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    Neocons to lead US war on Muslim Africa

    On July 23, Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter, became the first high-ranking official of Obama administration to visit Uganda and Ethiopia. He met both government and military leaders to seek their continue fighting US proxy wars in Somalia, Mali, Sudan and the Central African Republic...
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    Carl Bernstein: ‘Jewish Neocons started US-Iraq war’

    In May 2013, one half of the famed Jewish investigative journalist “Bernstein and Woodward” team which helped break open the Watergate scandal of the 1970s, 69-year-old Carl Bernstein, told Joe Scarbrough at MSNBC that Jewish neocons pushed president Bush into the 2003 war on Iraq. “This was an...
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    Richard Falk: ‘Israel behind Boston bombing’

    Jewish professor Richard Falk, special UNHRC envoy for Palestine, in an Op-Ed published in the Foreign Policy Journal on April 21, 2013, has claimed that the Zionist regime was behind the Boston Marathon bombingon April 15, 2013. “As long as Tel Aviv has the compliant ear of the American...
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    US wants Morsi to deliver more

    “The aid to Egypt must be linked not only to its economic needs and policies. It must truly be linked to whether Morsi does in fact “protect the democratic principles that the Egyptian people fought so hard to secure,” wrote the convicted Zionist Jew, Elliot Abrams, at CFR’s ‘Pressure Point...
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    Jews are not happy in the ‘New Tunisia’

    I came across an amusing assessment of Tunisia under pro-USrael “Islamist” En-Nahda after two years. Rob Prince, a journalist and lecturer of International Studies at the University of Denver, posted his assessment at his blog at the Colorado Progressive Jewish News on January 11, 2013. In...
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    Intel Chief honored for delaying US-Iran War

    Professor Thomas Fingar (Stanford University, California), former Director of the National Intelligence Council, will receive the annual Sam Adams award from Oxford Union on January 23, 2013. Dr. Fingar oversaw preparation of the landmark 2007 National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on the Islamic...
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    Israel: ‘Thou shalt not vote for Hagel’

    “An Obama nomination and Senate confirmation of Chuck Hagel would be a major step in breaking the grip of Israel’s myrmidons (Israel-Firsters) in this country,” James M. Wall, journalist and former publisher of Chicago-based The Christian Century magazine. Earlier, I had posted Jews against...
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    Philip Giraldi: ‘Why I dislike Israel’

    In February 2011, American Jewish philosopher, Noam Chomsky told Amy Goodman at the Bemocracy Now! that Washington’s foreign policy in the Arab world is fueling hatred toward the United States. Naturally, he was not expected to acknowlege the fact that Washington’s foreign policy and “red line”...
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    Lobby: ‘Jews don’t control Mitt Romney’

    Personally, I believe it will make no difference to the Muslim world who wins the American presidential election in November 2012. Because both Obama and Romney are the two faces of the same Israeli coin. Maureen Dowd, a long time columnist with the New York Times, is under fire from Jewish...
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    9/11: The ‘Five views’

    Yesterday, marked the 11th anniversary of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks which brought down three World Trade Center buildings – two as result of hijacked commercial planes while the third (WTC-7) as a ‘divine miracle’. According to the ‘official story’, 19 Arab villians equipped with...
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    Did Mossad try to assassinate Gen. Dempsey?

    “Israel need not to apologize for assassination or destruction of those who seek to destroy it. The first order of business for any country is the protection of its people,” Washington Jewish Week, October 9, 1997. Did Mossad try to Assassinate Dempsey in Afghanistan? Gordon Duff...
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    Frank Gaffney: ‘SPLC = KKK’

    The anti-Sharia crusader, Israel-Firster Frank Gaffney, recently called the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) ‘anti-Semitic’ and equated it with the former Ku Klax Klan White Supremacist group. Gaffney is founder and president of Ziocon think tank ‘Center for Security Policy‘ and a columnist at...
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    Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting puzzle

    On Sunday, worshippers at the Wisconsin Sikh temple (Gurduwara), became the latest victims of the US culture of gun, ethnic hatred and false-flag operations. The shooter died in a ‘police encounter’ outside the temple after killing six worshippers and wounding several others. On Monday, the...
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    Israel Lobby: ‘Turkey is an ally against Islamists’

    Last August I posted how Turkish prime minister Erdogan is fighting US-Israel proxy war against Islamic and democratic revival in the Muslim world. My views have been confirmed by a new Task Force Report issued by the powerful Israel lobby group, the Council on Foreign Relations, which has...
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    Iran stood fast at P5+1 meeting: Bibi frets

    “We have always stated that pressure and the language of threat is useless in dealing with the Iranian nation, but talks and cooperation can be a positive approach,” said Iran’s chief negotiator Saeed Jalili at the end of two rounds of 10-hour negotiations in Istanbul with P5+1 group (the United...
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    Grossman to stop Iranian influence over Kabul

    Barack Obama’s Ziocon Jewish pointman for Pakistan and Afghanistan Marc Grossman is well prepared for his task. He has to make sure that if and when US-NATO occupation forces leave Afghanistan – the country like Iraq doesn’t become Tehran’s ally. Recently, both Afghan president Hamid Karzai and...
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    CSIS: ‘US is sure to lose Iraq to Iran, unless…’

    The former “Iraq for Sale” under US occupation since Jewish Purim 2003 celebration, has started worrying Israel lobby groups since US occupation forces withdrew on December 31, 2011. Watch a video of movie “Iraq for Sale” below to learn why Americans killed one million Iraqis and destroyed a...
  18. 100th Monkey

    Former CIA Boss Says Iran Will Attack Statue of Liberty

    "Former CIA boss James Woolsey told WABC Radio in New York that Iran will retaliate against the United States by taking out the Statue of Liberty. “We will have a very serious problem from terrorism if we insist on Iran shutting down its nuclear program, but we have to do that. And so we...
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    Is Occupy Wall Street movement anti-Jewish?

    Toronto-born American Jewish columnist David Brooks believes it is. In his Op-Ed published in The New York Times (October 10, 2011), entitled ‘The Milquetoast Radicals’, he wrote: “Take the Occupy Wall Street movement. This uprising was sparked by the (Canadian) magazine Adbusters, previously...
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    ‘Israel-First’ UK Defense Minister forced to resign

    British Foreign Secretary, Dr. Liam Fox 50, resigned on Friday over scandal with his long-time gayfriend Adam Werritty 34. Werritty, later served Fox’s best man at Fox’s 2005 marriage to Dr. Jesme Baird. British Prime Minister, Israel-Firster David Cameron has appointed millionaire Dr. Philip...