?Secret Societies? Episode of Jesse Ventura?s Conspiracy Theory Airs Tonight


Truth feeder
December 30, 2009​

TruTV’s ground breaking series ‘Conspiracy Theory’ featuring former Governor Jesse Ventura continues tonight, Wed. Dec. 30 at 10 PM Eastern with a look at the Bilderberg Group and their influence on world affairs. Alex Jones is featured in the episode and consulted heavily on the production and research.​

Please tune in tonight and tell your friends and associates about the truth that has been allowed to air on mainstream television to literally millions of viewers per week. This is exciting!​

Here’s TruTV’s synopsis of tonight’s episode, along with a teaser trailer below.​
Secret Societies – NEW!
Premiere On: Wed, December 30 at 10PM ET / 9PM CT
They’re thought to be a group of the world’s elite who meet once a year at a luxury hotel and decide how they will run the world. It’s believed they plan to thin out the population through disease-and vaccines. Jesse Ventura infiltrates the Bilderberg Group.​

Watch Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura On TruTv Every Wednesday Night @ 10PM ET. Check your local cable listings for TruTV.

Below is a trailer for ‘Secret Societies.’ An alternate version is posted here at TruTV.com:​
