[Rant] New adult mind coming to terms with the world.


New member
Theres been allot of information coming to me from a series of sources.
relating to a few subjects including the NWO, Extra-terrestrial life, and Spirituality.
Im very keen on learning what I can from who ever I can, taking in mind that these are all generalizations on what could be, and that essentially, noone really 'knows'

So Im here to let people know what I believe, with the complete openness to let those beliefs change.
Cause what I believe is that what you believe becomes your reality. So I believe what I want to, and I hope you do the same.
Welcome, Sabi!

You are definitely in the right place. We gather all kinds of information on what people think may be going on and about to happen and leave it to be sorted out by each individual who reads it.

You're right. No one really knows what's true in ANY aspect of life, whether it be spiritual, paranormal, extra-terrestrial, our governments, etc.

Again, welcome! We look forward to having you here!

Lady of Light