Linda Brown – Daughter of Thomas Townsend Brown (TTB)

Wags....The message that you posted above which was part of the "library" collection of responses from Nancy Hutchison to the German Entity is not clear .... it almost looks like you yourself is involved in that conversation. (Which we all realize you were not)... but the newcomers here have not seen this material and Nancys way of reacting with people. Can you go back and make sure we all know where the quotes are coming from? Thanks. Just trying to make sure things are clear. Linda

Job done. Thanks for the feedback.
Hobbit... I am just trying to keep myself from being drawn off course by the steam from the locomotive. My words to you were actually more advice to myself. You are the one who has been telling me all of this all along... there was no need for me to repeat it... sorry. Linda
A quote from Nancy drawn from the source above

"The Gobe Institute has the plans and instructions on how to create the protective shield, but they have done NOTHING, and want John to go to Germany to work on anti-gravity."

And of course I have this irritating question for Nancy, I am sure. If the German Firm has the equipment and all of the plans to " create the protective shield." Why aren't they doing that? That could be an exceptionally complicated question. Couldn't it? But apparently from the Email .... Nancy seems to be quite excercised over the fact that they are not doing anything, not following up. Thats how I read her words.... complete with insults in their direction... what was her purpose in doing that?

The questions I am asking are these. Is this " radiation remediation claim" valid?
If it ID valid why aren't the Germans moving on it? Or is this just smoke and mirrors on Nancys part.... so that people will buy the fact that Nothing is happening with the Germans.... should we believe that?

If the Germans have decided actually that it is not valid.... then what does that mean for Nancys efforts here. They say this is PROVEN technology.... but if the Germans with all of their resources have turned away.... if thats the truth.... then what does that mean here in the States?

So many unanswered questions. Thank you Lady of Light for allowing us this place to ask those questions.... all comments and suggestions here are greatly appreciated. Linda
Letters to Editor of Local Paper 'The Curry Pilot following article about the Hutchisons, noise pollution..

This letter is a local response.

Anti anti-radiation

Your paper recently discussed the purported radiation remediation efforts of John and Nancy Hutchison Pilot, Dec. 25). I say purported because there is absolutely no credible evidence that their so-called radiation remediation efforts do anything other than create a nuisance.

Over the past several years, John Hutchison has claimed to have achieved: antigravity, radiation neutralization, free energy, the conversion of tar into water, and other equally fantastic phenomena. One of the Hutchisons’ latest claims is that their anti-radiation equipment also improves the weather.

Extraordinary claims call for extraordinary evidence. The majority of their evidence consists of unverifiable YouTube videos, virtually none of which contain sufficient information for anyone to reproduce their findings. I say virtually none because there is at least one video that provides sufficient information to duplicate the Hutchison’s results. If you study the video carefully, you can see the string responsible for producing antigravity. Nancy Hutchison claims that their “(Technology) doesn’t fit the academic sciences.” And there is a good reason for that — it is not science.

The Hutchisons say they are lowering radiation levels resulting from the nuclear reactor accident in Japan. However, airborne radiation fell below minimum detectable levels long before the Hutchisons came to Oregon and began their anti-radiation efforts.

Joseph Cereola

Nesika Beach

I thought it was 500, 000k and it was 50, 000k. Apologies.

The confusion comes I think when Nancy and John claimed that they handed over 500,ooo.oo of lab equipment for the sale price of $50,000. Now John has stated elsewhere that he didn't want that equipment and " wasn't going there any more"...... Taking 10% on your investment is a big hit. So I am sort of believing him when he has said that he is not interested in the "John Hutchison" Effect equipment any more. I know that he had it all listed for public sale....and apparently the Gote Group was the organization that finally bought it.

I am just confused with Nancys statements above. Here we have equipment that John says he is no longer interested in ( selling it off at 10% of its original value)... but Nancy presents it as if it is the ONLY other working unit in the world.....

"The oil and the radioactive contamination.< Radiation levels in Europe are spiking. You and Gobe have the equipment and ability to DO SOMETHING to help the people in Europe. DO IT. Nancy (Lazaryan) Hutchison P.S. My maiden name is KAYSER. I can smell a Germa3A black; font-family: "Arial","sans-serif"; font-size: 14.0pt; mso-fareast-font-family: "Times New Roman";">If you and JONA (Jerk Off Nazis with their heads up their Asses) want to make an issue about this, I will do a special report for my TV show about how GOBE Institute has the ONLY other complete equipment on the planet that can create the Hutchison frequency shield. AND GOBE REFUSES to do anything to save the lives of people in Europe.

