[Rant] Lady of Light's Journal of Rants: A Collection of Thoughts and Feelings That Should Not Be Ignored

Lady of Light

August 18[SUP]th[/SUP] 2012

Feeling Lost or Out of Place

It’s understandable to feel lost or out of place from time to time especially when on the path to enlightenment. I’m beginning to believe this is because of the fact that there was always something before, so now that there is nothing, there is a sense of something strange and unknown. I don’t think it’s a bad thing at all. In fact, I believe it is good to have these feelings, but with the feelings, you also need to be aware of them and why they are there. If you don’t, you WILL be lost.

Right now, as I write this at approximately quarter after 3 in the morning on August 18[SUP]th[/SUP] 2012, I am feeling lost. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be doing, or where my life is supposed to be going. I know that what I am doing is right. I know that I am on the right path and things fall in line, but I just feel lost and alone. I am not used to this feeling. When meditating on the “why”, I was told “it’s ok”, and that “it’s part of the separation from the mundane world; separation from the social interaction and need of what once was”.

I know the message is right. I know that this world is an illusion. All existence is illusion, but it is also an illusion that is created on a mass scale and is very intricately intertwined with all other branches of ego that the one is split into. We are here to experience everything from every aspect we can.

I often think that the one got so bored and there was nothing because it is everything so it decided to branch itself off into many beings on many levels of existence and created multiple realities in which these “beings” reside. By doing so gives a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, because after all, the only ego that need exist, is the whole, and that is not us as separate beings. We are a whole being together, but apart, we are needy.

I don’t even know if what I’m writing makes any sense anymore. I tuned out a few minutes ago while I was typing and I am not even really looking at the message that is coming through anymore.

I just know that to be alone is ok. To accept being alone is better. To be near others is ok too. But in order to be happy and to be in a tranquil state, we must all find our way of being. We need to find what is right for each of us and go with it and be; not only be, but be peaceful and harmonious with everything and everyone.

This is one of those times that I have slipped off into a more tranquil state and have shut off everything around me and just sit and type. I am at peace and I don’t even realize what is being put down on paper. I love these moments. It’s kind of funny when I go over these documents later though. I’ll start reading through and say to myself “did I write that?” and be in complete bewilderment. I laugh to myself and just continue to read as if I’m reading someone else’s message. After all, most of the time it IS someone else’s message; that’s why I don’t remember writing it.

I wish I could do more to help this world and the people in it. I wish I could go out and just give everyone what they need. I know the time is coming where that will happen, but I really want to be able to give it now. I know that I will be needed when the proverbial shit hits the fan, and I am ready. Well, I feel that I am ready; I guess only time will tell.

Speaking of time, I know that it has been mentioned before, but I will mention it again because it can never be said too many times, time does not exist anywhere but in our minds. Time is a group collective consciousness of how this reality holds itself in place. Time is the biggest of the ties that holds us down and keeps us “grounded”. Really, we shouldn’t WANT to be grounded, we should want to soar. Time does not allow us to be free. Time holds us to a “norm” that is not normal for our bodies or our minds. We need to grasp the concept of what time really is in order to rid ourselves of it and just live. That is one of the first steps toward happiness and freedom.

There are so many people out there that think they NEED to work in order to survive. This is not so. People survived before society as it is today, and we can do it again. Yes, it’s good that we have such amenities now such as running water, indoor plumbing, electricity, etc, but we don’t need to slave away in offices and factories for corporations who control everything and manufacture garbage just to say we are making it. These companies mass produce the cheapest products possible that just end up in landfills very quickly and then you have to buy more. That’s consumerism for you. It’s terrible, and it makes me sick.

Cars should last a lot longer than 5 years like their target is. It’s all about money. And what is money? Control. Money is the carrot dangling in front of the donkey to get it to work. We don’t need it and we can live without it if people get educated on it instead of just living the way that their parents lived and their parents lived and the false knowledge that has been passed on for generations. I’m tired of hearing “That’s the way it is, and that’s the way it’s been, and you can’t change it.” You CAN change it, and it has to start somewhere, so start now!

Lady of Light

August 21[SUP]st[/SUP] 2012

As I sit here in my current state, I can’t help but find myself just wanting to type up my thoughts, once again. I’ve got so much “thought process” going on that things just need to come out ‘as is’ and that be that. Some of what goes on in my mind is random thought (or at lease seemingly random thought), and some of it is channeled tidbits here and there mixed in with my thoughts. Sometimes it’s just nice to sit and get EVERYTHING out and not have to sort through it all for those gems which are not my own.

