Linda Brown – Daughter of Thomas Townsend Brown (TTB)

After I read the statement above

"Of course there are developments that need to " bubble to the surface" but I am good with simply watching the process unfold.

I realized how misleading that statement actually is...It needs correction. NO I am not " content" to just stand by the sidelines and watch things unfold. I intend to do as much as I can to uncover just exactly what has been happening.

Its not enough to chalk it up to a " conspiracy". I want to know exactly how all of this came together and also how is this " force " affecting each of us today. This is something that is part of our process. Without understanding what has happened in the past.... what is happening now.... we can't go forward. Remembering my vision/dream of the man on the grey horse. One swing of the banner for the past.... another for NOW and still another for the future..... and then he points off.... I just want to see what he sees from his vantage point.... and know what he points to.

That doesn't mean that I think I have a whole lot of control over the situation... or even expect it in the future.... but I certainly am not standing by without putting effort into this process.
If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bs. Or, if you can't shut them up, keep them busy building prototypes that you don't really need, but it keeps them occupied. Or, in the case of my grandkids, if Grandma Nini's cold, the kids all need to put sweaters on. I think you see where I'm going with this Linda.

Seems like the LivingMoon Pegasus Forum tried the grand RazzleDazzlem.... and now have disappeared from view...

Yoohoo.... remember me??? you know.... Linda Brown.... the person you said that you doubted. The person that you questioned as far as her credibility.
I provided more than enough to prove myself.... but where are you NOW?
Where is your Credibility?

Pretty substantial statments made about promises to apologize. Where are they?

Still have doubts as to my being who I have said I was?.... step up and we will iron that out.

Step up in any case.

Where is Everybody? <g>

Can I say that I am disappointed? Linda
After I read the statement above

"Of course there are developments that need to " bubble to the surface" but I am good with simply watching the process unfold.

I realized how misleading that statement actually is...It needs correction. NO I am not " content" to just stand by the sidelines and watch things unfold. I intend to do as much as I can to uncover just exactly what has been happening.

Its not enough to chalk it up to a " conspiracy". I want to know exactly how all of this came together and also how is this " force " affecting each of us today. This is something that is part of our process. Without understanding what has happened in the past.... what is happening now.... we can't go forward. Remembering my vision/dream of the man on the grey horse. One swing of the banner for the past.... another for NOW and still another for the future..... and then he points off.... I just want to see what he sees from his vantage point.... and know what he points to.

That doesn't mean that I think I have a whole lot of control over the situation... or even expect it in the future.... but I certainly am not standing by without putting effort into this process.

I have highlighted and changed the color of part of the above quote.

I have one question. I will assume it will not be answered even though you expect others including myself to always answer your question but I will put it out there.

To what extent does "as much as I can" include? (of course your answer may lead to further questions)

I have highlighted and changed the color of part of the above quote.

I have one question. I will assume it will not be answered even though you expect others including myself to always answer your question but I will put it out there.

To what extent does "as much as I can" include? (of course your answer may lead to further questions)


What do you think it includes Mikado? Getting worried? Linda
To better answer your question Mikado.... it means that I am going to TRY to uncover the forces at work that were substantially guiding and impacting my Fathers work and his life... and that has included my life too after his death. I intend to uncover the " forces" that have I THINK been working diligently to keep most of his work hidden from the publics view. I intend to uncover WHY that was and the intricate steps that were taken for the last nearly 70 years to accomplish that. And I intend to uncover those who were involved in that effort... both those working toward the positive and those working toward the negative.

Is that a good enough answer as far as my intentions?

To better answer your question Mikado.... it means that I am going to TRY to uncover the forces at work that were substantially guiding and impacting my Fathers work and his life... and that has included my life too after his death. I intend to uncover the " forces" that have I THINK been working diligently to keep most of his work hidden from the publics view. I intend to uncover WHY that was and the intricate steps that were taken for the last nearly 70 years to accomplish that. And I intend to uncover those who were involved in that effort... both those working toward the positive and those working toward the negative.

Is that a good enough answer as far as my intentions?

