Interesting .... Manhattan? The reason why they don't fear the authorities, is because they have corrupted the authorities .... I believe Lorraine is Russian .... she goes by the alias Marie Levine. I really shouldn't say more than that.

There is another woman I know of that is younger. She is living in CIA housing and she is American. Although her father is a diplomat and she didn't grow up in the States. I don't know how old she is, but I assume she is in her 30's.

She doesn't have an important role, per say, but she is invaluable as a resource.

I've been trying to pin-point their main objective, but I haven't been able to come up with more than creating chaos just for the sake of it.
I found this an interesting section

"Lorraine is kept very well in a secure gated property and is immune from the authorities. She has no fear whilst being protected by Frank."

Maybe its not Frank who is protecting her? Maybe its the other way around? Just remembered an old saying... "Remember the women."

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Actually according to "The Boss" she hates being there. Her first language is Russian and I have heard stories about her making obscene gestures towards the CIA surveillance cameras wile saying to them in Russian "Go F__k yourselves" Sounds like she's at least entertaining.

The FBI has been after her because she runs a homeopathic medical clinic and illegally imports "medication" from Switzerland. I don't know the entire story on that one, but apparently the FDA has been trying to shut down the clinic because they perform a hydrogen peroxide detox through IV that is supposed to be extremely effective, but highly dangerous.

I've been to the clinic, it's a closed facility, the building has almost no windows. There is armed security and they even have one of the streets barricaded. Personally, I felt it was very reminiscent to a few places I've been to in Saint Petersburg, Russia. The only way into the building is through the gated parking, which is patrolled by an armed guard or the front entrance, which has a intercom and camera.

I don't know that's a lot of security just for hydrogen-peroxide.
Hey guys, sorry I have been at work so I haven't been able to keep up with this thread and the interesting tangent has taken. I haven't made much ground in getting in to contact from the Illuminati, although from the sounds of things I'm not sure if I even want to anymore. It sounds like most of the 'Luciferian Freemasons' or whoever you guys are describing are creepy millionaires who are really more interested in depraved acts of sex and social manipulation rather than people who are actively working to change the state of the world.

At any rate I've found some more information on 'Frank Webster'(which is somewhat hard to process) who I have now found out also claims to be the Anti-christ and may have been involved in a marketing campaign for the movie Donnie Darko in 2000, that may have went sour and various cryptic websites and talk of a book called 'The book of Lucifer'. Could this be the same billionaire you're talking about Ian Chris? There can't be that many people who have the resources to pull this kind of shit for 12 years... or maybe there is.

Apparently you can email the guy, but I'm not sure I still want to get involved in this.
Hydrogen Peroxide. hahahaha. Remember John Lears Hypothesis about Aliens here? They needed to " dip themselves in Hydrogen Peroxide.... this was his fanciful story in the 80s and it got alot of play. You can still read what he wrote by just googling "John Lear Hypothesis" and it will come right up I think!

So Ianchris maybe your Russian speaking folks behind the baracades are dipping Aliens?! <g> Linda
Jetora... I don't think that you have missed a whole lot here!

" It sounds like most of the 'Luciferian Freemasons' or whoever you guys are describing are creepy millionaires who are really more interested in depraved acts of sex and social manipulation rather than people who are actively working to change the state of the world.

I think that "we" have concluded that there are forces here at work.... in opposition .... to each other. Its the old.... good against evil.....not a new story at all!

And I think that you are wise by not crowding your mind with some of the details and particulars. If you want good to happen.... follow that line of thought....amazing how the Universe responds sometimes. Linda
Here is a snippit from what John was saying in 1987.

The EBE's have a genetic disorder in that their digestive system is atrophied and not functional. Some speculate that they were involved in some type of accident or nuclear war, or possibly on the back side of an evolutionary genetic curve. In order to sustain themselves, they use an enzyme or hormonal secretion obtained from the tissue that they extract from humans and animals. (Note: cows and humans are genetically similar. In the event of a national disaster cow hemoglobin can be used by humans.)

