First, it is not I who defines evil as the LOVE OF MONEY. It is an ancient definition - and, if I am not mistaken, in the bible. Yes. Here it is:
Timothy 6:10
"For the love of money is the root of all evil:" King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Ok. What We have now is a chance to go in a direction Humankind has never before gone. The elements that make it possible are as follows:
1. Free energy (though presently hidden, it exists). Never had this before. You are looking at things from an energy scarcity paradigm.
2. Robots. Brand new to Us.
3. The interweb. Brand new to Us.
You ask what will "replace money." In the abundance paradigm, there IS NO NEED FOR MONEY - or any replacement. Robots farm, transport, create products, fix robots, fix Your lightbulbs, and You can go to the web, place an order, and the thing You ordered will be delivered to You. No money. The energy was free and the labor was free. The materials are given freely by this enormous and abundant planet So what would You be paying for?
It really is a paradigm shift, and maybe it's the language barrier that You are stuck in the scarcity paradigm. Now... In the abundance paradigm You wouldn't have to work. You could travel, or sit on the beach all day, or whatever. BUT... If You WANTED to work, not for a living but because You LOVE to do it, it is Your BLISS, then nothing will stop You from working. If You adore farming, You can request a spot of land - as little or as much as You want - and the robots will move over and let You go to town. If You are in Your bliss standing on an assembly line or sitting in a factory sewing sleeves on garments all day, the robots will make room for You. And if Your bliss building robots (MANY of those) or programming robots (LOTS of those too), that's what You can do.
No One HAS to work for a living - but all MAY live to work. If You love painting, You can do so whenever and wherever You choose. Maybe put Your paintings on the web and give them to the Person who expresses the greatest appreciation. You won't charge MONEY but appreciation for Your work. You don't need money - all You need is available to order from the web. But You may get famous as a painter and have People begging for Your work...
If You LOVE to do research in biology, You can educate Yourself for free (teachers will be highly valued as They should be), and join in a research group, start Your own group, or strike out on Your own. You could earn recognition for finding a cure.
Maybe You LOVE to entertain... You could become famous for the parties You throw. Or perhaps You are avid about archaeology. You might make a famous discovery and earn name recognition like that. Conceivably You are happiest when You are cooking food for Others. With robots to help, You might open a restaurant and have Your name plastered all over the bloggosphere as the BEST. And then You might have to take reservations! You might be in Your bliss doing Others' hair and make quite a name for Yourself as a hairdresser. Or maybe You want to explore the planets and send pictures from each of them as You visit, while People back here watch Your daily broadcasts... Perhaps You love to design clothes - You might be invited to show Your creation at events put on by People who love to put on events and have everyOne wanting to wear YOUR styles. Maybe You just love to travel and explore this planet. Go for it.
So what will "replace money?" Social currency.
Your #2 is a scarcity paradigm assumption. No, with the new additions, We will NOT "go back to that level."
#3 - It is presently hidden in black projects, one of the methods is electrogravitics. I am beginning to think You really did not read fully The End of Entropy. I know about electrogravitics because My father, a CalTech graduate in electrical engineering, was a top engineer at one of the foremost aerospace companies in the 1950's. Back then He would come home and, with great excitement, tell Me about His work. He tried to explain how it worked, but I was too young to catch that, He told Me of the successful experiments He had done on the days He had done them - gravity control ("antigravity") and overunity ("free energy"), and like most kids want a favorite book read to Them over and over, I would beg My dad to tell Me what the world would look like because of His work. Every night. And He would describe flying cars, floating cities, "jet" packs (without jets), and all the energy We could want to use.
Then, one night, late 1959, maybe early 1960, He came home to tell Me We couldn't talk about the flying cars and floating cities, the "jet" packs and the free energy - We couldn't even say the word, "electrogravitics" - because, "They want it secret for now." And He never talked about His work again.
So, though that is not the only free energy source, I like it because I want a flying car. (They have MANY ways of creating overunity that They have bought and buried patents, threatened inventors and Their families, and even murdered for. Because once We have free energy, They lose Their power over Us via money.)