So what is really going on here?

We have heard some of this only from Nancys words in her messages. When the Cosmic Token is back up I suggest that we contact the representatives of that German firm and find out what their take on all of this is.... as the wise man says.... there are two sides to everything. Linda
Cosmic token surfaced again.

Oh my goodness! We are BACK! What a wonderful, splendid, gorgeous sight!!!!!
I was not expecting its quick return.

In the middle of everything you are having to deal with Tom.... you did this for us??? I am so honored.
If someone else did this for us....Whoever...... THANKYOU! We go forward!!!!

Looks like we are living in Parallel worlds now.... the lovely Unhypnotize Forum on one side and the Cosmic Token on the other. Thankyou Lady of light!!! I hope others here will continue this conversation because obviously we need your help . And I frankly don't know how I would have made it without the knowledge that all was not lost.... and that your Forum was there for us. We owe you.

If folks on your forum develop an interest in what is going on here I am very happy to share information as we go......
Interesting that according to local sources the radiation levels were already diminishing and yet John and Nancy have been taking credit for creating a " bubble" that was supposed to have done that. What is the truth?

Hopefully its BOTH? Linda
Here is something else that Nancy has said

"the signal created by John is what gives information to the radioactive elements, at the subatomic level
music, if you can understand... vibrations
to reach the subatomic level, certain RF bands are necessary
however, until just now, it was impossible to record the complete RF signal that we use.
why? because a vinyl record can't handle the range, nor can a tape or CD

However, quartz can.
We have successfully recorded the complete RF signal, and have verified that the device that was built to record, also transmits.

The "bubble", a "live concert" --- is now recorded and transmitting, in a totally different part of the country.

Apparently this raygun has the ability to record or transmit " In a totally different part of the country?'What does she mean by that> Across the street? Across the state? Across the nation? And what is that " tone " actually doing... really... wouldn' it be fair to ask. While we are so worried about Japans radiation, is that " worry" helping them disguise another technology.

nancy has had some interaction with a man by the name of Gordon Novel....and he in turn had interactions with people who were very much into "electronic " mind control"........ How do we know... with her connections that she is not doing something which would benefit the military or a special scientific program. Targeted sources is a fact now where it used to be a matter of pure science fiction. I don't want to wake up some day to discover that something my Dad may have known about has been corrupted and turned against us. When she brings up my Dad in relationship to what she is doing now... that concerns me. Rightfully. Linda
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Interesting that according to local sources the radiation levels were already diminishing and yet John and Nancy have been taking credit for creating a " bubble" that was supposed to have done that. What is the truth?

Hopefully its BOTH? Linda

And this latest post on the token that the RF has been done they will try and claim credit if the radiation drop, and if it does not blame everyone for not using the tones.

How convenient!
Nancy plays the guilt card quite handily. She has bandied it about with us on the Cosmic Token and yo can also see how she uses it against the German company who apparently bought equipment that Nancy claims could make THREE of these units... she makes quite a show of being upset with them for not stepping in there and saving Europe. Notice:

The oil and the radioactive contamination.< Radiation levels in Europe are spiking. You and Gobe have the equipment and ability to DO SOMETHING to help the people in Europe. DO IT. Nancy (Lazaryan) Hutchison P.S. My maiden name is KAYSER. I can smell a Germa3A black; font-family: "Arial","sans-serif"; font-size: 14.0pt; mso-fareast-font-family: "Times New Roman";">If you and JONA (Jerk Off Nazis with their heads up their Asses) want to make an issue about this, I will do a special report for my TV show about how GOBE Institute has the ONLY other complete equipment on the planet that can create the Hutchison frequency shield. AND GOBE REFUSES to do anything to save the lives of people in Europe.

Thats from this link

? View topic - Hutchison Lab sold to Gode in Germany
But as we have said earlier.... Is that just a distracting show. Are the units that she is developing now.... to be used as MATCHED SETS with the equipment that the GOTE company bought. nancy herself says that they had enough material and instructions to make THREE.

One for sending and one set for recieving. Recieving WHAT? Linda
Hobbit... I am just trying to keep myself from being drawn off course by the steam from the locomotive. My words to you were actually more advice to myself. You are the one who has been telling me all of this all along... there was no need for me to repeat it... sorry. Linda

Drawn off for what? Offering condolences to your first cousin on the loss of a child? You just have to make everything about you.

