myself from the negative energy, I also shield whatever positive energy is working in my favor. It's a tough balance to strike.
Bit of a challenge indeed. One technique I heard about and really like can be used when passing people in the street, or in crowded places, or with anyone you may feel is projecting (knowingly or not) negative energy. It's to silently offer them a bit of positivity (love, kindness, or dignity, or courage, etc...)

Got that one from Stuart Wilde's seems to help.
Bit of a challenge indeed. One technique I heard about and really like can be used when passing people in the street, or in crowded places, or with anyone you may feel is projecting (knowingly or not) negative energy. It's to silently offer them a bit of positivity (love, kindness, or dignity, or courage, etc...)

Got that one from Stuart Wilde's seems to help.

Absolutely. That's one of the best things you can do. Not only does it protect you against any negative vibes being put off by the other people, but it helps to raise their frequencies as well and allows them to change what they give off and how they feel.

Thank you Pat! :)