Really, everything I think is not my own, but I like to attribute the really good stuff to the higher levels and keep the lower insignificant stuff as my own. I think most of us do that though. At least those of us who acknowledge that we receive these messages, or parts of messages from elsewhere. The really really good stuff I will save for their own posts for things that are channeled, but for now, I am just simply rambling on about whatever comes to mind.

I feel it’s healthy to get stuff out of one’s head and onto paper, or in this case digital document. I find it helps to be able to look at things in this world and in this reality and make more sense of it all. Thoughts are lost, even when they are strongly significant to waking up to a realization that this is all just a dream world. Fleeting thoughts are often more important than those that stay with us. All of what I’m typing out here is just that, fleeting thoughts.

I was never one for keeping a journal or a diary when I was younger. I could never think of what to put down in it; nothing would ever come to mind. In grades 9 and 10, we were forced to keep a journal in Religion class I believe it was. I was never very good at it. Even when the teacher would give us a subject, I would still only write a few lines, and that was difficult. Now, I find myself just wanting to get my thoughts out in any manner possible; and this has become my outlet.

I have so many thoughts at any given time that it is difficult to sort out sometimes and I find myself keeping point form notes; something to go back on and reference when needed. But, in the last few days, I have the need to just ramble on. I guess that’s what blogs are for, eh? An online journal into the minds of others. I won’t be putting my rambles up in a blog, I will be putting them out in the open in the forum where they will get the most attention. I COULD put them in the blog section, but I choose not to.

Today I find myself wondering how on earth can people still be so blinded to the fact that they don’t NEED money to survive? How can they not see that there is more out there than the mundane world in which they live? How can they be so darn hypnotized and brainwashed to believe that what they are doing is living like drones and mindlessly doing as the government and society dictates?

School is where it all begins. School has children starting into the societal patterns from the age of 4, training them into social norms. School is not there to teach anyone how to survive in this world; it is there to teach us how to make money and conform to socialism, consumerism, and capitalism. It teaches us to follow orders no matter what. It teaches us to not question authority. Am I the only one who sees that as wrong? I KNOW I’m not the only one because I’ve heard David Icke talk about it too. And HE makes it make a lot of sense. Schools are prisons in which you are only allowed to leave once you’ve been brainwashed to their standards. And if you leave before that, you are shunned by society and you are not allowed to be “in the club” with everyone else.

Another thing about schools that gets me is the fact that gradeschool is free, highschool has a nominal fee (at least here in Canada), and colleges and universities need funding to get a higher education. If we NEED schooling, then why should we have to pay for it at all? It should ALL be free.

I have some ideas as to why colleges and universities require you to pay, but I don’t know if I will be able to relay the message in a way that makes sense, but I will try my best.

Higher education, such as college and university make you pay because what they teach is copyrighted. That and they force you to pay for your indoctrination, whether you get your degree in anything or not. Those papers that say that you are “qualified” come at a high price and if you don’t have them, then you are not allowed to perform the duties assigned to the job that the papers go with. You can’t just learn at home, on your own, or even with an experienced person teaching you who’s been doing it all their life and quite well at that, because it’s all about enslavement.

To be a slave is as such: to work for someone else to have the means to survive. So, what is society setup to do? It set up in such a way that we WANT to have jobs and we WANT to make money in order to have the things that we need and want. People have been made into WILLING slaves. To live without money is not hard, if everyone does it. It is only hard if you are the only one trying to do it in a city where everyone else WANTS to use it and rely on it. Sure, you could move out into the bush and get a gun for hunting and go fishing in the lakes and rivers and streams and ponds, but that’s just not feasible for most people. We have been brought up over the years to become reliant upon what the cities have to offer us; we have become reliant upon convenience.

People didn’t used to live this way, and they didn’t need money to get by. They lived off the land and they were happy doing so. We live, today, in a world of convenience and not in a world of necessity. Most of the things that we have today are not necessary for survival, but they keep our minds numbed and keep us in the state that of cattle and sheep. That is why the general public is referred to as “sheeple”. It doesn’t have to be like this. The only reason we are stuck in this state is because it is so darn hard for people to accept that there is more out there than what they see. People are afraid, and that fear is what keeps us locked in the state of non-growth.

Oh sure, it looks like we are growing as a people and as a culture/society. We’ve got all these new technological advances and all these gadgets which allow us to do all sorts of things that we couldn’t do before. But what is it doing to your soul, your spirit, your mental and emotional well being. From a (and I hate to use the word but here goes) spiritual standpoint, you will never evolve and grow as a being when you hold yourself in place with all these things that you can live without. All of these gadgets that we all rely on so much provide us with services and abilities that if we took the time to meditate and grow spiritually (I really don’t like that word, and I only use it to relate to the layman. I do not mean it in a religious way at all) we could easily achieve on our own. No technology needed.