I hope you find out who it is and why.
To better answer your question Mikado.... it means that I am going to TRY to uncover the forces at work that were substantially guiding and impacting my Fathers work and his life... and that has included my life too after his death. I intend to uncover the " forces" that have I THINK been working diligently to keep most of his work hidden from the publics view. I intend to uncover WHY that was and the intricate steps that were taken for the last nearly 70 years to accomplish that. And I intend to uncover those who were involved in that effort... both those working toward the positive and those working toward the negative.

Is that a good enough answer as far as my intentions?


"To better answer your question.."??? You didn't give any answer so how are you "bettering" your answer?

In reading your answer, you said quite a bit without saying anything. The quote I responded to was:

"I intend to do as much as I can to uncover just exactly what has been happening."

Let me simplify since you didn't understand or grasp what I was getting at. How far will you stoop? Would "sock puppets" to a writer be included in that?

Mikado...You wanted a more detailed response. Here it is. You had written:

To better answer your question.."??? You didn't give any answer so how are you "bettering" your answer?

In reading your answer, you said quite a bit without saying anything. The quote I responded to was:

"I intend to do as much as I can to uncover just exactly what has been happening."
Let me simplify since you didn't understand or grasp what I was getting at. How far will you stoop? Would "sock puppets" to a writer be included in that?


I said quite a bit in that answer. If it doesn't fit your agenda that is decidely not my problem. I think in rereading your response that it is apparent that you are translating everything as if it applied to yourself... as you normally do... Actually when I wrote that I wasn't even thinking of the things that have happened between us or recently.

I was thinking more of all of the strange things that happened around my Father in the thirties and forties , fifties and into the sixties. Things that have not yet been explained. Thats why my efforts to find out more about Beau Kitselman have meant so much to me.... and further information about the Paris tests.... even the additional information about DR. Sarbacher from our English friends was helpful.

You tried to twist it by using them as your"due dilligent" desciples but that backfired on you didn't it?. I notice that they are no longer posting on the HUT.... Perhaps they realized that you were using them in a shameful way....( perhaps not).... but the information that they supplied trying to please you simply filled in many of the gaps that were out there regarding Sarbachers activities and ultimately saved me hundreds of hours of research. I have already thanked them for their help.

You haven't lost your condescending tone have you? ".Let me simplify since you didn't understand or grasp what I was getting at. How far will you stoop? Would "sock puppets" to a writer be included in that?"

For those readers who are new to this..... this attitude betrays Mikados belief that everyone else around him is profoundly stupid. Thats why he is constantly saying that he has to " Simplify" to explain the points he is trying to make. Its part of his character.

He asks me how far I will stoop? I don't know.... how far down do I have to go to be able to look at Mikado face to face? The only time anyone should look down on anyone else is when they are helping them to their feet. Thats a very old saying but Mikado hasn't seemed to have paid attention to it yet.
What is he talking about regarding sock puppets? Is he talking about Ridgerunner, Bulwark.... the score of others that he invented to do actual harm to the Forum where they were introduced? No... I suppose that he wants us to overlook those.

If there were other " sock puppets" involved.... who created them? Some writers actually pay professional " sock puppets" to people their own Forums to build interest and discussion. I am told that some people make quite a bit of money doing that. So.... if there were sock puppets at work.... not counting the many that Mikado employed to do damage.... how many were out there ( if any at all) that were actually doing good? And who hired them... if they indeed were official " sock puppets"
Mikado has tried by inuendo to pin all of that activity on me...He presents this situation as if he is acting in Pauls behalf. That seems to be Mikados big burr under his saddle..that I had somehow " wronged" Paul Schatzkin"......( but in the six years that I worked with Paul HE never brought the subject up with me. If he thought that I was doing that.... don't you think that he would have said something? Not a word.)

I contend that he has always had an agenda here and he is still working it..and that is to derail my ability to interact with the people and information that will mean forward progress..
But there is something to the proposition that Mikado is angry because he was replaced from a role that he intended to have a much greater influence in.... just when he thought that most of the benefit would be coming in his direction. He put himself in a position of trust with me....( knowing that I would most likely hand over incoming information to him when it began to trickle in.) Except that he was " found out" first and he lost that position of trust..That is a bitter pill for Mikado as his words show....... and now he finds himself sitting on the sidelines as the information....( boxes and boxes of it... has started to appear)......He is angry. Obviously.

