I Don't Call Them Ghosts, I Call Them Other Frequency Beings

Lady of Light

This is mainly a post in response to Gypsy about the brown furry friend seen around me, but it is also to give some relief to others who may be experiencing similar things.

Lately,ever since March of this year (2012) when I fully opened up and have been shining my light more brightly to be seen by all, I have been receiving many "guests" in my home. This includes people as well as animals. The animals are mostly dogs and cats. Right now (May 2012) I have numerous entities living with me. I see white images, outlines, of people quite frequently, I also hear the people moving around in my home. About a week ago, I had a cat jump onto my bed while I was lying down watching tv. For the last 2-3 weeks, there has been a strong smell of wet dog every so often in different parts of the house. We do not have any pets at this time, and the windows are closed when these dog smells will occur, so it is not coming from neighboring animals. It's been many years since I've 'owned' a dog, and the cats we had have been gone for over 4 years, so I do know what it is like when they are around. Also, back to the dog smell, none of us have left the house and/or have been around a dog. I used to see dog-like shadow / white images around the house so, I know, it's coming from the visitors that have decided to share my home.

So, to what Gypsy had said about seeing a brown furry friend, possibly a cat or a small dog, I would imagine this is what is being seen. I cannot see those details myself, that has not been shown to me. I simply sense them, smell them, and/or hear them. I have been considering getting a small dog in the future, but that is not until the children are grown enough to handle having a dog around and are not in a stage where they will hurt the poor thing; I also do not want the dog to hurt them. So, it's not impossible that this is what you may be seeing as well Gypsy. If it is the first of the two, then I would be happy to hear more about what you see around me.
I think a lot of us experience similar things, but either ignore it, or don't believe it's happening. Most people will pass it off because they are too busy rationalizing their daily lives and don't have time to deal with anything paranormal. Then you have those that KNOW its happening, but won't say anything because anything to do with ghosts is still in the stage of "your crazy".

Hopefully with posts like this, we can turn that mentality around!

Thanks Lady!
I refer to them as interdimensional or extra dimensional beings but other frequency beings sure works just as well.

Yes, you are right on the money with that one, however, I thought I would keep it simple for those who may not understand the terminology. Other Frequency, I figured would be a better term to use in this case. It was more for beginners; those just getting into the paranormal, and those who are just simply looking for comfort in what is happening to them. In any case, all three terms are speaking of different frequency beings.
Lady Light~White walls with darkwood floors,.and for some reason,.a closet with a "pillow" in it,..Don't see this closet door closed much,.as if something does come in and out of it,.there is definatley something on the floor in this closet. And feel this closet is upstairs in a bedroom..:)
That all makes PERFECT sense to me! :) I can see why you are seeing what you are around me. And, yes, it's a pillow! :)

Lady of Light :)
I'm so relived my feelings were right,.it's hard to convey these things to others,.the fear of being mistaken or wrong,.limits the connection, but i have found that it is what it is,.i was also going to mention a pair of brown "work boots" of some sort in this closet as well,.it is a neat area,.but these boots are "tossed" in,..landing to the left of this "pillow",..:)
Same room, same feeling, so I can see why it comes through the way it does. Like i said, it makes perfect sense to me.

As for worrying about being mistaken or wrong, don't focus on that. I sometimes struggle with that, especially for those that I know. It's irrelevant to be right or wrong, you see what you see. You can only convey what it is you see and feel is there. And THAT is what matters. You can never be wrong for what you are seeing, it is what is coming through to you. Not everyone understands the crypticness of these things, and end up missing what the message is, because they take things at face value instead of looking at the symbols.

You are seeing what is around me, almost literally, but all in a jumble. I can see that by what you are saying, so yes, you are right on the money! :)
I appreciate the way you put things,.you make me feel even more open to using this gift more openly,.and not be so worried if i am right or wrong,..when getting "feelings/images" in my mind,.i don't understand what they mean,.i mean really,.i'm talking about boots,a pillow,.and a closet,.i don't get it,.but i guess i am glad that you do,.to me it makes no sense,.when feeling/seeing these things i go with first gut,.i don't try to "find" other things,.i only see what i see,.and for you,.it is this room and this closet,.would you be open to letting me know what these things mean to you? if not i completley understand,.i just feel it would help me learn something about what it is and why it is,.i see things,.without ever meeting the person~,.thanks,.it's always great talking to you,.:)
Well, the closet is literally, in this case a closet, and the pillow in the closet, is literally a pillow in the closet. I'm not sure if it's still in there, or if I took it out, but in my mind, it's still in there. The workboots are up on a shelf above the door. All of these are in my bedroom. the closet seems to have energy connected with it, always has. that's where I'll get lots of feeling and smells and such. It is also where I face in bed when I get most of my visions before I sleep.

the white walls and dark wood floor is where I spend the majority of my days here at work in my living room. I have a dark laminate wood-looking floor.

So what you are tuning into is where I focus most of my time in my home. :)

Visions and feelings are not usually important for the one seeing or feeling, they are most important for who you are seeing for. Visions should look cryptic, because it's not for you necessarily to decipher. I only wish someone would have shared this with me a long time ago. It makes it a lot easier when you take the worry out of it and stop trying to figure out what you're seeing. :)