Linda Brown – Daughter of Thomas Townsend Brown (TTB)

It is not a waste of time to have empathy for someone when one recognizes pain in another, and you have pain.

As to the Hut, you will have the ability to respond to anything that may be posted. I will not take away your ability for rebuttal as you did to me on the Token for no reason whatsoever.

By not doing what you request, who am I protecting? Your right and ability to rebut? Or perhaps myself? Or both?


Ha! answering a question with a question. Thats familiar.
I don't need you to keep me on the Hut so that I can " excercise my right" there. You and Kim own and operate the HUTand I have no interest in ever being there. I have asked you to remove my name from the membership. What exactly was your answer? Smoke and mirrors. Linda
The only evident item is that two of your main characters and not who you claimed they were, by their own mouths spoken upon several eardrums.

Trust requires speaking truth between friends, remember that. As I said somewhere on this forum, I really do fell empathy towards you, I hope you find the peace you are looking for but sometimes, the truth is not what we expect and disappointment is reaped.


Who?? says they are not who Linda says they were???
To the best of My recollections Linda has NEVER revealed who certain ficticious charecters were based on.
Anyone who is or has been in the proffesion/s those ficticious persons were said to have been in, will surely never divuluge to any living sould who they actually are, or were, or were thought to be.
They may not even know themselves , as most of their memories may be cleared out.
You really have gotten Your knickers in a right old twist relative to things not been black or white and as You reason they should be.

What do You want??? an advert in the front page of the Washington Times declaring who and what they were??
Maybe THAT is exactly what YOU have been angling after all along??
Who?? says they are not who Linda says they were???
To the best of My recollections Linda has NEVER revealed who certain ficticious charecters were based on.
Anyone who is or has been in the proffesion/s those ficticious persons were said to have been in, will surely never divuluge to any living sould who they actually are, or were, or were thought to be.
They may not even know themselves , as most of their memories may be cleared out.
You really have gotten Your knickers in a right old twist relative to things not been black or white and as You reason they should be.

What do You want??? an advert in the front page of the Washington Times declaring who and what they were??
Maybe THAT is exactly what YOU have been angling after all along??

Thats precisely the situation Hobbit. And if Mikado states that he senses pain in me its because it is true. It hurts when someone I once had such high hopes and regard for ( as you did Hobbit) turns out to be someone who has ALWAYS been on the other side of the fence with a hidden agenda. His entire actions here and elsewhere have been to uncover the persons I am sworn to protect.

Its a sadness but it is a reality that I have learned to accept and deal with. Mikado is not the person we took him as being, by his own admission, and its something that I doubt can ever be changed. Linda
Mikado said:
By not doing what you request, who am I protecting? Your right and ability to rebut? Or perhaps myself? Or both?
Ha! answering a question with a question. Thats familiar.
I don't need you to keep me on the Hut so that I can " excercise my right" there. You and Kim own and operate the HUTand I have no interest in ever being there. I have asked you to remove my name from the membership. What exactly was your answer? Smoke and mirrors. Linda

Answering with a question? You need to reread what I wrote, no, your too arrogant, let me copy:

As to the Hut, you will have the ability to respond to anything that may be posted. I will not take away your ability for rebuttal as you did to me on the Token for no reason whatsoever.

That was the answer, the questions were rhetorical only for you never answer questions put forth and when you do, they are either fabrications, twisted truth or a combination of both.

Thats precisely the situation Hobbit. And if Mikado states that he senses pain in me its because it is true. It hurts when someone I once had such high hopes and regard for ( as you did Hobbit) turns out to be someone who has ALWAYS been on the other side of the fence with a hidden agenda. His entire actions here and elsewhere have been to uncover the persons I am sworn to protect.

Its a sadness but it is a reality that I have learned to accept and deal with. Mikado is not the person we took him as being, by his own admission, and its something that I doubt can ever be changed. Linda


Let's see. I am where I have always been. When you got up and walked to the other side of the fence, my dear, that does not qualify for you to say that I am on the other side as if I moved moved when I discovered the truth.

As to any admission that I made...prove it. What is it that I admitted to?

Secondly, as to change, I know you won't for that would be admitting to the public which would be contrary to all you have put out there.

You continue to prove my point and that is what is truly sad.