Since this world is an illusion, and the world beyond this one is an illusion, we create what we see and what we believe, we need to treat it as such. Treat this world as what it really is and start doing the things that make us happy and healthy and stop listening to the governments and their misguided rules that don’t make any sense. Stop forcing your children to “be like everyone else” and start allowing them to be themselves and nurture the abilities and interests that they have. Be loving to everyone, not just a select few. A smile never hurt anyone, but has helped billions. Show care in everything that you do and say. Don’t make negative comments, even if you’re joking; not everyone thinks it’s funny and you’d be surprised how much it actually hurts.

They say that one person can’t change the world, but I beg to differ. 1 person can make a huge impact and change all kinds of things. We are all gods, people, and we need to start realizing the powers that we all possess and make good use of them for the betterment of all mankind in this realm and in every other realm. I make a difference. You make a difference.

Just by writing this, I’m making a difference. And by you reading it, YOU are making a difference. It doesn’t matter whether or not you agree with anything that I have to say, that part is irrelevant. What matters is that you read it and now you will spread that knowledge whether by letting people know verbally, in writing, or just simply by the 100[SUP]th[/SUP] monkey effect.

People always think they need to go out and take action to make things change and get things done. Ultimately, that is where things lead, but you only need to talk about it, and think about it for change to take place. Once everyone, or at least most, are on the same page, the same level of thinking, then action can be taken and taken successfully and change will happen. That’s how it works whether you want to believe it or not.

Your thoughts are the most powerful thing we have in this world. You create everything with your own thoughts. The more people that focus on something, the greater the energy is put into creating that thing that is being focused on, whether it be peace, or getting a new car, or having money, or whatever it is that is wanted. It can happen, and it DOES happen. You can do it alone, but if you have others focuses too, it makes things that much easier and makes things happen sooner. This world is a group collective bunch of thoughts and that is the glue that holds it in place and keeps it what it is. We need to focus on change and so that we can truly LIVE and not be slaves to anyone.

You know, these little rants get easier and easier as time goes on, and it feels pretty good too. I will try to do this whenever the mood hits me and I have the opportunity when it is quiet and I don’t have too many interruptions. It really is difficult to find the time sometimes when you have small children, but I have to do it, or else this world will never change.

Oh, that’s another thing. Teach your children from the beginning of their little lives how important it is to be a loving person and to not harm others. Teach them peace instead of hatred and violence. Remember, children listen to every word you say even when you don’t think they are listening (especially when you are talking to someone else). They pick up your actions and your words and they repeat what they see and hear, so make a good example and be loving and peaceful yourself.

I’m sure some of you think that if you don’t teach your kids to defend themselves that they will get bullied. While true in some respects, that is only because everyone thinks that way so that is why we HAVE bullies. If EVERYONE teaches their kids peace and love and forgiveness, then there would be no bullying and there would be no need for your children to defend themselves.

Yes, I know, there are those kids who are abused by adults and turn around and take it out on other kids, and even animals. The best way to deal with a bully is to ignore them and laugh with them, and send them as much love as possible, because obviously, they need it.

You know, words are not really my strong-suit sometimes. I tend to lose the message in translation. When trying to translate from thought to words, a lot of the time the message becomes not clear and it is simply mangled and some of it lost. I do try sometimes to choose the best possible way to word things and try to find the RIGHT words to convey what the thought is, but it doesn’t always work out.

Language is a tool that is not complete. Telepathy is a way more accurate way of “conversing” with people. With telepathy, the thought goes through without needing translation and there is no loss. I guess I could go with computer terms here to somewhat describe what I mean.

Spoken and written language can be likened to that of an image on the computer. Telepathy would be the image in its raw format (BMP for example). When you compress the image to a smaller size (JPG for example), it looks the same but there is data lost when compressing the image.

Again, there is something lost in even this analogical translation, but I hope you get the point. Computer people will, and they will think I am an idiot for the way I have explained it, but I don’t really care what they have to say because that is irrelevant. It is the point that matters, not the accuracy of what is happening when an image is compressed. The point is data is lost when converting from one format to another.

This is another reason why a lot of people have trouble conveying the things that they have to say on many a subject. The translation is the best they could come up with for the information that they had, so they relay in the best way they know how at the time. It is a reason that some of what people say makes sense, and some of the rest of what they say is seemingly lost. It’s not at all that they are lost, it’s that the translation is not there for what the thought is.