The secretions obtained are then mixed with hydrogen peroxide and applied on the skin by spreading or dipping part of their bodies in the solution. The body absorbs the solution then excretes the waste back through the skin. The cattle mutilations that were prevalent throughout the period from 1973 to 1983, and publicly noted through newspaper and magazine stories and included a documentary produced by Linda Howe for the Denver CBS affiliate, were for the collection of those tissues by the aliens
This is drawn from THE UFO COVER-UP by John Lear

Perhaps your more on track than you think that you are Ianchris. Linda
Hydrogen Peroxide. hahahaha. Remember John Lears Hypothesis about Aliens here? They needed to " dip themselves in Hydrogen Peroxide.... this was his fanciful story in the 80s and it got alot of play. You can still read what he wrote by just googling "John Lear Hypothesis" and it will come right up I think!

So Ianchris maybe your Russian speaking folks behind the baracades are dipping Aliens?! <g> Linda

I swear to God your repeated ignorance is so offensive it's beginning to nauseate me.

According to a number of medical journals, there has been extensive medical research into hydrogen-peroxide treatments. Apparently, hydrogen-peroxide produces oxygen and the chemical reaction is identical to the chemical reaction produced by white blood cells when attacking a virus.

It has been hypothesized, as well as proven, that through hydrogen-peroxide treatments the body can be eradicated of disease. In fact, Mrs. Levine's clinic is known for these treatments which have proven extremely effective in treating HIV infections as well as cancer.
Well then we are even.... in the getting nauseated department.

You said

"I've been trying to pin-point their main objective, but I haven't been able to come up with more than creating chaos just for the sake of it.

Been my experience that the Russians never " create chaos" just for the sake of it. They generally know exactly what they are doing and they have a tendency to plan a very good bit ahead of time. Your time in Russia should have shown you that.

I merely pointed out what was being said in 1987 about a certain style of " detoxing".

Its no more strange to consider that than anything else that gets talked about on a site that welcomes " out of the box" thinking.

All that security? All that money? All the disinformation swirling around. Heck.... why not consider that its a detox station for Aliens that need a pick up. or a scrub out.... or whatever you might call it.

I suppose that you didn't know about John Lears thoughts on the subject then. Probably before your time. <g> Linda
Well then we are even.... in the getting nauseated department.

You said

"I've been trying to pin-point their main objective, but I haven't been able to come up with more than creating chaos just for the sake of it.

Been my experience that the Russians never " create chaos" just for the sake of it. They generally know exactly what they are doing and they have a tendency to plan a very good bit ahead of time. Your time in Russia should have shown you that.

I merely pointed out what was being said in 1987 about a certain style of " detoxing".

Its no more strange to consider that than anything else that gets talked about on a site that welcomes " out of the box" thinking.

All that security? All that money? All the disinformation swirling around. Heck.... why not consider that its a detox station for Aliens that need a pick up. or a scrub out.... or whatever you might call it.

I suppose that you didn't know about John Lears thoughts on the subject then. Probably before your time. <g> Linda

I was wondering when you were going to throw out "disinformation" at me .... how about you do the research, find the medical journals, read them and then provide a report about why the FDA will not approve hydrogen-peroxide treatment.

Since we're thinking "outside-the-box" then, lets say, for instance there was cannibalism involved (which I am aware of but then again I'm "delusional" so says everyone trying to discredit the truth and portray it as "hate-speech/grandstanding" and "disinformation").

Hydrogen-peroxide would be an excellent way of "homogenizing" the meat (couldn't think of better word). It oxidizes all the contaminants, eradicates all the disease, it even wipes out HIV and Hep C.

It could also explain the security because from what I understand it is better than pork and the most expensive cut of filet-mignon money can buy on this planet.
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Hey guys, sorry I have been at work so I haven't been able to keep up with this thread and the interesting tangent has taken. I haven't made much ground in getting in to contact from the Illuminati, although from the sounds of things I'm not sure if I even want to anymore. It sounds like most of the 'Luciferian Freemasons' or whoever you guys are describing are creepy millionaires who are really more interested in depraved acts of sex and social manipulation rather than people who are actively working to change the state of the world.

