Movies on Basic Cable


New member
I'm very curious to know if anyone knows why the cable networks repeat movies ad nauseum. For instance on AMC they repeat Jeremiah Johnson, and Outlaw Josey Wales, along with Pale Rider, all the time. Hallmark is really something or repeats now too, their favorite one to repeat is both versions of The Parent Trap, Then there's the constant repeats of Pirates of the Caribbean, none of these films am I fan of they play them both on Saturday and again on Sunday.

Just curious.
I've often wondered this myself to, certain movies get more attention others. Perhaps the production companies of those movies are paying more to have them played more often.
Yes, might be but why would they want to pay more? What happened to all the other movies out there, and whats withholding the credits from whose playing in the film. That I don't understand either.
I'm very curious to know if anyone knows why the cable networks repeat movies ad nauseum. For instance on AMC they repeat Jeremiah Johnson, and Outlaw Josey Wales, along with Pale Rider, all the time. Hallmark is really something or repeats now too, their favorite one to repeat is both versions of The Parent Trap, Then there's the constant repeats of Pirates of the Caribbean, none of these films am I fan of they play them both on Saturday and again on Sunday.Just curious.

lol remember if you take your time and watch what they repeat i bet theres some message hidden in those shows.. and its all about brainwashing and mind control.. alot of people have cable and spend their time watching all of these shows play over and over and over.. and that just dumbs people down really...
Hadn't thought along those lines, and I'm usually most suspicious of everything coming from the elites. With that in mind what about the possibility of using subliminal messaging in these films. Maybe that another reason they play them so often. They haven't gotten a chance to do this to all the films, yet.
I bet if you look you can find a common theme within the movies. Usually they'll do that. Pick a theme for their message, and run with it, over and over. And then, after a very long while, change it and run that for a long time.

Unfortunately, sometimes it's GOOD to subject yourself to some of these tv things just so you can help to expose them for what they are.
Hadn't thought along those lines, and I'm usually most suspicious of everything coming from the elites. With that in mind what about the possibility of using subliminal messaging in these films. Maybe that another reason they play them so often. They haven't gotten a chance to do this to all the films, yet.

I bet if you look you can find a common theme within the movies. Usually they'll do that. Pick a theme for their message, and run with it, over and over. And then, after a very long while, change it and run that for a long time.

Unfortunately, sometimes it's GOOD to subject yourself to some of these tv things just so you can help to expose them for what they are.

yep true totally agree
Well, I can guess what alot of it might be about, unfortunately for them they choose to repeat the movies I'm not interested in :) I've seen all three of those Westerns once and it was enough for me, (of course, hat was before I became more awake toTPTB deviousness and what lengths they'll go to to promote it), also before all the repetition started happening. the other Matrix, (too much technical thought from what I've seen of the commercials and Pirates of the Csribbean (not a Johnny Depp fan) so, they chose the wrong stuff, lucky for me, unfortunate that leaves alot weekends with nothing of interest on, and pay alot of money for nothing, except access to digital tv. :(
Well, I can guess what alot of it might be about, unfortunately for them they choose to repeat the movies I'm not interested in :) I've seen all three of those Westerns once and it was enough for me, (of course, hat was before I became more awake toTPTB deviousness and what lengths they'll go to to promote it), also before all the repetition started happening. the other Matrix, (too much technical thought from what I've seen of the commercials and Pirates of the Csribbean (not a Johnny Depp fan) so, they chose the wrong stuff, lucky for me, unfortunate that leaves alot weekends with nothing of interest on, and pay alot of money for nothing, except access to digital tv. :(

Unfortunately movies are not about YOUR interest, it's about the majorities interests. They're not worried about the few people that fall by the wayside.

How many women out there go crazy for Johnny Depp?
How many women see everything he's in?
And how many women are getting brainwashed by his movies?

All they want is the majority, because the majority controls public opinion and people want to fit in to large groups of people with similar interests. Even if they have to pretend.
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Yes, unforunately I know they care more for the collective then they do the indiviual. As to Johnny Depp to me's he's average, I'm female, he's average, and I figure alot of his movies must have hidden messages in them. That's probably why he's so wildly popular in Hollywood.
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Yes, unforunately I know they care more for the collective then they do the indiviual. As to Johnny Depp to me's he's average, I'm female, he's average, and I figure alot of his movies must have hidden messages in them. That's probably why he's so wildly popular in Hollywood.

I guarantee theres messages hidden within Johnny Depp's movies. Just look at the kind of movies he stars in. That should be an indication right there that there's hidden messages.

that's one thing that I actually LIKE to do, when I have time that is, not that I EVER have time. I LOVE to look for all the messages that are interlaced with the propaganda hidden within movies and tv shows.
I do find sometimes hidden messages in movies, just the other night we watched a 2010 film Prince of Persia, one character in the film kept complaining about the taxes and tax collectors. Surprise though he was making suggestions on how "not" to pay taxes :lol There must've been 3 or 4 references to this in the film. Maybe giving IRS tips on what to look for? (as if they need any.) The movies 2012 and Day After Tomorrow, were thoroughly laced with them.(No surprise there, disaster films) Decent special effects though.

As for Johnny Depp I saw one of his earlier films (before the propaganda machines in Hollywood started up) it wasn't bad, but during the 2004 elections he said he was thinking of taking the family and moving to France where they were more civilized.

The only reason why he didn't I would suppose is he knew he wouldn't be able to make the millions there that he does here. Too bad he didn't. (I don't trust either party anymore, they're only in it for themselves, for the most part tsome of them might be sincere when they go in, but they get corrupted the longer they stay) Oh, well what can you expect?
As for Johnny Depp I saw one of his earlier films (before the propaganda machines in Hollywood started up) it wasn't bad, but during the 2004 elections he said he was thinking of taking the family and moving to France where they were more civilized.

That's a good way to lose your fans in America, tell them that French are more civilized than they are. The French have their problems too, just like America. Just like England and the rest of the world. I believe the main difference in France is they could probably care less if Johnny Depp was walking down the street or not, in America he'd be lucky to get half a block before he was taken down by a mob.
Probably didn't hurt him too much though, I'm sure for the most part it wasn't widely reported. He's one of theirs, they'd protect him. Unfortunately :(