And this is one of those things that I have recently come to understand about all these other channelers and people who just go on youtube and speak their minds on stuff. It’s not that they’re not right, it’s that the message is not translated in a way that makes everyone understand, that’s all. Heck, even the stuff that I talk about isn’t always translated right. Well, the stuff that I channel usually comes in direct and I’m not even the one doing the typing, so I can’t attribute mistranslation on MY part, but I have to agree that, yes, it is also mistranslated sometimes by those who are doing the translating before it gets to the keyboard. They do their best, and a lot of the time it makes lots of sense, but sometimes it’s not quite right, and so they will sometimes try again.

I think I’ll end my rant for today right here. I’ll have lots more stuff to talk about coming up; I always do. Sometimes I think that I should write a book with the plethora of information and thoughts that go through my head at any given time.

It’s good to think, it means you’re alive and you serve a purpose other than to be a mindless drone who slaves away all day every day. We are so much more than we know and it’s time we start realizing it and start living up to our true potential. Be the god that you are and stop relying on others for your power. And stop GIVING your power away to others, too. You are, and you CAN!


New member
I read your rant, and believe alot of what you say. I also believe they're doing a poor job in educating the children. Mostly due to the Deppt of Eduation and the teachers union. I too, have heard David Icke, though it's been awhile since I've heard him talk.
My difficulty is not being able to recreate a better "reality" (for want of a better description) to live in for my friend and myself.
We just had a rent increase of $25.00 and they don't do too much around here to earn it, we're "trapped" here with no way to move to a better place. While $25.00 isn't alot of money to most people it is if one of us living on a very fixed income, and is set in her ways for far too long to try to make her understand that there is a better way of thinking, but I am open to it.
I have lived for awhile without alot of money due to the recession and unfortunate set of circumstances that led me to this current situation that we both find ourselves in.

Lady of Light


This is just the stuff that randomly comes and goes through my head. I thought it was about time I shared.

I've got a lot more coming. This is what I will be doing in between channeling sessions. I should have been doing this a long time ago.

Lady of Light

August 21[SUP]st[/SUP] 2012 – session 2

There are 2 types of beliefs, working beliefs and permanent beliefs. Most people I would have to say (at least the ones I’ve observed) are of the mindset of permanent beliefs. It’s not that permanent beliefs can never be changed, it’s more along the lines that they are so deeply rooted that they are difficult to change. For example: people who are really into their religion (doesn’t matter which “god” they choose to put their faith in) have permanent beliefs, especially about their religion. That’s probably the easiest example that people can relate to without calling me too many bad names.

I have what I refer to as “working beliefs” or easier to understand, ever-changing beliefs. I still have some things that are rooted deep-in, but for the most part, my beliefs change often and rapidly as new information is presented. That’s not to say that I believe everything that comes my way, god knows that’s not true, but I do take in ALL the information and sort it as it needs to be sorted. And if that means that I have to throw out something that I believed before, and start believing something else because at this time that is what fits in the “puzzle of life” then so be it. I don’t throw out any information that once was a belief, but I no longer hold it as “fact”. The truth is, NOTHING is fact no matter how much you believe it IS fact.

Speaking of facts, I never liked physics, more like the laws of physics. I don’t believe in the laws of physics, I never have and I never will. (That is my current belief.) I never knew why I felt this way until recently. Recently being the last couple of years during which time I’ve been naturally learning about the way the world is and how none of this is real and that none of it really matters anyhow so why worry about things. Well, physics only relates to our physical world, and the physical world is based on the energy world, so physics does not apply if you don’t want it to.

Yes, I’ve heard from different people talking about this stuff, and it all makes perfect sense. Time doesn’t exist, yet we create it to keep us set to a way of being, a way of life. I’ve let go of time somewhat by being able to be home all day and night and my children are homeschooled so the need for time-specific anything is not needed. We sleep when we want and wake up when we want. We keep to a more natural rhythm cycle of life. It’s more stress free this way and we get more accomplished in a day because of it. If you stick to a natural rest cycle and sleep when your body needs it and wake when your body needs it, you will be healthier and therefore happier all around.

I realize that with the way society is set up that this is not possible for most of you, but for those of you who can achieve this type of living, you should, it’s very healthy and very natural. You won’t be tired all the time from having to wake up at a certain time of day and you won’t have to feel guilty when you don’t get to bed until way after when you feel you should have. It’s this slavery confined world that causes us to be stressed out mentally, physically, and emotionally all the time. It’s not healthy to live the way society dictates.

Another thing that society is terrible for is the social drinking and partying. I know, I know, it’s fun and you all enjoy it. But what do most of you use it as? An escape from the stresses of life? If you didn’t have those stresses, would you do as much of it as you do now? Some people do it to “fit in” with everyone else, to not feel like an outcast from society so they go along with the crowd and do all these things that they wouldn’t necessarily do otherwise.

