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“A “democracy” according to the aims of The National Endowment for Democracy, Freedom House, Jewish billionaire George Soros, and various Think Tanks would give criminal oligarchs and western banks and large corporations the freedom to plunder non-compliant countries and its people,” Hans-Werner Klausen, Germany.

I had avoided to write about the recent coup and counter-military coup in Muslim-majority African country of Mali (former French Sudan) until I read that the Ziocon Freedom House had condemed the overthrow of country’s pro-West ruler, Amadou Toumani Toure. In a statement the Freedom House also threw its support behind the African Union and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), both western tools of colonialism.

On March 22, 2012 - a group of army officers led by Captain Amadou Haya Sanogo overthrew President Amadou Toumani Touré, who himself staged a military coup in 1991 against civilian government of president Mousa Traore. The military junta has already agreed to hand over power for 40 days to a civilian government led by caretaker president Dioncounda Traore, and then allow the country to hold elections by the end of May.

The leaders from the 15-state regional bloc (ECOWAS), gathered in Abidjan for an extraordinary summit on the crisis in Mali and Guinea-Bissau, decided on Thursday to deploy a stabilisation force to both countries. France has already offered to lead the force and pledged 1,000 soldiers.

However, the military junta has rejected ECOWAS’ decision. “All the decisions announced in Abidjan were reached without consulting us. I do not agree with the deployment of soldiers from the Economic Community of West Africa States, or ECOWAS. No foreign soldier will step on Malian soil without being invited by the Malian government,” Amadou Haya Sanogo told reporters on Saturday.

Under diplomatic pressure from Mali’s partners and military pressure from an advancing rebellion in northern Mali, the military junta agreed to hand power over to Traore, the former speaker, who was sworn in as president on April 12.

Mali is rich in gold, uranium, phosphate and oil. The country is about the size of Texas and California combined. The total population is 14.1 million with 90% Muslims, Indigenous 6% and Christians 4%. The largest ethnic group is Manding (52%) and Tuaregs and Maurs (North African Berbers) make less than 5%.

Mali’s fabled city of Timbuktu was a significant religious, cultural, and commercial center whose residents traveled north across the Sahara through Morocco and Algeria to other parts of Africa, Europe, and Asia. Timbuktu’s most famous and long lasting contribution to Islamic–and world–civilization is its scholarship and the books that were written and copied there beginning from at least the 14th century. The brilliance of the University of Timbuktu was without equal in all of sub-Saharan Africa and was known throughout the Islamic world.

Mali got its independence from French colonists on September 22, 1960. In January 1973, Mali broke its diplomatic relation with the Zionist entity – a Jew-hating act the French and US Jewish groups have not forgotten. There are over 1,000 Jews in Timbuktu whose ancestors escaped from Crusaders after the fall of over 850 year Muslim rule in Spain in 1492.

Ramin Mazaheri, a US journalist, in an article in Press TV wrote that the western media is waving Al-Qaeda flag in Mali when in fact Al-Qaeda doesn’t exist in Mali. However, Zionist-controlled mainstream media always sees “Islamists” and “Al-Qaeda” in every Muslim country whose people try to challenge Zionist occupied western governments (ZOGs).

“What we have in Mali is not Islamic fanaticism but civil war, and any civil war is the product of decades and even centuries of titanic forces moving slowly but inexorably. That’s why if you read the words of the UN Security Council, or top Western diplomats, or the leaders of France, Mali’s former colonial master, what we have is very cut and dried: Mali’s biggest problem is a spreading Islamic threat.

By invading Libya and deposing their longtime benefactor, Gadaffi, the Tuaregs have nowhere to go. If they don’t find, or make, a safe haven they will go the way of the Kurds, or the Roma or any number of large minorities that are extinct, stateless or generally despised.

Only a hardened neo-colonist wouldn’t agree that non-intervention in Mali is the best stance in this early stage,” wrote Mazaheri.

In November 2010 Kana Baba Hama, head of Mali-Iran Parliamentary Group visited Tehran and stressed Mali’s support for Iran’s right to have access to peaceful nuclear technology. Baba Hama also met his Iranian counterpart, Siamak Mereh Sedq, who represents 25,000 Iranian Jews in the Majlis (parliament). Mereh Sedq told Baba: “ The Islamic Republic of Iran attaches special importance to all-out cooperation with the African state“.

Mali: The Western colonists cry foul | Rehmat's World