Objectors' smart 'energy meters risk imprisonment


Objectors' smart 'energy meters risk imprisonment
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Objectors' smart 'energy meters commit an economic crime where more than half years imprisonment on it. Tuesday, March 31 will be voted on the bills, so the EK letter and make sure as many people as possible to be informed and petition signing.
Translated version of http://www.wijvertrouwenslimmemetersniet.nl/
Press Release
Utrecht 26-3-2009

Minister van der Hoeven finally let her true face:
Objectors' smart 'energy meters commit an economic crime where more than half years imprisonment on it.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 the Senate debated on the legislative proposals on the introduction of the slimme'meter gas and electricity.

The law proposes the installation of these meters in all small mandatory. The meters should ensure that people will use less energy because they can better understand their energy behavior.
No political party was convinced that the law would give energy, and the Minister gave themselves that they do not have hard figures available which is plausible that the law actually will have this effect.

Meanwhile, more than 14,000 people protested against plans to install energy meters, that their behavior 'behind the front' meticulously register. Many gave it clear that they do not remotely readable meters accept only one meter in the house to which they can see what their consumption. This is not the Minister. They argued that this simple system should not in accordance with EU Directives as this would require the customer data only via a detour of the energy suppliers are available.

More than 400,000 people were without that they knew-to test whether a slimme'meter at home to have. During the debate it became clear that these tests are not designed for the smart metering system to be tested, but only how this can best be implemented. Participating in the pilot projects was required, as the Minister, and the results of the tests would under no circumstances could lead to the smart meters would be introduced. Network administrators who place the meters itself determine who the pilot is.
In fact, the Senate made clear that it would be before the legislative vote since the project already started, and introducing compulsory participation in no way should be abandoned. The only difference would be that, after the law, under national legislation could be to have it installed. Midnight showed what kind of impact on the principled objectors. If people, after the law was adopted, to refuse a smart meter in their house / work to install the network such offense to the police. The case is in the hands of the prosecution because the law refuse an economic offense described. A serious offense which is a criminal record will no longer be entitled to a job with the government and not more than half years imprisonment can get.

Who thus saving energy and refuses to use energy meters to be placed, which themselves need energy to work, is the chance to end up in prison, under a law intended to him or her with energy saving learning deal.

The vote, according to current planning, leading to Tuesday, March 31 in the Senate will take place.
The action Stop the slimme'spionagemeter gas and electricity use is thus.
Help, by awareness of the legislation, the petition to sign, by itself to bombard the Senate with letters, by the action financial support to make good cartoons etc.

More information on Wij Vertrouwen Slimme Meters Niet
Original Source: Vrijbit

Source: wacholland