And then there’s the money issue on all this. People are always complaining that they have no money yet they still go out and drink and party and buy cigarettes and even drugs. What the heck is up with that? That doesn’t make any sense to me. If you can’t afford it, why do you do it? Don’t tell me it’s an addiction, cuz I don’t believe that one. If anything, you’re addicted to the lifestyle, not the product. You’re addicted to the feeling you get, not the thing that gives you that feeling.

You shouldn’t go out and do all these things just to fit in. That’s the absolute wrong reason to do ANYTHING. NEVER do ANYTHING just to fit in. For doing so, you are a SHEEP! Be yourself and do your own thing. If everyone followed that rule, then the world would be a better place and people would feel a lot better about themselves, that’s for sure.

Fashion. There’s another one of my “pet peeves”. Why the heck is everyone a slave to fashion? I don’t get it, never have.

Lady of Light

August 22[SUP]nd[/SUP] 2012

Sometimes it feels really nice to just go completely mindless and do activities that require absolutely no thought whatsoever. I find myself in those states more and more often lately. But you know what? I like it, it’s really quite helpful. It allows me to slip into that meditative trance that allows me to focus more deeply on the true self, that of energy and well being.

It’s amazing how much work I can get done at the computer when I am relaxed. The mind opens up to all kinds of things and thoughts and feelings flow through and it’s quite the jumble in there, but the most amazing things come out of it. Like right now. I’m sitting here just typing away my thought processes and it feels pretty good. What I write out may or may not make sense at times but that doesn’t matter. What matters is how it feels and how it relates to true reality.

True reality, I tend to spout off about that a lot, but I can’t help it. I’m like a broken record for most of what I say. Maybe if I type it out enough I won’t be thinking about it so much and won’t need to keep repeating myself after a time. I don’t care, no one has to read if they don’t want to. I’m just putting it out there because every little bit helps.

To truly just BE is one of my goals for not only myself but for the rest of this world as well. I feel that I am here on a mission or a journey of some sort to help those in need who are looking for the same type of goal. I believe myself to be a light being, that which is born into an earthly body to experience that which is in this world so that I can more closely relate to those around me to better help them.

You know, one of the things I like best about just sitting here and blathering to the computer is that no matter how much I get interrupted, it doesn’t really matter because when I finally get back to sitting down and taking care of business, my mind is at ease and slips right back into its usual nonsensical chatter, lol.

What I’d REALLY like to be doing right now is to be channeling, but I have to wait for something really good to cross over into this mess of ramble. When it does, I’ll be switching over to that, but for now, you have to put up with whatever crosses my mind that I CHOOSE to be thinking about.

I would like to choose A topic per day, or at least per session of sitting here, but I don’t know how well that will happen. I tend to go off in all kinds of directions.

Oh ya, it seems to be one of those days alright. Interruptions every few minutes. It sure is hard to keep your thoughts on track when that happens. I know a lot of other people can relate to that one.

I should probably go back to what I was talking about before, about mindlessness.

Mindlessness, as most people refer to it as, is not mindless at all. It’s more mindful than any other time. When you slip into the comatose state of “daydreaming” and your mind “wanders” you are more at peace than at any other time in your waking life. You are in the realm of the mind, therefore, are mindful, not mindless, even though it would appear from the outsider’s point of view that you are gone from your mind, but really, you’re not. People can’t see that even though you are not actively using your brain for conscious thought and action that you are not using your mind. They equate the brain with the mind, which I think is rather silly. They are 2 completely separate things. The brain I would say is more of an antenna, a device in which we have to access the mind, or higher consciousness.

I personally LIKE numbing my mind to access other things that are beyond the physical world. So, I do what I call “mindless gaming”. You know, playing games that are a complete waste of time but also require absolutely no thinking whatsoever in order to play. By doing this, I have ample time to go off into the realm of the mind and do a lot of searching and researching into all kinds of things. I even induce channels that way. It can be wonderful, even though it is seen as a complete waste of time. I actually avoided doing this kind of thing for the longest time BECAUSE of the fact that these games are there to keep the people subsided and not worrying about what’s going on around them. But, I gave in for a few reasons. I realized that I can reach more people if I am forced to interact with them daily, and I also realized that I do my best work when I don’t have to think about ANYTHING else, which these games provide.

I don’t know. That’s just what I’ve found that works best for me to get my mind going. For me it is the most comforting thing I can do to help me relay any information that I can to people. Just doing this here helps me even if it doesn’t help anyone else. But, I KNOW that it will help others even if it makes no sense at all. At least some people will surely be able to relate to another person’s thought processes and know that they are not alone in the way they think and go about doing things.

