
Red Bull, time for the human body! Friday, March 13, 2009

The drink is sold in all supermarkets in our country. It sells in fashion, each of us can consume, and we try to just out of curiosity. ... and that can be fatal.
RED BULL established to stimulate the brains of people under great physical effort, and not for use as a refreshing drink or innocent.
RED BULL is on the global market with the slogan: "Improving physical stamina, speed and ability to focus and responsiveness, gives more energy and improves mood. (All this can be found in a can of RED BULL, sing energizing drink of the millennium (according to its greedy owners).
RED BULL has reached almost 100 countries around the world.
Red Bull brand is the key to young consumers and athletes, two attractive segments that were fascinated by the stimulus of drink.

The drink is made by Dietrich Mateschitz, an entrepreneur of Austrian origin, who discovered on a business trip to Hong Kong while working for a manufacturer of toothbrushes.
The fluid-based on a formula that contains caffeine, taurine, which caused a furore in the country. He thought over the success that this drink would be in Europe, where there is no question of this product. He also thought the opportunity to entrepreneurs.

In France and Denmark have already banned them only because the reality of this drink is a cocktail of death, because the components are mixed with vitamin glucuronolactone.
Glucuronolactone is a very dangerous chemical product, which acts as a hallucinogenic drug, developed by the Ministry of Defense of the United States in the 60s, to the morale of the troops in Vietnam to promote the stress of the war against them. But its effects on the body were so devastating, that it had to stop because of the high percentage of cases of migraine, brain tumors and diseases of the liver which showed that soldiers who had made use of.

And despite this, on the can of Red Bull to see what its components are:
GLUCURONALACTONE, medically classified as a stimulant.

But they say what the impact on the can of Red Bull consumption. They were a series of warnings to locations:
1. It is dangerous if you do not exercise, because the function of the energizing sing the heartbeat accelerates, you can get a FULL heart attack.
2. You run the risk of suffering a brain hemorrhage as a result of Red Bull. It contains components that dilute the blood to the heart is pumping, it takes less effort, and thus there is less physical exhaustion.
3. It is forbidden to the Red Bull mixed with alcohol, because drinking the mixture turns into a deadly bomb attack is directly on the liver, making the affected area is restored. 4. One of the main components of the Red Bull Vitamin B12 is used in medicine for the rehabilitation of patients in one hit in a coma ethyl (coma caused by alcohol).
That is why we are capable of high blood pressure and a state of excitability, as though drunk without alcoholic beverages have taken.
5. Regular consumption of BULL20is RED triggered the emergence of a number of nerves neural diseases irreversible (no restoration).

It is a drink that should be banned throughout the world.
Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Venezuela and other Caribbean countries, alerting services of other countries to speak about what the mixture of the drink with alcohol. It creates a time bomb for the human body, especially among young people and adults by their ignorant little experience.

It is a matter of public health,
PLEASE pass this e-mail to all your friends, sons and daughters and make copien Show it to everyone you know.

The drink is sold in supermarkets and shops in the country and one of our friends or our children can use to test attracted by the publicity ... may be fatal ...


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