Read his words. Thats all you need to do. He tells his own story better than I ever could.

So lets talk about sock puppets and their agendas. You can tell a persons agenda by the actions and reactions that he causes... especially disquised in another name.....Mikado keeps naming a handful that were supposed to have " misled" Paul Shatzkin...( but he has never stepped forward to make that charge.) Why did Mikado invent " sock puppets" that were designed to damage what the Hut was doing? Not satisfied with that he took it over..removed me, used it as a platform to insult and sometimes slander me.. it hasn't had a single message to it from anyone in over a month. Mikado has locked most of the information on the HUT behind a separate Password that he can continue to stagnate the information stored there.... and he has spent precious moments of his life carrying his particular brand of " Linda Bashing" poison from one Forum to the next.

I contend that Mikado has always had a plan in his interaction with me and my Dads work and he is still working it (( though much less effectively now).He has clearly demonstrated his derail my ability to interact with the people and information. It hasn't worked. Linda
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Do you think Mikado is a Scorpio to Linda? Its 4 things that man would love to concur in the world>>/time/gravity/speed and minds.
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Positioning yourself in the right place and hopefully at the right time to benefit from new and revealing information would be the wise thing to do.....and some I believe will do what they have to do to get to that place... no matter what it is.....

Hi Gemini! Any exciting astral trips. I am not courageous enough for that. The idea scares me! But I would love to hear if you have had any new experiences. Just call it " living vicariously" on my part! Linda
Mikado...You wanted a more detailed response. Here it is. You had written:

To better answer your question.."??? You didn't give any answer so how are you "bettering" your answer?

In reading your answer, you said quite a bit without saying anything. The quote I responded to was:

"I intend to do as much as I can to uncover just exactly what has been happening."
Let me simplify since you didn't understand or grasp what I was getting at. How far will you stoop? Would "sock puppets" to a writer be included in that?


I said quite a bit in that answer. If it doesn't fit your agenda that is decidely not my problem. I think in rereading your response that it is apparent that you are translating everything as if it applied to yourself... as you normally do... Actually when I wrote that I wasn't even thinking of the things that have happened between us or recently.

No Linda, not to myself but to a certain writer, to a group of individuals that felt that the truth needed to come out, and it still does, but not in the manner you were doing so.

I was thinking more of all of the strange things that happened around my Father in the thirties and forties , fifties and into the sixties. Things that have not yet been explained. Thats why my efforts to find out more about Beau Kitselman have meant so much to me.... and further information about the Paris tests.... even the additional information about DR. Sarbacher from our English friends was helpful.

You tried to twist it by using them as your"due dilligent" desciples but that backfired on you didn't it?. I notice that they are no longer posting on the HUT.... Perhaps they realized that you were using them in a shameful way....( perhaps not).... but the information that they supplied trying to please you simply filled in many of the gaps that were out there regarding Sarbachers activities and ultimately saved me hundreds of hours of research. I have already thanked them for their help.

Nothing "backfired". How many times does one have to post the truth? In different languages? In different verbage? Thanked them for their help? Are you really that thick that you can't see that the information in regard to Sarbacher supplied to Paul was false? How many times are you going to uphold those stories? Interesting twist however, nothing like blurring the entire story by thanking someone for information that totally blows (speaking of powder) twigsnapper's rendition out of the water.

You haven't lost your condescending tone have you? ".Let me simplify since you didn't understand or grasp what I was getting at. How far will you stoop? Would "sock puppets" to a writer be included in that?"

For those readers who are new to this..... this attitude betrays Mikados belief that everyone else around him is profoundly stupid. Thats why he is constantly saying that he has to " Simplify" to explain the points he is trying to make. Its part of his character.

And the twist continues. No Linda, it is not to "everyone", just you. And why do I treat you in that manner? For it is what you did to so many individuals in that you believed you could say, do, whatever you liked and they would believe you. You treated them as stupid. You just can't accept the fact that you were wrong for when the truth came out, they walked away. How many have stayed from the group Linda?

He asks me how far I will stoop? I don't know.... how far down do I have to go to be able to look at Mikado face to face? The only time anyone should look down on anyone else is when they are helping them to their feet. Thats a very old saying but Mikado hasn't seemed to have paid attention to it yet.
What is he talking about regarding sock puppets? Is he talking about Ridgerunner, Bulwark.... the score of others that he invented to do actual harm to the Forum where they were introduced? No... I suppose that he wants us to overlook those.