I guess I should have said ramblings, instead of rants in the title, eh? Oh well, I could change it, but I won’t. The title WAS channeled. I ramble so that others don’t necessarily have to. I rant in hopes that it will start a trend and others start doing it to. It’s really quite therapeutic, and I highly recommend it. Even if it is just for your own personal files, you should try it. Online ranting is good because it helps to share thoughts on everything and it helps to gather people together who never knew they had anything in common. It unites us as one, whether you think so now or not. Heck, it even may unite you in believing that I am crazy for doing this, lol. Either way, it unites people, and it’s healthy.

I’ve been having a good few days, energy-wise, and have had strong thoughts and dreams and such. I do have my up and down moments here and there and often struggle with the full gamut of emotions. The other day I was talking about feeling lost; that’s only part of it. I find myself ranging from anger to sadness to depressed to happiness to full on joy and elation, all in one day sometimes; other times it ranges throughout a week or 2. There’s also bouts of tired and exhaustion, mixed with insomnia. I’ve come to the conclusion that this is normal, especially when you are sensitive to outside energy. I’ve learned somewhat to determine whether or not some of these feelings are from my own physical body or whether they are from someone else’s. I’ve been known to feel drunk when someone ELSE is drinking, even from thousands of miles away.

There’s not just feelings from other people that come on, but there are those from the energy waves and surges that bombard us from day to day. All these solar flares for example have a huge effect on those of us who are sensitive to such things. If you’re not used to it, it can hit you like a ton of bricks. It can make you sick, tired, awake, etc. It can give you a wide range of emotion. And I have been experiencing those things, and I know others have as well. Sometimes I will be in the same category of feeling as those I’ve spoken to about it, but sometimes I’m not; sometimes I experience the complete opposite.

And then I have times like right now at this very moment where I have the feeling of I’m rambling on like an idiot and sounding like a lunatic that makes no sense and people will laugh at me. But then, I think about it and realize, “Who the heck cares. I don’t care what anyone thinks. They all do this too, just not publicly. I choose to be open with my thoughts and feelings on everything.” And then I feel better and go on with my day.

Even to those who know me well still, upon reading this, will get a deeper glimpse into myself that they never knew was there because I never shared all these thoughts before.

I’m gonna just end it there for today. The kids are WAY out of hand and there is no possible way for me to continue considering the fact that at the moment I wish I was deaf and couldn’t hear them they are so terribly noisy. I love them, I really do, but sometimes the noise is just too overpowering, especially when you have a migraine. They’re having fun, so I can’t really put an end to that. They’re happy. I’M not thrilled, but they are, and that’s more important.

Raving Lunatic out. LOL!


New member
No, you're not a lunatic you've just found a good way of releasing stress, maybe I should try it. I know I have alot of stress.

Lady of Light

No, you're not a lunatic you've just found a good way of releasing stress, maybe I should try it. I know I have alot of stress.


I HAVE to throw that in there to appease those who think that I am, lol.

And I would have to say it DOES release a lot of stress. It's becoming an amazing tool for me. New era, new abilities.


New member
Yes, I know. At the risk of sounding dumb, I went to the blog page a couple of times, and didn't quite understand how to set one up. I could write quite few things, if I indeed figure it out. If, I look at it long enough I hopefully, will.

Lady of Light

Yes, I know. At the risk of sounding dumb, I went to the blog page a couple of times, and didn't quite understand how to set one up. I could write quite few things, if I indeed figure it out. If, I look at it long enough I hopefully, will.

No, you don't sound dumb at all. It's confusing. The thing I don't like the most about it is when there are comments posted, it's not automatically set up to get a notification. The forum is. So, I've chosen to use the forum instead of the blog. That's my personal choice.

You could always start a 'blog post' like I did here; you wouldn't have to use the blog section if you didn't want to.


New member
Thanks for the idea, will try it, sounds alot easier then the other.

Hadn't thought about that, but I,too, would like to know when I get replies and/or suggestions from other people here

Lady of Light

August 30[SUP]th[/SUP] 2012

Do you ever have those days when you’re just so darn irritable and you have no clue as to why? Well, welcome to my world today. I’m so on edge and can’t figure out why. I feel extremely claustrophobic and the anxiety is just killing me. I’m jumpy and I’m tense.

