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Ronald S. Lauder. president of World Jewish Congress and several other pro-Israel Jewish groups have slammed Norway’s welknown sociologist, professor Johan Galtung, 82, for claiming that six Jewish companies control 96% of the world’s mainstream media – and that Israeli Mossad was behind last year’s massacre in Norway committed by pro-Israel Anders Behring Breivik killing 77 people.

Dr. Johan Galtung is son of a Nazi Labour Camp survivor. In 1959, he founded the Peace Research Institute Oslo. In 1987 he was awarded the Alternative Nobel Prize. Galtung is author of 100 books and over 1000 articles.

Dr. Galtung’s other anti-Jewish views include; the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is athentic, Anders Behring Breivik belongs to Freemasonry cult which is based on Judaism and 9/11 was inside/Mossad job.

Responding to anti-Semitism label against him, Galtung responded: “I remember a famous professor in Israel who said, ‘Anti-Semitism means opposing us more than we deserve. The meaning of his words is that he believes that Jews deserve some of the accusations, but thinks that only Jews can say that“.

In a July 24, 2011 article, Israeli-born Jewish author Gilad Atzmon wrote that Breivik targeted Norway’s Labour Party’s Youth movement for organization’s boycott of the Zionist entity. Its leader Eskil Pedersen in an interview said: “I believe the time has come for more drastic measures against Israel – and I hope the Foreign Minister impose an economic boycott against the country. The peace process goes nowhere and though the whole world expect Israel to comply, they do not. We in Labour Youth will have a unilateral economic embargo of Israel from the Norwegian side”.

Norwegian scholar angers Jewish groups | Rehmat's World