
Truth feeder
Moon Orbit Wrong Cornell University associate Lorenzo Lorio, Has Researched i'm sure because of public outcry & observations made by You, my Friends, Visitors & others on the Internet and Concluded that Indeed there Is Something Wrong With The Sun Moon & Earth. Taking into account a possible Planet X Saying, "A potentially viable Newtonian candidate would be a trans-Plutonian massive object like Planet X" Cornell University tells us that

Quote: "On the anomalous secular increase of the eccentricity of the orbit of the Moon. The present-day models of the dissipative phenomena occurring in the interiors of both the Earth and the Moon are not able to explain it. A recent analysis ( Prior1st Feb 2011 (Netlethe) ) of a Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) data record spanning 38.7 yrs, revealed an anomalous increase of the eccentricity of the lunar orbit.

A potentially viable Newtonian candidate would be a trans-Plutonian massive object (Planet X/Nemesis/Tyche) since it, actually, would affect e with a non-vanishing long-term variation. " Unquote.

Thank You for participating & submitting your reports.

By: Lorenzo Lorio, through Cornell University

General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology

TITLE: "On the anomalous secular increase of the eccentricity of the orbit of the Moon"

(Submitted on 1 Feb 2011 (v1), last revised 21 Feb 2011 (this version, v3)
Google the above TITLE, and find more info.
A recent analysis of a Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) data record spanning 38.7 yr revealed an anomalous increase of the eccentricity of the lunar orbit amounting to de/dt_meas = (9 +/- 3) 10^-12 yr^-1.

The present-day models of the dissipative phenomena occurring in the interiors of both the Earth and the Moon are not able to explain it.

We examine several dynamical effects, not modelled in the data analysis, in the framework of long-range modified models of gravity and of the standard Newtonian/Einsteinian paradigm.

It turns out that none of them can accommodate de/dt_meas. Many of them do not even induce long-term changes in e; other models do, instead, yield such an effect, but the resulting magnitudes are in disagreement with de/dt_meas.

In particular, the general relativistic gravitomagnetic acceleration of the Moon due to the Earth's angular momentum has the right order of magnitude, but the resulting Lense-Thirring secular effect for the eccentricity vanishes.

A potentially viable Newtonian candidate would be a trans-Plutonian massive object (Planet X/Nemesis/Tyche) since it, actually, would affect e with a non-vanishing long-term variation.

On the other hand, the values for the physical and orbital parameters of such a hypothetical body required to obtain the right order of magnitude for de/dt are completely unrealistic.

Moreover, they are in neat disagreement with both the most recent theoretical scenarios envisaging the existence of a distant, planetary-sized body and with the model-independent constraints on them dynamically inferred from planetary motions.

Thus, the issue of finding a satisfactorily explanation for the anomalous behaviour of the Moon's eccentricity remains open.

*1. Dissipative Phenomena

"Frictional and dissipative terms of the Schrödinger equation are studied. A proof is given showing that the frictional term of the Schrödinger-Langevin equation causes the quantum system to lose energy. General expressions are derived for the frictional term of the Schrödinger equation."

Web-Search: "dissipative phenomena"

PDF Link & much info

I have never seen the moon this crazy. here one day, gone the next. shows up after 9 pm and then disappears in a couple hours. sometimes I see it in the daytime but dont see it again for days...and the sun is so bright and white you cant even glance up in its direction.
just sayin!
Did anyone take into consideration that the moon is a ship and not just a planetary body in orbit around the earth?

Bajabetty3, that is REALLY interesting, and strange, too! If I get the chance, I'm gonna have to keep an eye on that. I've been focusing more on the sun when i venture outside, but now i'll have to keep an eye on the moon, too.

Is there any chance you could get some video or something?
I can try and find someone to video it for me and I will post it. and while you are observing the moon look to the west. I have been watching this bright dot for many weeks. It looked like a star. But it gotten bigger and closer. The strange thing is that after the sun sets it seems to drop into the western horizon and disappears. Just would like to know if anyone else has noticed this?
I'll be sure to check that out as soon as these darn clouds clear up. I'm really curious to see what you've been talking about. This stuff really interests me!
well I hope you find out what it is. so far the sky here in apple valley, ca is clear. Ive found that if there is something to see up there I get chemtrailed and soon it's all cloudy. I love this stuff too! :):highly_amused:
Moon out of place

More on this here, if anybody is interested:

Michael Janitch aka Dutchsinse analyzed a Harvard paper about recent moon anomalies and found out that:

1. The moon is indeed experiencing an acceleration in eccentricity during its orbit around the earth —- the current models of the earths core/moons core do not correspond or explain this.

2. Professionals in the industry — scientists at Cornell University for instance — are using “X” as in (planet x, nemesis, tyche) in an attempt to explain something happening to the moon/earth orbit.​
I have notices odd positions of the moon, and other planets or stars appearing near the moon. However I never paid enough attention to the moon to document it.
I haven't noticed a thing. But then again, I'm much too busy with other things to be looking up at the moon while I'm out in the evening and at night. It's cool though. I wonder what's really causing it.