I publicly stated all of them and that you had the knowledge of them and what they were. I have posted the link to the post previously. As to harming a forum, what did Paul do when he found out about all of yours? He quit writing a book and published it as an unfinished manuscript and locked the forum down. You want old sayings? Ok, here is one - put that in your pipe and smoke it.

If there were other " sock puppets" involved.... who created them? Some writers actually pay professional " sock puppets" to people their own Forums to build interest and discussion. I am told that some people make quite a bit of money doing that. So.... if there were sock puppets at work.... not counting the many that Mikado employed to do damage.... how many were out there ( if any at all) that were actually doing good? And who hired them... if they indeed were official " sock puppets"
Mikado has tried by inuendo to pin all of that activity on me...He presents this situation as if he is acting in Pauls behalf. That seems to be Mikados big burr under his saddle..that I had somehow " wronged" Paul Schatzkin"......( but in the six years that I worked with Paul HE never brought the subject up with me. If he thought that I was doing that.... don't you think that he would have said something? Not a word.)

You are a twit. Paul never brought the subject up because he didn't know until sometime in 2008. I have stated many times that the Due-Diligence was independent and I reiterate it again so don't twist that around and then you wonder why I keep popping up from time to time, to correct your obfuscations of the truth. When one distorts the truth it is the equivalent of lying, remember that old saying?

I contend that he has always had an agenda here and he is still working it..and that is to derail my ability to interact with the people and information that will mean forward progress..

Reiteration time...again. I am here when you mention me in any derogatory manner or fashion and you misstate the truth in my regard. Look at all the posts you have made about "so called" information that I have not commented upon. It speaks for itself.

But there is something to the proposition that Mikado is angry because he was replaced from a role that he intended to have a much greater influence in.... just when he thought that most of the benefit would be coming in his direction. He put himself in a position of trust with me....( knowing that I would most likely hand over incoming information to him when it began to trickle in.) Except that he was " found out" first and he lost that position of trust..That is a bitter pill for Mikado as his words show....... and now he finds himself sitting on the sidelines as the information....( boxes and boxes of it... has started to appear)......He is angry. Obviously.

Okay, here we go again. What was found out was that Dave Smith, the person Linda used as the basis for Morgan, was found living in Phoenixville. Linda knew that I would figure out that this person could not have been Morgan and the truth would come out. So, she attempted to discredit me with the group of individuals beginning in February of 2010. It took me awhile to discover what she was doing but thanks to several individuals, they told me. Am I angry? Yep, for all the lies she told. She was caught in a big one when it came to Morgan...who she continues to quote from...and she needs to shout the loudest to prove she is right.

Read his words. Thats all you need to do. He tells his own story better than I ever could.

Really? That is what I have been saying about you and you want to use those words against me? Running out of ammo? Did the powder magazine on the Resolute blow up?

So lets talk about sock puppets and their agendas. You can tell a persons agenda by the actions and reactions that he causes... especially disquised in another name.....Mikado keeps naming a handful that were supposed to have " misled" Paul Shatzkin...( but he has never stepped forward to make that charge.) Why did Mikado invent " sock puppets" that were designed to damage what the Hut was doing? Not satisfied with that he took it over..removed me, used it as a platform to insult and sometimes slander me.. it hasn't had a single message to it from anyone in over a month. Mikado has locked most of the information on the HUT behind a separate Password that he can continue to stagnate the information stored there.... and he has spent precious moments of his life carrying his particular brand of " Linda Bashing" poison from one Forum to the next.

Going to keep this brief for it has been stated so many other times...and then I am accused of repeating but then, what about the person repeating the statement?

Continuing. I have stated that twigsnapper, Morgan, James Barrett, grinder, Victoria Steele, wildcard, Hog Island and there are more not real individual persons. Further, Morgan misled Paul, twigsnapper misled Paul, Victoria Steele misled Paul, grinder misled Paul, ladygrady misled Paul. I am tired of typing. When the forum was started, it was going nowhere, not too many individuals were posting so in the beginning of 2006, there was an inrush of new members when looking at the IP's in 2008, they were from the same location. Enough said don't you think?

