[Help!] Negative energy attack


New member
HELP, I've discovered within the past few months that I am an Empath and a very, very strong one. I have no idea how to control this or how to protect myself. My Uncle (by marriage) passed away earlier this week. He was a deeply disturbed man and upon meeting him for the 1st time I had an INSTANT dislike for him. His energy was strange, creepy, confusing, desperate and without a doubt negative. Foul play was ruled out but his death was called by Police and the Coroner, "one of the strangest scenes they had ever seen."
Today I accompanied my Aunt to the house to remove the chair that he died in and retrieve mail ect....
In the home I felt light headed, dizzy and uncomfortable, so I went outside to sit on the porch while family members removed the chair.
As they went past me I became terribly disoriented and so physically ill that I began to repeatedly gag until I threw up (not due to smell because I was outside and far enough away that it wasn't a factor). It's been a little over a hour and a half and I still feel drained to the point of exhaustion and have a dull headache. I'm now scared out of my mind! What in the hell happened? How do I protect myself? Have I opened myself up to be haunted? In life he always made me feel like prey, I felt vulnerable and frightened when around him, although he'd never done anything to make me feel this way. Now I'm even more afraid!!!! Please help me!
Thank you,
The first thing you need to do is to not panic. It sounds as though it is in fact an empathic reaction. Meditation will help, and just the focus on controlling it can help as well. There is nothing you can do to rid yourself of this gift, however, to control it will take some practice. I myself have been experiencing major empathic related emotions due to the mall collapse disaster in Elliot Lake Ontario this past week. It's been an absolute roller-coaster ride.

I choose to feel everything and just let it happen, even though I can be an emotional wreck at times (ie, crying for no reason, strange feelings wash over me, etc.). It can be dealt with best if you gain an understanding of it. If you never gain that understanding, you will never be able to control it.

I will talk to you more about this soon. Anything you need to know, just ask. I understand it can be quite overwhelming in the early stages, and with energy so strongly affecting you, I can understand why it scares you. It has nothing to do with being "haunted", there's no need to fear that. :) You feel the energy that surrounds people, and some people's energy is stronger than others.

We'll talk more. :)

Lady of Light
Lady knows what she speaks of, trust in her words here.

I can give some limited advice also in the spirit of helping. Nothing has power over you unless you give it power. Fear comes from within. If you are tired, rest. Sit and be comfortable within your being, as you are. You will have a better sense afterward of your own energy and power.

with love, Noah
HELP, I've discovered within the past few months that I am an Empath and a very, very strong one. I have no idea how to control this or how to protect myself. My Uncle (by marriage) passed away earlier this week. He was a deeply disturbed man and upon meeting him for the 1st time I had an INSTANT dislike for him. His energy was strange, creepy, confusing, desperate and without a doubt negative. Foul play was ruled out but his death was called by Police and the Coroner, "one of the strangest scenes they had ever seen." Today I accompanied my Aunt to the house to remove the chair that he died in and retrieve mail ect.... In the home I felt light headed, dizzy and uncomfortable, so I went outside to sit on the porch while family members removed the chair. As they went past me I became terribly disoriented and so physically ill that I began to repeatedly gag until I threw up (not due to smell because I was outside and far enough away that it wasn't a factor). It's been a little over a hour and a half and I still feel drained to the point of exhaustion and have a dull headache. I'm now scared out of my mind! What in the hell happened? How do I protect myself? Have I opened myself up to be haunted? In life he always made me feel like prey, I felt vulnerable and frightened when around him, although he'd never done anything to make me feel this way. Now I'm even more afraid!!!! Please help me!Thank you,Skky

Wow. See you arent the only empath out there I am one too and Ive felt exactly what you felt too and it is totally not a good feeling.. the best thing for you to do is distance yourself from the place and from whatevers giving you the bad feeling. another thing to do is ground yourself through meditation believe me I agree with Lady of Light Meditation is the best thing.. Also knowing and truely believing that an angel is with you helps too.. Ask archangel Michael to protect you as he is the angel of protection.. hes a friend of mine and it totally helps to have archangel michael with you always..
Thank you Lady, Noah and S_Coy, I realize I'm not in danger but wrote this soon after having one of the strongest negative reactions I've ever had in my life. It really frightened me that I was physically affected, especially by someone I was afraid of in life. I've always been "different" even as a child, but I just recently, as I said, figured out what I really am. I'm finding the older I get the more in tune I've become with the energies around me. I have a heightened sense of awareness that I've never noticed before. I'm a Hair Stylist and I've found at the end of my day that I'm so exhausted that I have withdrawn completely from any form of social life. All of my life I've needed what I call my "alone time" and now I know why.
Even stranger, my aunt just called me and I opened up with a flood of personal information about her husband that I shouldn't have known, all from the encounter I had today. I've also had several instances where I dreamed of someone that I hadn't known had passed.... in those dreams they always let me know they are OK... then I find that they have crossed over. I also just lost my great aunt and I swear she was between two worlds during our last conversation and told me that she shared my gift... she looked over my shoulder and said "I don't know how they all fit in this room" I asked how many were there and she said "So many, too many." Then she hugged me and told me that she loved me and some other very personal things that even she didn't know. The last thing she said was "They appreciate this time with you." I left that room in peace... nothing like what I experienced today. I left warm and comforted! The glory was almost audible and at some point I felt I could reach out and touch the beauty, it was that solid. Today however was the exact opposite. Today was terrifying and horrible. Ok I'm sorry, I'm rambling... I have just held this in for soooooo long for fear of sounding insane but I KNOW what I KNOW and that is there is a strong presence around me at all times. Now I gotta figure out how to meditate... for sanity's sake. Thank you so much for responding. I look forward to any advice you can give me in honing and controlling my gift.
There are those on here that are more "expert" when it comes to meditation, so they can help you get started, I can merely guide from there.

It sounds as if you are a Medium as well as an Empath. These are gifts that are often misunderstood. I myself have many levels of gifts, empath being one of them, but it took until I reached adulthood until I started to understand them. I am still getting a grasp on some of the things that I am currently able to do or sense. It is an ongoing process, but one that I choose to embrace.

You can always feel free to discuss these things here without fear of ridicule. :) These things are important for ALL to know about.

Once you get a grasp on how to control, and separate (if you wish), it will get easier. It always gets easier the more we understand and don't ignore it. :)

Lady of Light :)
Wow, Maidenskky. I feel for you. I'm a bit of a Sensitive myself, so I can somewhat relate. I've never felt anything as strong as what you described, but I sympathize with you. :)
There is much information and techniques to begin meditation, maidenskky. I can say that none of it will have any effect until you begin practicing yourself. Begin simply, may I advise-
1. Sit comfortably with spine straight
2. Hands in your lap or on your knees, close your eyes and take a few slow deep breaths
3. breathe normal, do not move or open your eyes
4. do not direct your mind anywhere, let it do what it will

remain in this state as long as you can endure :)
If a subject of meditation is necessary at the beginning, I suggest placing the mind calmly on the process of breathing.
Do not fear but know- everything you experience is only/all MIND.
At first the mind will be excited and erratic, it may seem "hard" to remain sitting but after some practice the mind will calm. The mind is forced to remain and delve inward and there illusions are destroyed and wisdom is made manifest.

The forum on meditation is here- Spiritual / Paranormal - Meditation at Unhypnotize.com

feel free to ask any question you have, here or on a thread in the meditation forum :)

with love, Noah