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Last week, World Jewish Congress president Ronald Lauder, had described Jacques Rogge, president of the International Olympics Committee (IOC) – “unfeeling” and “completely out of touch” for refusing to observe a ‘minute of silence’ in the memory of 11 Israeli atheletes killed during a Mossad false flag operation at the Munich Olympics in 1972.

However, as result of a petition signed by more than 103,000 Israelis and their supporters to America’s first Jewish President Barack Obama and pro-Israel Crypto-Jew Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, Jacques Rogge has fallen on his knees to please the Israel Lobby.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of London Olympics on Monday that included London mayor Boris Johnson, Lord Coe, chairman of the London Olympic organising committee and Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt, he said he wanted to honour the memory “of the 11 Israeli Olympians who shared the ideals that have brought us together in this beautiful Olympic village”.

“I’d like to thank Jacques Rogge and the IOC for what was an appropriate, heartfelt observation of remembrance at the Truce Wall in the Olympic Village,” said Mr Johnson. “It was an honour to be part of the IOC’s moment of reflection.

Incidently, Israeli Mossad is part of the security team at the London Olympics. So, don’t get shocked if you read about another Mossad false flag operation in London during the Olympics.

IOC gives in to Israel demand | Rehmat calling