I’m sure part of it is the fact that I haven’t been able to unwind and rant over the last week or so. I’ve just been so darn busy running around doing all kinds of stuff. I’ve been out picking tomatoes (home grown) that I planted in my parents’ huge garden, and with those we’ve been making and canning all kinds of tomato sauce. The trouble it takes now is worth it when we have food later. Then there was the Autism Ontario summer party on Sunday. That was killer, especially when you tend to not want to be around large groups of people and then suddenly with something like this, that’s what you’re around. A couple of us are sick from it, sore throats, congestion, fever, etc.

So, once again I was interrupted. But I seem to be back now, for how long, who knows. I don’t even know what to talk about anymore, I’m so lost for thought. I know a rant doesn’t really have to be about anything, and that’s the greatest part of all. Write down some crazy thoughts and who cares.

I DO feel much better now that I’ve gotten even this much down. Really, I’m not kidding when I say it’s therapeutic. Stress built up from not being able to get the things out from your head to other people can be the most stressful stress there is.

We each have our outlets for stress, and this seems to be mine. I can’t knit, I can only straight crochet (nothing fancy – no patterns), and there’s no way I can get my jigsaw puzzles out with the kids so young. I LOVE jigsaw puzzles, very soothing and relaxing; I can sit there for hours and I never want to stop. But, for now, I have this.

I can’t say I’ll have much time for this tomorrow with the canning and all. I just picked tomatoes yesterday and I’ve got hours of work ahead of me. Not looking forward to that. Thank god for those foam mats I can stand on while cutting the tomatoes for hours.

Well, it’s almost bedtime soon, and I’m for sure looking forward to that. Hopefully it won’t be one of those nights where I sleep for 3 hours and I’m up for the rest of the day. That happened on Saturday night. Went to bed around 9pm woke up around midnight and couldn’t get back to sleep for the life of me. Of course, that had to be the night where I NEEDED my sleep. Sunday was the Autism party which started at noon. Needless to say, by that point I was exhausted.

Nothing to do but the tomato sauce tomorrow, that is, unless something comes up that I’m unaware of at THIS time. That’s why I try not to plan anything anymore. Nothing ever goes to plan. I let things fall into place; things are much more peaceful that way.

Planning things…… that’s why I stopped having birthday parties for my kids. I tell people, if YOU want them to have a party then YOU plan it, I’m done. Everything goes wrong, and I’m the only one ever doing everything. For my son’s birthday I had him plan it himself. So, he did it; he planned his own 11[SUP]th[/SUP] birthday party. Gotta teach him some responsibility some time, eh? It all worked out. Besides, he didn’t really do EVERYTHING anyway. I did more than I wanted to, but somebody had to make sure the communications were handled accordingly.

I’m gonna end there for today. Oh and here come the kids.


New member
Yes, I do have those days, I seem to be more irritable now then ever before. I'm not psychic, or anything, but I do sense things are not right and I wonder when and what is going to happen. I worry not so much for myself, I have nothing to loose except SNAP but, my poor friend at least has her Social Security and Medicare A & B to worry about. And then me if I lose what poor benefits I do have.
Now I see that blogging is a way to release as you say just as I was arguing with my friend last night because I told her too much info about the strange people we have living here. Today the aforesaid couple I mentioned have been outside since 10a.m. still out at 9:20 pm. with all there young friends and older guy who lives here who likes to go around too talking, forever talking, I can't figure it out. It's not natural to me but yet they do it. This morning someone was breaking glas
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Lady of Light

Sept 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] 2012 and 4th

What if gravity is not at all what we think? What if we are upside down? Our vision, after all is flipped, so what if we are actually upside down to what we think we are and we perceive things as right side up? What if WE are on the INSIDE of the planet?

Growing up, we were taught that gravity is caused by the force of the earth spinning. This never made sense to me then, and as I got older, it made even less sense to me. If the earth spinning is causing us to stay on it, then that throws a wrench into things. Centrifical force is the force of something spinning and throwing things outward or off. Gravity makes no sense in the way that they explain it unless we are inside the planet and not on the outside of it as they claim.

Wow, we got to September 4[SUP]th[/SUP] already without me finishing what I was saying, lol.

No, really, I’m starting to wonder if we are on the inside of a planet. It’s one of those things that things aren’t at all what they seem, and somehow, this reality that we’ve created with the rules that we created have us inside as opposed to outside the planet. I know, it’s hard to wrap your head around, but once you do, it all makes sense.

Whether or not it’s true, it gives more to think about when it comes to what is real and what is not. I choose not to meditate on this one to gain further knowledge (if it comes) because I just feel like going on about further possibilities to reality as we know it.

I WILL get back to channeling stuff. I’ve got some good stuff coming up, but for now, this is my ventilation space. This is my air to breathe when I have none.

