
Truth feeder
By Joseph Krauss (AFP) – Oct 19, 2010 JERUSALEM — The Dead Sea scrolls, containing some of the oldest-known surviving biblical texts, are to go online as part of a collaboration between Israeli antiquities authorities and Google, developers said on Tuesday.
The 3.5 million dollar (2.5 million euro) project by the Israeli Antiquities Authority and the internet giant's local R&D division aims to use space-age technology to produce the clearest renderings yet of the ancient scrolls and make them available free of charge to the public.
"This is the most important discovery of the 20th century, and we will be sharing it with the most advanced technology of the next century," IAA project director Pnina Shor told reporters in Jerusalem.
The IAA will begin by using multi-spectral imaging technology developed by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration to produce high-resolution images of the sometimes-faded texts that may reveal new letters and words.
They will then partner with Google to place the images online in a searchable database complemented by translation and other scholarly tools...
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Toronto’s Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) in cooperation with Zionist entity’s Antiquities Authority – is hosting an exhibition titled “Dead Sea Scrolls: Words that Changed the World”, from June 27 to January 3, 2010.

The Dead Sea Scrolls, along with thousands of other Palestinian heritage article were looted by the invading Jewish army from Rockefeller Museum in East Jerusalem in 1967. Fatah’s prime minister Salam Fayad has lodged a complaint with Ottawa against holding an exhibition of stolen artifacts – which is considered ‘anti-Semitism’ by the Canadian Jewish Lobby.

Canadian would have better luck than professor Robert Eisenman and professor Philip Davies (University of Sheffield) who in the Spring 1986 approached the Scrolls Curator at Israel Museum and were told: “You will not see the Scrolls in your lifetimes.”

In 1947, a group of children stumbled upon the first set of Scrolls in a cave on the shores of the Dead Sea. Thanks to the Zionist advisers of the British Mandate authorities – they were immediately declared as the work of some devout Jewish community which lived centuries before the birth of Jesus (as). After the creation of Zionist entity – the further search of other caves was given to a small group of Jewish ‘international’ scholars. The archives were officially opened in September 1991.

Interestingly, the Scrolls in addition to many other prophecies – predicts the coming of two Messiahs – one for the “priestly” works and the second for the “kingly” works. These predictions could relate to prophet Jesus (as) and the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Jesus, according to Matthew 22:21; preached peace and submissiveness and leave the rule of land to others. He (John 16:7-14) told his followers that he yet had many things to teach them but they could not bear them yet and that another messenger would be coming after him who would teach them the complete truth.

Jews have waiting for the Messiah who could lead them to power and grandeur. That’s why the Jewish leaders asked each of John the Baptist (Yahya) and Jesus – if he was the promised Messiah? Each is reportedly replied that he was not “the Messiah” they were expecting. Jesus told them that “the Messiah” they were waiting for would not come until later.

The Dead Sea Scrolls confirms the Qur’anic message while refuting the Jewish and Christian doctrines in its various texts. Hassan Uddin Ahmad’s article titled The Dead Sea Scrolls explains those in some details.

On May 25, Khaleej Times Online published Karin Friedemann’s article titled Israel Steals Palestinian Heritage, History, saying:

The Israeli exhibition violates international conventions or protocols that Canada has ratified and that protect cultural property during armed conflict. The State of Israel seized the Jordanian-owned Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem in 1967 to take possession of the scrolls and has continued to loot similar Palestinian cultural property from the Occupied Territories ever since. Under the 1970 Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property and the 1954 Hague Convention along with its two associated protocols, Canada is legally obliged “to take appropriate steps to recover and return any such cultural property” at the request of the wronged party.

The Dead Sea Scrolls exhibition is part of Israel’s effort to re-brand itself. According to The Economist, American Jewish groups and Israeli diplomats are trying to create the perception of Israel as “hip, cool, cultured, fun and creative.” The campaign has included placing sexually suggestive advertisements in MAXIM and other men’s magazines.

Harvard Professor Stephen Walt suggests in his Foreign Policy blog that the re-branding effort is foredoomed to failure: “Restoring Israel’s image in the West isn’t a matter of spin or PR or ‘re-branding;’ it’s a matter of abandoning the policies that have cost it the sympathy it once enjoyed. It’s really just about that simple.”

Dead Sea Scrolls coming to Canada | Rehmat's World