My empathy is not abated.

Who?? says they are not who Linda says they were???
To the best of My recollections Linda has NEVER revealed who certain ficticious charecters were based on.
Anyone who is or has been in the proffesion/s those ficticious persons were said to have been in, will surely never divuluge to any living sould who they actually are, or were, or were thought to be.
They may not even know themselves , as most of their memories may be cleared out.
You really have gotten Your knickers in a right old twist relative to things not been black or white and as You reason they should be.

What do You want??? an advert in the front page of the Washington Times declaring who and what they were??
Maybe THAT is exactly what YOU have been angling after all along??


You need to read the book "Defying Gravity". The person Paul called "Morgan" was identified as a student at Great Valley High School. That student was identified by Linda and was subsequently located by me. From that point, he eventually was introduced to certain individuals and they all found it in incredulous that this man was Morgan which when asked by several, he denied and at times, most emphatically.

Secondly, in a room in Las Vegas in March of 2008, Linda presented to those present a photo of twigsnapper and a subsequent name which did turn out to be real.

I don't recall you ever being present at any of these times, I must have missed you.

Answering with a question? You need to reread what I wrote, no, your too arrogant, let me copy:

As to the Hut, you will have the ability to respond to anything that may be posted. I will not take away your ability for rebuttal as you did to me on the Token for no reason whatsoever.

That was the answer, the questions were rhetorical only for you never answer questions put forth and when you do, they are either fabrications, twisted truth or a combination of both.


No Mikado. That is not an answer. The question was... why is my name still held captive on the site ( THE HUT) when I have asked for it to be removed several times.
All your palavering here has NOTHING to do with the answer to that question.

Perhaps I should put it this way. What right does a website have to maintain a membership on that website when a member has demanded it to be removed. Perhaps there is a legal situation that I am not aware of.... but it only seems fair that when a person wants that name removed.... that wish should be respected.

Thats the only thing that we are talking about here Mikado. But that doesn't fit your agenda.


Let's see. I am where I have always been. When you got up and walked to the other side of the fence, my dear, that does not qualify for you to say that I am on the other side as if I moved moved when I discovered the truth.

As to any admission that I made...prove it. What is it that I admitted to?

Secondly, as to change, I know you won't for that would be admitting to the public which would be contrary to all you have put out there.

You continue to prove my point and that is what is truly sad.

My empathy is not abated.


Lets see. You say that you have been where you have always been? Where is that Mikado. No one here knows your real name even.... or knows what you look like. You hurl insults and then hide behind the mask.

When you say that you " found" that person from my highschool. Think harder. Perhaps he is the one who uncovered you..... not the other way around. Maskless. Standing in your tick infested field. It doesn't matter Mikado if the other world knows who you are or not....... He and I do. Linda
hahahaha... thats funny IanChris.... but how would YOU know how Bill and Hilary fight "Like"?

I imagine that from their past they have had a few spats... but look at the situation.... A wife who discovers that her husband has been playing games under a desk with a White House Intern?... and there is a blue dress in somebodys posession with his DNA all over it.... so no matter what dear " Bill " had to say about the particulars....( It all depends on what ones definition of " Is" is... remember that.) Hilary had him pretty much dead to rights.

Anyway.....seems that the world has forgiven Bill because everyone loves a sexy scoundrel it seems and the man is no slouch..... and Hllary is putting in her time and will be a major force in US politics in the future.. So.... Do they fight? I dunno.

Perhaps they both want to be back in the White House again??...... Whats the expression about " odd bedfellows?" <g>

So I am having a hard time seeing how there is a real correlation between Mikado and me and Bill and Hillary..... unless thats just all that you could think of saying here?

Take it as a compliment .... Actually, Hilary and I go way back ... don't you remember? She sold me her soul and I got three for the price of one. :king:
Lets see. You say that you have been where you have always been? Where is that Mikado. No one here knows your real name even.... or knows what you look like. You hurl insults and then hide behind the mask.

When you say that you " found" that person from my highschool. Think harder. Perhaps he is the one who uncovered you..... not the other way around. Maskless. Standing in your tick infested field. It doesn't matter Mikado if the other world knows who you are or not....... He and I do. Linda

I hurl insults? I could but why? I merely correct/rebut statements you make. Those with eyes can see that I only answer you and you are the one who cannot just shut up.

