Judea declares war on Scottish whisky


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According to Israel daily, Ha’aretz (June 12, 2011) – the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC) – a partnership of 250 Jewish men’s clubs with more than 25,000 members in the US and Canada – has joined with many Synagogues in Israel, US and Canada to boycott Kiddush-favorite whisky brewed in West Dunbartonshire Council in Scotland.

The boycott is Zionists’ Talmudic vengeance for Dunbartonshire Council’s boycott of certain Israeli goods. The British Jewish Chronicle, the mouthpiece of the British Friends of Israel has equated the Dunbartonshire Council with Islamic Iran and Saudi Arabia (though the later is a close ally of US and Israel).

Jameel Rashid, the pseudonym for a coward Zionazi Israeli Jews who writes the popular Hasbara Muqata blog, and the author of the widely read website Israellycool – has urged his crowd to write to Dunbartonshire Council members about their displeasure.

The Council has reaffirmed it support for BDS following the false allegations made by Jewish Lobby against it.

The hugely popular Chivas Regal blended whisky range is produced by Strathisla, one of the oldest whisky distillery founded in 1786.

In 2009, Israel declared war on Turkish coffee in response to airing of Turkish TV drama Ayrilik (Farewell) showing Israeli soldiers as child-killers during Israel’s ‘Operation Cast Lead’ against 1.5 million Palestinians trapped inside Gaza Strip.

Judea declares war on Scottish whisky | Rehmat's World