[Must Watch!] Now this is one creature you have never seen before.....Watch with your own eyes!!!!!!!


New member
I am just wowed and amazed at the transformations that this thing take on. Check it out for yourself!!!!!!
I'll let you be judged...You have to watch the whole video........It will have you stuck to the screen...........

Strange looking indeed. but is it really a creature? it looks almost like it's some sort of material that can be expanded with the movement of the water.

I have a hard time believing much of anything anymore. I'm open to lots of possibilities, but there's just something that doesn't look quite right about this. just saying is all.

Still looks cool, regardless of WHAT it is.
Maybe it's an alien. I mean at the end of the video it's showing the camera that is has brain [specifically medulla oblangata], then it looks to be showing off for the camera. Definitely looks intelligent. Who knows could be one of those orbs that crashed into the sea.
I am one to keep an open mind, but after watching this video a few times I am going to have to say I do not believe this is a creature of any kind. To me this looks like a metalic scarf tied to a light colored scaf. It moves about the water as if so.
I am one to keep an open mind, but after watching this video a few times I am going to have to say I do not believe this is a creature of any kind. To me this looks like a metalic scarf tied to a light colored scaf. It moves about the water as if so.

Glad I'm not the only one that's thinking along those lines.

This video just has that Blair Witch Project feel to it. Make you think it's real, and then someone's gonna come out and say it's a hollywood stunt or something. I would LOVE to believe that it's real, but, I'm gonna err on the side of caution for this one.

I don't see anything that looks to me like a brain. Maybe I'm just not seeing what you're seeing. It's cool, sure. And I would LOVE to hear that it is in fact from some craft that crashed into the ocean. But until then, I see it more as a piece of fabric being pulled through the water.

Sorry, I just don't see what you're seeing. Maybe I'm just too skeptical of videos portraying strange creatures and aliens, but you have to admit, there's been a lot of hoaxes over the years. I just don't get a good feeling off this one.

Either way, it IS a cool video and it's great you shared it! So, thanks.
This creature kind of has a jellyfish like look to it, but also has like a hex shaped pattern on the supposed skin. At times it definitely looks like it could be a real creature, but then I see it do something and I'm not convinced is real anymore. I'm not sure what to make of this video, but I'm leaning towards it being a probable fake.
Sure, at some points, it LOOKS like a strange creature, but for the most part, it LOOKS to me like some sort of elasticy cloth or something. Strange, yes, absolutely. Concrete proof of a creature, I can't say. I'm open to a lot of things, this included, but i'm on the skeptical side. If it IS proven, then I'll lean more toward real, but I can't see how it CAN be proven to be real.
Whether the supposed creature in the video is real or fake makes little to no difference if you look at it from another perspective that none of you seem to be looking at.

If it is real, then it is truly amazing, this creature. However, if it is faked, then it allows us to open our minds to the possibility of other creatures out there in our world that have yet to be seen and captured on film by humans.

After all, take into consideration the giant squid. It was said to be a myth, a sailor's tale. It has since been proven to exist.

So, that being said, it doesn't matter whether or not this creature is real or fake, it allows for us to see the potential of other creatures in our midst.

One must merely see things from a new perspective to gain insight on one thing.
You're absolutely right lady, even the coelacanth was considered to be a myth has now been proven to be true. I'm just waiting for leprechauns, mermaids, Bigfoot, and the Loch Ness monster to be proven as true. Even though already believe.
It's a strange THING, that's for sure. Whether it's made up or it IS something out there in the depths of the ocean, it doesn't really matter.

Hell, if this isn't just some cloth, and the thing really IS changing it's size and shape, then maybe it's not a creature, maybe it's some sort of alien technology. I'm sure there've been all kinds of craft that have crashed into the water.

Hell, there's probably some truth to the movie The Abyss,and this may be that proof.

I don't know, but it does look pretty cool.
Thank you, or all of sciences successes with cloning, or with working with germs an other microbes, one has to wonder what they did with the prior attempts. They couldn't all be successful on the first try of creating something.
I am just wowed and amazed at the transformations that this thing take on. Check it out for yourself!!!!!!
I'll let you be judged...You have to watch the whole video........It will have you stuck to the screen...........

aww :( it says the video has been removed i didnt get to see the creature :( lol
I didn't get to see it either, must've been something they didn't want too much attention. Maybe real or maybe a hoax. Most probably something we might need to worry about if we encountered it. Hopefully we never do. Too bad, Youtube is becoming a very censored format. The dude that posted probably doesn't realize yet they've removed iit, if the thing is real. Too many people now with the capability of using cameras, when the moment arises, I guess.
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