Tick infected? That would be all of the tri-state area so the next time you come to Pennsylvania, maybe you would want to rethink coming here, however, your little "dig" shows who the petty one is.

And he didn't find me, I found him and you know it, he knows it. One time you said I wanted to be a "hero", I reiterate, if that is the case, then why would I want my anonymity?

I have said a prayer for you.


You are amazing in your own right. You expect so much and are so critical of everyone and yet you make mistakes right and left and never see them. Everything that you accuse everyone else display so openly.

There is a difference between " tick infested field" and " tick infected"... Didn't you read my words properly? I don't need to be told that Chester County is one of the highest rated on the East coast for Lyme disease... I knew that. You told me that... you also told me that you and Kim both had both been infected and had suffered the results of that problem. Maybe I was just giving you an excuse for being so completely nasty sometimes.

You COULD hurl mean you HAVEN'T? I must have misunderstood some of the words that you have used against me then.....we must have a different idea of what an insult is.....

"And he didn't find me, I found him and you know it, he knows it. One time you said I wanted to be a "hero", I reiterate, if that is the case, then why would I want my anonymity?
Because apparently you are ashamed of your actions. Thats why. And you don't want to have to answer face to face for them. There are ALOT of reasons you want to keep your mask up Mikado but it fell off a long time ago. Eventually you will have to deal with that.

And No Mikado... You didn't " find" him. He drew you out. That " odd" dream that you had? Where do you think THAT came from? You followed the crumbs because it fit your agenda.... and you NEVER saw what was happening! You showed up at the High School because you wanted to be able to zero in on him and identify him... but it didn't work the way that you thought it would, did it?

Now that you realize that you should know what a wonderful situation you turned your back on...

One of the best lines ever from a TV series was on " The Unit" where one of the characters said to the other........ " Do you honestly think that I would place my life in the hands of someone I can outsmart?"

Save your prayers up Mikado.

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You are amazing in your own right. You expect so much and are so critical of everyone and yet you make mistakes right and left and never see them. Everything that you accuse everyone else display so openly.

There is a difference between " tick infested field" and " tick infected"... Didn't you read my words properly? I don't need to be told that Chester County is one of the highest rated on the East coast for Lyme disease... I knew that. You told me that... you also told me that you and Kim both had both been infected and had suffered the results of that problem. Maybe I was just giving you an excuse for being so completely nasty sometimes.

I made no mistakes. That isn't the first time you hurled the "tick" thing. In fact, quite a few jokes were made in regard to just that and a cartoon character over on the Token. No Linda, dance all you want, you meant it as I responded. Lyme doesn't make anyone nasty, it alters your life and sometimes, drastically and to make any light of it is akin to making fun of someone with a debilitating illness/disease/sickness. You prove my point and others see it. When you cannot argue or defend yourself, you attack with non-sequiturs.

You COULD hurl mean you HAVEN'T? I must have misunderstood some of the words that you have used against me then.....we must have a different idea of what an insult is.....

I can back all of my statements up with facts, you can't back anything up in regard to two pivotal characters...but then you will say it is a measure of national very fortunate for you that the only person...the only to verify any information given to Paul are from characters only you can vouch for.

"And he didn't find me, I found him and you know it, he knows it. One time you said I wanted to be a "hero", I reiterate, if that is the case, then why would I want my anonymity?
Because apparently you are ashamed of your actions. Thats why. And you don't want to have to answer face to face for them. There are ALOT of reasons you want to keep your mask up Mikado but it fell off a long time ago. Eventually you will have to deal with that.

Ashamed of my actions? Your conclusion is false Linda and my anonymity has always been for my privacy which served you well when it was to your advantage which you also agreed upon.

And No Mikado... You didn't " find" him. He drew you out. That " odd" dream that you had? Where do you think THAT came from? You followed the crumbs because it fit your agenda.... and you NEVER saw what was happening! You showed up at the High School because you wanted to be able to zero in on him and identify him... but it didn't work the way that you thought it would, did it?

That "odd dream" has been verified almost two years ago as being correct by the person who accompanied me. As to showing up at the High School, it was as I have always said.

