Rouhani addresses the paranoid Zionist Mafia


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On Wednesday, Ann Curry of NBC News interviewed Iran’s president Hassan Rouhani at Tehran’s Presidential Palace. Ann was fired by NBC last year and after falling ratings of its flagship ‘Today’ show, NBC was forced to re-hire her this year. NBC is owned by General Electric. NBC’s News president Andrew Lack is a Zionist Jew, as are executive producers Jeff Zucker (Today), Jeff Gralnick (NBC Nightly News), and Neal Shapiro (Dateline).

During the interview, Curry, for the benefit of her Zionist masters, kept grilling Rouhani, over and over again on Iran’s fictional nuclear bomb program, as she had done to other Iranian presidents in the past.

Zionist MSM is having a field day by distorting Rouhani’s statements made in Persian language. It say Rouhani claimed that he has the “authority” to abandon country’s nuclear program, “Iran will never make nuclear bomb” – and “Israel is behind all the wars in the region”. Anyone, who knows Iranian history after 1979 Islamic Revolution from an objective source – would never believe such Zionist propaganda lies. The only “Authority” under Constitution is the Supreme Leader Ayatullah Ali Khamenei who is on record for saying: “Why should Tehran trust Washington when Washington doesn’t trust Tehran“.

Rouhani, as a cleric himself, is very close to Khamenie, but no Iranian leader including Khamenie would dare to roll-back Iran’s nuclear program which has the backing of over 90% of the Iranian nation. Personally, I believe the only reason Rouhani won the June 2013 election – was because he was the only religious scholar among the six presidential contestants.

Iranian leaders since Imam Khomeini’s fatwa against WMDs in 1980, has been saying that the Islamic leadership is committed not to use its nuclear program for military usage. Netanyahu’s “modern Hitler”, former president Ahmadinejad told Sweden’s ambassador Peter Tejler last year.

“Since the Islamic Republic of Iran has no atomic bombs, and will never seek it, and considers such weapons ineffective, it has no concern,” he said.

As far as Israel being behind the ongoing bloodshed in the region is concerned – only some brainwashed idiot would deny that fact.

Ann Curry had interviewed former Iranian president Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in September 2011. Ahmadinejad, though, spoke like a Mesiah (peace, prosperity and human rights for the entire humanity), was very blunt about western evil agenda against Iranian nation. Watch the video below.

The US and Israeli security officials have warned Barack Obama on attacking the Islamic Republic. The Israel-Firster, Admiral Joe Sestak, even admitted that Israel is NOT capable of defeating Iran without American military attack.

And finally, Shaul Chorev, head of Israel’s Atomic Energy Commission, told IAEA meeting on Wednesday that Iran is practicing Israeli Mossad’s motto, “By way of deception, thou shall do war“, over country’s nuclear program.

Rouhani addresses the paranoid Zionist Mafia | Rehmat's World