As to the Hut, you sound like Obama blaming the sequester on the Republicans. You asked who would preserve the posts on the Hut and you accused me that I would delete them. So, I archived them. You want them? Make an offer.

I contend that Mikado has always had a plan in his interaction with me and my Dads work and he is still working it (( though much less effectively now).He has clearly demonstrated his derail my ability to interact with the people and information. It hasn't worked. Linda

Again, I really don't care how you interact with others but when you name me, use my name in any manner, I will be there if it is derogatory, deprecating, malicious etc. I have stated that, I have proven that.

Who has the problem? You do.

You just can't shut up when it comes to me. I told you, shut up and I won't post, it is that simple but that is beyond your ability.

Mikado said here, amongst other things

No Linda, not to myself but to a certain writer, to a group of individuals that felt that the truth needed to come out, and it still does, but not in the manner you were doing

I repeat. YOU HAVE NO CONTROL OVER WHAT I DO AND SAY. If you disagree with my slant on things.... My "manner of doing things".... then write your own darned book.

And that " Group of Individuals" can step into the light and speak for themselves because I am sure that they are not happy with you assigning yourself as their spokesperson. I talked to one just a few minutes ago.....You should keep in better touch with the individuals that you keep hiding behind.

Jan and I are going to " get the information out there" whether you like it or not so just get used to that.

And that certain writer ( Paul Schatzkin) has not authorized you to speak for him..... and if he has anything to say he can always step up for himself. Linda
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You just can't shut up when it comes to me. I told you, shut up and I won't post, it is that simple but that is beyond your ability.[/

Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up. Thats so important to you, isn't need me to be quiet... ( In regard to just you? Keep your conversation to JUST YOU and that would be easy for me to do. )

Obviously its not working. Tell your bosses to send a replacement.

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I really probably should go on the attack as far as you are concerned.... its all been a " defensive mode" from me to this point but soon I may change my style. Treachery should be dealt with and not allowed to operate in the dark. Linda

"Again, I really don't care how you interact with others but when you name me, use my name in any manner, I will be.......

Put your REAL name out there...... and I will consider it. Mikado is just Mikado.... An Opera... a black train..a heavy overcoat..... a character jumping out of a box in a fancy outfit.. a bunch of sticks.. Mikado can be anything. You don't OWN that name or have you forgotten that?

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The full quote from Mikado was

"Again, I really don't care how you interact with others but when you name me, use my name in any manner, I will be there if it is derogatory, deprecating, malicious etc. I have stated that, I have proven that."

He has " proven" nothing other than his buttons can be pushed very easily. Linda
Mikado said here, amongst other things

No Linda, not to myself but to a certain writer, to a group of individuals that felt that the truth needed to come out, and it still does, but not in the manner you were doing

I repeat. YOU HAVE NO CONTROL OVER WHAT I DO AND SAY. If you disagree with my slant on things.... My "manner of doing things".... then write your own darned book.

Frankly, and I reiterate. I don't give a damn what you say or do. Am I not being clear enough? I said, if you include me in any manner etcetera...etcetera...I will repudiate your words.

As to a book, well it is at 30 chapters.

And that " Group of Individuals" can step into the light and speak for themselves because I am sure that they are not happy with you assigning yourself as their spokesperson. I talked to one just a few minutes ago.....You should keep in better touch with the individuals that you keep hiding behind.

I doubt that very much, very much indeed. At least those with the group that meant anything unless of course you are talking about Andrew or Raymond but then, Andrew was never in the group as per your instructions and Raymond, he chose to follow a different path.

Jan and I are going to " get the information out there" whether you like it or not so just get used to that.

Linda, where in holy crap do you come up with the idea that I give a damn about what you and Jan write? How many times do I have to explain to you as to what I have meant about shutting up? I would venture to say that anyone reading any of this tripe could answer for me.

And that certain writer ( Paul Schatzkin) has not authorized you to speak for him..... and if he has anything to say he can always step up for himself. Linda

I do believe I mentioned somewhere across this forum that the due-diligence was independent. However, I am sure that if he didn't approve, he would have notified me in writing to "cease and desist". Silence is consent and Paul has been silent.
