[Rant] Obama Appoints Monsanto Man as FDA Food Safety Czar


Obama Appoints Monsanto Man as FDA Food Safety Czar

source: New FDA deputy to lead food-safety mandate...


Taylor is a familiar figure at the FDA. He began his career as a staff attorney at the agency in 1976. Then he worked for a decade at King & Spaulding, which represented Monsanto Corp., the agribusiness giant that developed genetically engineered corn, soybeans and bovine growth hormone.

He returned to the FDA in 1991 as deputy commissioner for policy and pushed through requirements that producers of seafood and juices adopt measures to prevent bacterial contamination. During the same period, the FDA approved Monsanto's bovine growth hormone, and Taylor was partly responsible for a controversial policy that said milk from BGH-treated cows did not have to be labeled as such. (read the entire article at link)

Source:Obama Appoints Monsanto Man as FDA Food Safety Czar // Current