I wonder, when someone on here figures you out and I am referring to those with "true" abilities and they don't wish to have anything to do with you, what will you then say or how will you twist to substantiate you self-sustaining illusions?

Now that you realize that you should know what a wonderful situation you turned your back on...

One of the best lines ever from a TV series was on " The Unit" where one of the characters said to the other........ " Do you honestly think that I would place my life in the hands of someone I can outsmart?"

Save your prayers up Mikado.


Interesting. You originally stated that quote came from Morgan many years ago. I suppose you will tell everyone that the writer of the show knows him etc...just like what you told someone in regard to the movie "From Paris with Love" was written about Morgan.

Perhaps I should have said "self-sustaining delusions"

I will continue to pray for your inner peace.

Mikado, you responded with these comments.

Lyme doesn't make anyone nasty, it alters your life and sometimes, drastically and to make any light of it is akin to making fun of someone with a debilitating illness/disease/sickness. You prove my point and others see it. When you cannot argue or defend yourself, you attack with non-sequiturs
Mikado....If anyone cares enough they can read up on the effects of Lyme disease. It does in fact " alter personalities"....
I was just giving you an easy excuse for your bad behavior Mikado. But apparently you don't need it.

"I can back all of my statements up with facts,"

Really? You keep saying that but I have yet to see you actually DO it.What ?... your statements as Merlin? or Ridgerunner? Or the information that your English friends put forth and then withdrew? Which statements are you ready to back up Mikado?

"That "odd dream" has been verified almost two years ago as being correct by the person who accompanied me. As to showing up at the High School, it was as I have always said"

Of course it happened. It was designed to " happen". But you never got past the WHY it "happened" did you? In case you have missed it... in certain company..." dreams" can be transmitted to certain individuals. You should know that by now. And following up on that "dream" is exactly what you were supposed to do..... and you did.

"I can back all of my statements up with facts, you can't back anything up in regard to two pivotal characters...but then you will say it is a measure of national very fortunate for you that the only person...the only to verify any information given to Paul are from characters only you can vouch for."

That may have been the way that it USED to be but quite a few people have stepped out of the dark to help me Mikado... some of them highly gualified with impeccable credentials. Your information is behind the times.You are not " at the table" anymore....and you did it all by yourself. You proved yourself not to be trustworthy and with a negative agenda that you had demonstrated then (and still do) regarding me. And you betrayed a person who you should have actually seen for who he actually was. But you didn't. And its too late now.

Actually I have been told not to waste my time in your direction. And I am inclined to follow that advice.
Mikado, you responded with these comments.

Lyme doesn't make anyone nasty, it alters your life and sometimes, drastically and to make any light of it is akin to making fun of someone with a debilitating illness/disease/sickness. You prove my point and others see it. When you cannot argue or defend yourself, you attack with non-sequiturs
Mikado....If anyone cares enough they can read up on the effects of Lyme disease. It does in fact " alter personalities"....
I was just giving you an easy excuse for your bad behavior Mikado. But apparently you don't need it.

My personality has been as it always has been. You are no Doctor. All that I have said has been based upon facts. What you are referencing are UNDIAGNOSED cases and cases of Lyme that went untreated for a long time. This creates an encephalopathic condition in the brain. In fact, it is usually diagnosed as MS. I have not been diagnosed with any of this.

I suppose if someone had a terminal illness, you would use that as a weapon to get your way....little girl.

"I can back all of my statements up with facts,"

Really? You keep saying that but I have yet to see you actually DO it.What ?... your statements as Merlin? or Ridgerunner? Or the information that your English friends put forth and then withdrew? Which statements are you ready to back up Mikado?

Again, I see it is necessary to repeat. "I will not divulge my evidence until such time as it is in a court of law". You claimed you had a lawyer on retention to sue me. I claim that I may sue you for slander/libel. Why would I want to give my evidence in the event we do go to court?

Now, as to Ridgerunner, just because you refused to meet with him at McDonald's does not give you the right to claim that Howard does not exist. You refused therefore you need to shut up. At least you would have met someone real and not as you have done with Dave.

As to Merlin, he was John Russell coming to me in dreams and visions. I told you that and have maintained that for several years now. You are being given information from others, on this forum, in the form of visions/dreams. What will you do to them in the event you have a falling out?