I came here after reading an email notification of a post in this thread and certainly not to chase after a spoiled little girl. However, I see you have a new plaything or would that be someone else that may not agree with you? I know...the recess bell has rung and your in the playyard and little Linda Ann don't like people who don't play by her rules...that's it!

Nancy Hutchison and John Hutchison...hmmm....I will have to start looking into them more to see why you are taking off your pantyhose.


I am only going to say this once. You can take it however you want to take it. If you want to continue addressing me as a "little girl" maybe thats alright with me. If that means that you have a fatherly protective attitude in my direction... thats alright with me....

I need your help. Is that what you have been wanting to hear from me. You are the one who recognizes, I hope , what is going on with the Hutchisons.... Please look on your own and make your own mind up.....You are the one who has studied my Dads work the most perhaps....

If they are doing what I suspect....what is that going to mean?

Okay Linda, I will respond, no digs, no harm, no foul intended, just direct truthful answers.


I am only going to say this once. You can take it however you want to take it. If you want to continue addressing me as a "little girl" maybe thats alright with me. If that means that you have a fatherly protective attitude in my direction... thats alright with me....

Linda, I will say this once...again. The little girl in the pinafore with the patent leather shoes is a psychic image I kept receiving as a response to certain actions you did, not always, just sometimes. You of all people should know my position on pedophilia, that is, if you ever listened to me in the past but I will let this slide for it is non-productive.

I need your help. Is that what you have been wanting to hear from me. You are the one who recognizes, I hope , what is going on with the Hutchisons.... Please look on your own and make your own mind up.....You are the one who has studied my Dads work the most perhaps....

If they are doing what I suspect....what is that going to mean?


Linda, from what I have heard, you have quite a network established of those working on your Father's science. I, at this time, don't believe that you would require my help.

Let's let the sun rotate a while....agreed? harm no foul for the time?

I know that many have made a big fuss over what Mikado has said about me over the years ( and I was the one probably most upset about it....) and most of his fuss has been his complaint that I helped others reach out to him... when he wanted to remain a private individual. Now I guess he has changed his mind because the owner of the HUT ( has posted an avatar picture of the two of them...Kim and Mikado. I am guessing to celebrate the opening of the HUT after it has been dormant for many months.
A picture of Mikado... for those who have wondered............
He has been known as such a sinister force! Maybe some of you have wondered what this dark menace <g> actually looks is the link....

And if he follows through on his promises to make that Forum open for quality discussions about the work of T. Townsend Brown then I think it is wonderful that he has decided to put his face to his words.

Kim is the owner of the HUT so I guess we have her to thank for this. Its always nice to match faces to the words attributed to them.


He isn't that scarey looking now, is he?
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Here is the link to the Cosmic Token also in

? View topic - Communicating with Mikado

It may be that the link over to the HUT works better from there. Though if you hit an Error Message it might be that Kim has perhaps changed her mind about posting that picture. I don't see why she might do that.... it seemed a good idea to post it. Linda
I am encouraged. This is from Kim ( of course with her own particular slant on things...) but the message itself is a good one I think

This forum is reopening to give others a chance to sit and talk among like minds without all the perceived spy games that exist elsewhere. It will also be where others can post their thoughts, ideas and contribute to others discussions without fear of censorship, editing, and deletions. So, do YOU want to do this? Kim

And of course I should answer her challenge... Yes.... I do want to do this.... and I want to see you and Mikado follow through on your words above. The website is named after my Father and I expect to see it properly used. Linda
Latest update?

Some of our biggest aggitators have moved over to Mikados "Hut" and they are filling it with really quite good and active posts...

and I have been asked to host an " Ask Me Anything" interview by Reddit.... which I think might be interesting.....

The Zorgon camp I have been told is in a flutter about me doing this after all of their attempts to discredit me completely as the daughter of Townsend Brown... ( and thanks to all of you and Lady of Light... that little campaign has withered and died....)

Join the Reddit conversations on Saturday at 3pm EST. It seems to be building into quite a discussion possibility and know that you all were part of what made this possible.....

Linda Brown, the daughter of physicist Thomas Townsend Brown (1905-1985), will be hosting an AMA on Saturday, Feb. 15th, at 3PM EST. : conspiracy

With all my appreciation..........Linda