If the earth was hollow and you traveled to the center of it, what would happen?

If it was hollow, and you went to the same place where the core was before...you and everything about you would be recycled.
If the earth was hollow, nothing would happen (nothing save the lower gravitational force on us). However, we would've adapted to that already, and we would not fall off, nor would we be crushed if it occured naturally, as even if the gravitational forces of the solid area are so great that they would attract each other, their own attraction will be equalled out by that of the opposition's.
u would have been pulled towards the core , because , the center of the earth has high gravitational field.
If you had a uniform, hollow sphere, there'd be effectively no gravity inside, because the mass of the planet would be pulling you equally in all directions. It would all cancel out. You would just sort of float around.If this sort of thing amuses you, look up the Dyson Sphere. It's an idea for making a giant hollow planet with a star inside. Shows up in a lot of science fiction...
We'd all die from Cosmic irradiation without the magnetic field.And you'd float if you were in the exact center, assuming that there was a roughly perfect sphere of nothing inside the earth shell, and the shell was of a uniform material. Otherwise you'd be pulled in to the center of gravity, which would be pushed off in the direction of the most mass.Even if you were floating perfectly in the center, you'd still have to deal with the Moon, which would pull you out in a little circular pattern around the center of the Earth's gravity. Assuming it hadn't flown off into space for lack of the center of the Earth that is.
Nothing, you would keep on going unless you had a rocket along to slow you down. There is no gravitational force inside a hollow sphere of uniform density.For the same reason, you would not be pulled apart.You would not float there unless you could stop yourself there.You would not be crushed.The PROOF of all these assertions requires calculus.