"That "odd dream" has been verified almost two years ago as being correct by the person who accompanied me. As to showing up at the High School, it was as I have always said"

Of course it happened. It was designed to " happen". But you never got past the WHY it "happened" did you? In case you have missed it... in certain company..." dreams" can be transmitted to certain individuals. You should know that by now. And following up on that "dream" is exactly what you were supposed to do..... and you did.

So very convenient for you to say that. But remember this, following up on it also exposed the "real" Morgan and that he is a fake. Yes, it was advantageous to follow up. If it wasn't for that, where would I be now? Probably following a little girl on a quest in her paracosm (and yes, you can thank Howard for that word)

"I can back all of my statements up with facts, you can't back anything up in regard to two pivotal characters...but then you will say it is a measure of national very fortunate for you that the only person...the only to verify any information given to Paul are from characters only you can vouch for."

That may have been the way that it USED to be but quite a few people have stepped out of the dark to help me Mikado... some of them highly gualified with impeccable credentials. Your information is behind the times.You are not " at the table" anymore....and you did it all by yourself. You proved yourself not to be trustworthy and with a negative agenda that you had demonstrated then (and still do) regarding me. And you betrayed a person who you should have actually seen for who he actually was. But you didn't. And its too late now.

Actually I have been told not to waste my time in your direction. And I am inclined to follow that advice.

Then follow "that advice" and don't mention me and I will not rebut. Look at the posts Linda, I only respond when you mention me... don't mention me and I will not post. You more than likely miss me and wish to continue that is why you can't shut up but then, little girls who do not get their way usually can't shut up....<g>

As to what is on the table, it is based upon your own world. A world that cannot be substantiated by fact or others, only by you. In some ways, it is probably good you didn't go to meet Howard. He was prepared for you. Remember, he conversed with you and was written on the forum back in the fall of 2009 and came to the conclusion that you showed signs of having a fantasy prone personality disorder where you have created your own paracosm. Since then, he is more convinced that you have it.

It has turned out that he was right.

This is an interesting link about my Dad, for those of you who are not that familiar with Townsend Brown.

Alternative Energy Institute: T.T. Brown (missing page found on |

As you can see he was ALWAYS interested in " communication" so a radically different way of sending messages from one spot to another was not beyond his capability..

And Lady of Light might understand that dreams can in fact be generated and sent from one entity to another. (Thats what I meant in my latest messages above).....That would be just one ability but its an important one and has been probably used for generations... and then strangely forgotten.... but now..... What we are dealing with here folks is a new stage in human development. I don't expect that it will be accepted easily or quickly.... and there will be extreme opposition..... Still....some of you here seem to be at the vanguard. And those who have experienced this will either see what is happening or not. Linda
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And this might be of interest too.....
The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla - 06

"Early in 1952 Brown had put together a proposal, code named Project Winterhaven, which suggested that the military developed an antigravity combat saucer with Mach-3 capability. The 1956 intelligence study entitled Electrogravitics Systems - An Explanation of Electrostatic Motion, Dynamic Counterbary and Barycentric Control, prepared by the private aviation intelligence firm, Aviation Studies International Ltd., indicates that as early as November 1954 the Air Force had begun plans to fund research that would accomplish Project Winterhaven's objectives.

The study, originally classified Confidential, mentions the name of more than ten major aircraft companies which were actively involved in the electrogravitics research in an attempt to duplicate or extend Brown's seminal work. Additional information is to be found in another aviation intelligence report entitled: The Gravitics Situation.

Unfortunately, due to the militaries TOP SECRET classification, Townsend Brown's work has not appeared in any physics or science publications that can be accessed.


That was written quite awhile ago. Times are changing. Linda
This is what generally happens with my Dads work. People see that flying saucer... and they zero in on that... I believe thats what Dad wanted to happen.... and while the world was focusing on the " flying saucer" the " communications device" that he had developed was left un noticed and for the time being... safe.

I believe that there are some today who have the ability to comunicate through dreams. I have seen that proven to me completely.

Most of us are not even aware that we can have this power.. but we are getting close... thats why its so important for other forces to discredit and mislead.... because when humanity as a whole realizes the powers that are ours and our birthright....then forms of other control drop away.