What really IS reality anyway? Does anyone REALLY know? No, of course they don’t. We’re told that if it exists, if we can touch it, smell it, see it, taste it, hear it, then it is real and THAT is our reality. The truth of the matter is, ALL of that can be fooled. ALL of our 5 senses can be fooled. Hell, even our 6[SUP]th[/SUP] sense can be fooled, if we let it. I truly believe that “reality” is what WE make it to be. Reality is based on personal as well as group beliefs. But when the group is wrong, or even when you personally are wrong, then what is real? But who decides what is wrong and what is right? WE do. We ALL do, every single day that we choose to exist in the realm we call ‘reality’. Nothing is real, yet EVERYTHING is real all at the same time.

So, therefore, we exist on the outside of a spherical planet, as well as on the inside. But the beliefs of the scientific community and what is taught through schools makes us live on the inside of a spherical planet but believe that we are on the outside of it.

Confusing, yes, but I think it’s meant to be. If it wasn’t confusing, then how could we learn anything? The basis of learning is to always question. Don’t accept anything for what you are told it is. To accept someone else’s beliefs leaves you following someone else, and you don’t know where that road will lead you. You may not like where that person is going. Make your own path, follow your own path and lead your own way. Ask many questions along the way and take as many turn-offs as you like; you can always go back to that fork in the road and take the other way to check it out to see where that will take you. Heck, you can take multiple paths simultaneously.

Everything that CAN happen WILL happen and IS happening. Your consciousness is what keeps you focused on any given point in time and/or space.

You know, I just realized something. I’ve always had it in me to confuse people, and I’ve always said that I LIKE to confuse people, but up until now, I didn’t know WHY I felt this way. Well, it finally occurred to me; I like to confuse people because it makes them have to re-think things. Philosophy too; that’s one of my favorite things. I love to speak philosophically, it makes you have to think, and re-think, and re-think.

It’s amazing what you realize when you just let your thoughts flow freely.

Well, I should end this here for tonight. I have some Tarot and visual readings to do before bed, so I’ll be off to prepare for those.


New member
Lady of Light,
There is someone who has built a special observatory in a remote canyon in America where the observer has to lie down , and the view is of a concave night sky.
I will try and find a link.
I see linda brown has joined, so talk about gravity will be interesting( Linda is the daughter of Dr TT Brown , who knew a thing or two about gravity)
I would suggest that there is no such force presently called gravity, instead the normal condition We experience is a net consequence of competing fields, I would strongly recommend a book called UNITY by David Barclay....it is difficult to comprehend at first, as Your present indoctrinated ego will oppose a totally different basis of reality.
It will be easier for Yourself as You are not so firmly entrenched in that indoctrination.


New member
Interesting idea. What really does make us cling to this planet. Maybe the magnetic field. If that continues to weaken then what happens. Saw a Syfy movie with that premise one time. Another planet (I think Mars or Mercury) was coming into our atmosphere, and weakening the magnetic field at different tide levels I think it was, or maybe solar bursts whatever, one scene had the cars that were on the freeway floating up to the sky. Maybe they're trying to relay a message in that movie?

What if like Michio Cacko (spelling I'm not sure of) who is a theoretical physcist, says, the parellel universe exists on different levels, he explains it like an lp record. Similar to what I've heard different psychics say the afterlife on the other side. What if we are living parellel lives at this point? Like in another world WW11 never happened, 9/11 never happened, whatever we are in this universe, we're different in another.

I do believe we've been programmed to a certain extent, they're probably doing it alot more now, then when I was in school.

Sounds like Hobbit has a good book selection for both of us to read.


New member
Unity Book - sample chapter downloads

Lady of Light

It's quite possible, Hobbit, that all that gravity stuff popped into my head BECAUSE it was the connection to Linda Brown. I was actually thinking about that stuff over a week ago even though I only sat down to write about it and go through my thoughts on it yesterday and the day before. It's interesting how those things happen. But, all with a reason.

I'm looking forward to any and all conversations with Linda, whether gravity related or not.

These were just some things that were bouncing around in my head. I thought it'd be interesting to share what goes on in there (on a "normal" day), lol.

2loserel3, ya, i guarantee that the children of today are being more and more programmed in schools. I know things have changed a lot since I was in school, and I'm not that old. I don't really want to say exactly just so I can keep SOME privacy about myself, but let's just say early 30s. It's that programming and indoctrination that I DON'T want my children going through, that's why I homeschool. That, and my son is mildly autistic and they don't treat/teach mentally "ill" children properly, so all my children are excelling at home.

Anyhow, Hobbit, I would love to see that observatory, that sounds amazing. If you could find that link that'd be awesome.


New member

It was the Roden crater I was thinking of....