
  1. E

    [Opinion] Experiences with enlighten teacher. How many of you have had a similar experience?

    About 16 years ago I woke up to a spiritual energy thanks to a spiritual teacher living in Finland named Dave Oshana. I experienced a complete opening of all my energy centers and my consciousness expanded to unforeseen levels. I always wonder how many people out there have had similar...
  2. R

    Hitler is still popular

    Mahtama Gandhi addressed Adolph Hitler as “Dear Friend” in two letters he wrote to German Chancellor dated July 23, 1939 and December 24, 1940. India’s Bollywood released the film ‘Gandhi to Hitler’ in July 2011. It was directed by Rakesh Ranjan Kumar. Gandhi was played by Avijit Dutt; Hitler...
  3. R

    NYT: Ahmadinejad sacks “the only woman minister”!

    Pro-Israel New York Times did it again! On December 27, 2012, NYT foreign desk, assignment editor, Rick Gladstone (a Zionist Jew), committed another serious journalistic malpractice. He claimed that “Iranian president Ahmadinejad dismissed his health minister (Marzieh Vahid-Dastjerdi), the only...
  4. 2

    A new blog, here's hoping it'll be more interesting next time.

    a new blog Trying to start a blog,this spot was given to me as a suggestion, because I could get comments and feedback from everyone who decides to reply. For someone (me)who has quite a bit of stress, blunders, and all around for the most part previous bad luck, for alot of years (seems to be...
  5. Lady of Light

    [Rant] Lady of Light's Journal of Rants: A Collection of Thoughts and Feelings That Should Not Be Ignored

    August 18th 2012 Feeling Lost or Out of Place It’s understandable to feel lost or out of place from time to time especially when on the path to enlightenment. I’m beginning to believe this is because of the fact that there was always something before, so now that there is nothing, there is a...
  6. Lady of Light

    Ballot Election 2012 - InRetro Magazine

    I know these things are seemingly irrelevant and meaningless for the ways of raising enlightenment, however, this is something that most people in the United States are currently involved in and should be brought to the surface. This blog from InRetro magazine gives a different point of view...
  7. Lady of Light

    [Channeled] Taking The Fear Away: December 21st 2012 – It’s Not The End Of The World – Lady of Light, July 3 2012

    Lady of Light July 3rd, 2012 Unhypnotize.com With the 2012 ‘end-date’ looming, it is important to talk about what’s going on. For the last couple of days, I have been bombarded with messages that I am being told to share NOW. Today (July 3rd, 2012) is the strongest push to get the ‘right’...
  8. Noah

    [Info!] Meditation for spiritual growth and development

    Hi all! I am Noah and my life has been (and still is!) a search, a seeking. I am sure this resonates with many reading this post and surely with anyone even provisionally interested in meditation. I have been a student of Theology/Religion my whole life since my disillusionment with the...
  9. 2

    Hello Everyone

    I ran across this website from a new found friend on another website, unfortunately I don't know if she uses the same name on this site so, I couldn't use her as a referral. So, I liked what I saw and decided to join. One can never have enough sites,like this when seeking and communicating the...
  10. K

    [Channeled] Silent Introspection

    For some time, I've had the knowledge that we must all look inside ourselves. Lately, this message has come through more urgently because although we are moving very nicely forward into our new, lovely and loving world, many of us still don't know who we really are. We are still using thought...
  11. Denise

    Crystal Clark on Offplanet Radio | Sacred Science, April 25, 2012

    offplanetradio.com, thesolsociety.com "My personal goal, as well as the goal of millions of others at this time, is to help humanity realize its full potential in meaningful ways that not only expand awareness of theother choices that genuinely uphold, regenerate, and recreate life (of which...
  12. Lady of Light

    [Channeled] Sungazing: Determining Whether Or Not It Is The Right Choice For You

    Lady Of Light Unhypnotize.com April 23rd 2012 To Gaze, Or Not To Gaze You have probably heard for your entire life these words: “Don’t look directly at the sun, you’ll hurt your eyes!” If not those words, something very similar, no doubt. This has been said for many years without...
  13. Denise

    Cobra: Galactic Codex - April 4, 2012

    April 4, 2012 Planet Earth is the last planet in this universe under the occupation of the Dark Forces, the last relic of galactic wars that raged throughout the galaxy for millions of years. As the Galaxy was being liberated form the grip of the Dark Forces, the Forces of Light have been...
  14. Lady of Light

    Road To Enlightenment: Dropping The Ego And Finding Your True Self --- Lady of Light - March 21st 2012

    Lady of Light March 21st, 2012 Unhypnotize.com Finding The True Self The true self is not a difficult thing to find. One must only listen to find the true self. To stop "fighting" what you feel is you, and allowing it in to what is taught is you. To be what is taught instead of what is...
  15. Lady of Light

    [Channeled] Road To Enlightenment: Dropping The Ego And Finding Your True Self --- Lady of Light - March 21st 2012

    Lady of Light March 21st, 2012 Unhypnotize.com Finding The True Self The true self is not a difficult thing to find. One must only listen to find the true self. To stop "fighting" what you feel is you, and allowing it in to what is taught is you. To be what is taught instead...
  16. Lady of Light

    [Channeled] The Importance Of Meditation: What Is It For? Why Do We Need It? - Lady of Light - March 18th 2012

    Lady of Light March 18th 2012 Unhypnotize.com Meditation To meditate is not the answer alone. “Meditation” is blocking out everything that is going on around you to access a higher plane to be at more peace. To reach a more enlightened state, one needs to do more than just meditate and be...
  17. Lady of Light

    Limitless Possibilities: Our Physical And Non-Physical Limitations And How To Overcome Them --- Lady of Light - March 10th 2012

    Lady of Light March 10th, 2012 Unhypnotize.com Limits The number 1 thing to remember is: There ARE no limits. The Illusion: Limitations need to be broken, now more than ever. get rid of the illusion of limits. Anything and everything is possible, especially now. Great energies are in...
  18. Denise

    Greg Giles ~~ 03.05.12~~ Changing Newsflash!

    Not a very long message...so thought I's post in its entirety... We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Lives For A Life Changing Newsflash! All your life you have waited for the good news, and that day has finally come. Very soon you will witness large-scale mass arrests all ov...er the...
  19. Lady of Light

    A Quiet Riot - Breaking The Strings Of The Puppet Masters --- Lady of Light - March 1st, 2012

    Channeled by: Lady of Light March 1st, 2012 Unhypnotize.com We're currently having a quiet riot. It's a rebellion that is being kept quiet but it is gaining intensity and will soon take over. It's like an underground movement, only people are connecting through thought and energy. This is the...
  20. Denise

    The Law of Attraction, Belief & Conscious Creation Archangel Metatron via James Tybe

    The Law of Attraction, Belief & Conscious Creation Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn This channel is copyrighted to www.Earth-Keeper.com