Spiritual bonds


New member
I wasn't sure where to put this, so if it's in the wrong category, please move it to the correct one. :)

Do any of you feel like you have a spiritual bond with someone else? It's not just a 'connection' but a bond with someone that is on a higher plane? I feel like I have that with someone. He's one of my best friends, I'm not quite sure how we crossed paths as we are both from different walks of life. Anyway, it seems he can read my thoughts as I feel I can read his. I just feel like I've known him for many lifetimes.
I absolutely know what you're talking about. (And yes, this post is in the right place as far as I'm concerned.) There are people who I've come in contact with throughout my entire life. Mostly they end up as work acquaintances, but a few are still very close friends.
I understand what you mean too. I am constantly finishing a friend of mines sentences and she does the same for me too. These bonds can be so strong that you can feel what the other person is feeling.
I have a friend like that but I don't see any direct spiritual connection other than God made us both and we happened to meet. :)
Okay, I'm glad that you guys understand what I meant. :) I try to explain it to others and they don't see it as a spiritual bond. I just think it's crazy how we live 1,000+ miles from each other and often we can feel what each other feels. Here's an example, when he's upset or pissed off about something, my back will burn up. I'm not sure why, but this is what happens. Or if I get upset about something, he'll call or text me and ask me if I'm okay. I'm almost inclined to believe that he's my twin flame.