#4 - Of course it will eliminate jobs - but only the jobs no One WANTS to do. Since no One HAS to work, who cares about jobs being eliminated?
#5 - Oh, My dear Person. Have You taken a look at the robotics that is in the public domain? They've approved a robot driven car! They have robots that can sample and analyze the rocks on Mars, f'chrissake. The military is 50-100 years ahead of that! Believe Me. We DO have the tech to set robots to mining.
#6 - With robot chefs, no need to go out to eat well, but there will be plenty of People who will advertise on the web who will happily cook for You just for the joy of doing so and seeing Their creations appreciated. People can hunt around and make reservations on the web. As for vegetarian... There will be farm animals raised by robots (and People who LOVE to raise farm animals), all organically raise... There may not always be meat available - it will be first come, first served - but I don't see why You assumed there would be none.
#6.5 - Why do You think the fixer robots a) are BIG, and b) cannot fix each other? I see them as smallish, and fully capable of fixing one another.
#7 - Really?!? Do little leaguers play for the money? Or do They play for the fun and the chance at glory? I assure You, there will be PLENTY of Humans playing sports because They LOVE to play! They LOVE the shot at glory! They LOVE the fans! If They don't NEED money, They will play from the heart. Are You really so out of touch with Human nature to think no One would want to play just for the LOVE of playing games???
#8 - Then Zeitgeist has some serious issues. Taking away games from Humans is to condemn Them to a sad existence. They will become moody and unhappy if what They LOVE to do is denied Them. Competition is GOOD for Us, when it is friendly (and money makes it vicious) and played for the love of the game.
#9 - With a focus on bliss as the goal, every student will be studying what They LOVE, and students who LOVE what They are studying very rarely fail to learn superbly. Think back on school. Wasn't there some subject You just loved? Didn't You excel in it? With no need for a "career," every student is free to study that which They are INTERESTED in. Teachers may or may not choose to give grades - that will depend on the teacher. But with only students who are truly interested in learning what any given teacher wants to teach, grades are likely completely unnecessary.
#10 - Why would People waste things? In fact, expect waste to drop radically. Rather than having to go to the store and buy stuff for a week, and then throw out anything that doesn't make it, One can order the ingredients for meals an hour before any given meal, have them delivered and prepared (by robots or not) and then eat the meal. Or if One wants, One can order a weeks worth... But overall, waste will go down right there. Then there is the fact that food will be distributed by need and not profit. That will eliminate HUGE amounts of waste - presently supermarkets throw out hundreds of thousands of TONS of food a MONTH. Food that didn't sell. Enough to feed most of the hungry on this planet. Theft-deterring packaging will be eliminated. Paper products like plates, bowls, cups and other "disposable" items will not be used - robots will collect the china (or whatever permanent thing they are made of) and clean them and put them away. No need for the "disposable" stuff. No, nobody will have to worry, BUT... It will be seen as bad form to waste stuff just because You can. That is counter to the sustainability that is part of the paradigm.
#11 - This makes no sense. If You have no child to love, You cannot love one. If You have no money to love, You cannot love it.
#12 - There IS no way to improve money. Money is flawed inherently. It allows for some to live in privilege while the many suffer (1% vs 99%), it promotes greed, it motivates People to do unethical things like steal, defraud, hurt and even kill. (People are killed for inheritance all the time!) In 5,000 years, money has not changed. It corrupts, it segregates, it creates classes and conflict, it motivates the war profiteers to instigate war so They can make a profit, it leaves many starving, it debases Humanity.
And since We now have the way to eliminate the NEED for it, with new developments, Let's just get rid of it.
And to answer Your question about what motivates People beyond money (and sex)... If You haven't seen it yet, here's a short list:
Personal satisfaction
Name recognition
Love for People
Physical "high"
Good Works
Doubt this? How many People go to a job They don't much care for or even hate, and come home and tinker with something because They love to tinker? Or paint a picture? Or play music? Or [fill in the blank] - only because it relaxes Them, or gives Them pleasure or makes someOne happy or...any reason other than because it makes money? Humans are very motivate, and if the energy was not being sapped from Them making 1% very rich, They would spend Their time doing things because They LOVE to do them.