At any rate I've found some more information on 'Frank Webster'(which is somewhat hard to process) who I have now found out also claims to be the Anti-christ and may have been involved in a marketing campaign for the movie Donnie Darko in 2000, that may have went sour and various cryptic websites and talk of a book called 'The book of Lucifer'. Could this be the same billionaire you're talking about Ian Chris? There can't be that many people who have the resources to pull this kind of shit for 12 years... or maybe there is.

Apparently you can email the guy, but I'm not sure I still want to get involved in this.


Yes it could actually .... you have also shed light on one of my reasons for taking on the title "Antichrist" except my "marketing slogan" if you will, was "The Antichrist is Anti-corruption" since I have taken an active role in exposing this information.

I have said that I was the only person in it, who wasn't part of it because they made the effort to turn me into one of the victims, however, it kind of went "sour" as you put it (I like that term).

The reason why they are so wealthy is because they seek out single wealthy men without descendants, kill them and then they acquire the assets by forging the estate documents and naming an alias as the Executor and Personal Representative.
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Humans being served up as alternative to " pork, beef. chicken....." Now there is a thought.

I still say that could just be a cover for an Alien detox center... and you and others like you are just disinformation agents bound to disgust people away from the topic and an investigation of the same.

Yes, hydrogen peroxide acts precisely as you have said. Thats why John Lear said that they needed it...

So why do you have any kind of connection with all of this sordid activity anyway.

You SAY its because you have been so badly wronged.

If you are still following Mikados playbook I would say that you expected to be on the " inside" of something but now have found yourself rejected and placed on the outside of a very select circle. So now you have declared your own particular brand of warfare against those who put you there.

Its just an interesting relationship....

remember that the red shoes of the Pope stand for the blood of the early followers. Its never been easy. Linda
Hey Linda thanks for putting me onto the theories of John Lear. I love the stuff about MJ-12. I could read conspiracy stories like this all day. If nothing else they're entertaining. Much better than anything hollywood has put out lately!
Alien detox centers? At least one of the Frank stories I've heard involves men in black. In another, less detailed account, a sort of market research affair took place where the panelists were shown color print images of the faces of various highly detailed beings which correspond to many alien archetypes (greys, the taller greys, reptoids, pelledians and the less common 'Mantis' type). At the time, they thought it was it market research for a video game. They were asked to respon with their emotional impression of the 'characters' presented to them. They may have been canvassing the public for some kind of alien integration with human society. Or he could have just been messing with people again. Who knows.
Anyway, I don't know anything about the medical applications of Hydrogen peroxide, but I do know it an ingredient for bomb making and used in the 2005 London subway bombings... A lot of the Frank Webster interviews were said to take place in and around the subway system.

This might be the time for you to renew your interest in the stories that were swirling around John Lear in 1987. Alot of strange things were happening then and he was right in the middle of them. He has veered slightly away from all of that now.... but I think that he still believes everything that he said then and he might have been on a strong trail.

A few years after that Hypothesis came out I contacted him because he had made a statement that my father ( Townsend Brown) had somehow " opened a portal" to allow creatures from another dimension access to our world. When I contacted him he repeated that thought and also that " Its all over but the whimpering" ( and he meant human whimpering) And he was dead serious. He advised that I find a safe place in the desert and pull the blankets over my head because it was just a matter of time.

I didn't believe that. I am pleased to see that he has changed his maybe things were not as desperate as he first claimed.

But Detox centers for Aliens in need of it.... In London? Why not? Linda
Believe me, if I was a "far-superior higher-being" I would avoid the human race like leprosy. Although the epicurean delights might just be worth it... "sinfully delicious" as some have proclaimed spent and lethargic sitting fully satisfied over Cognac and cigars.
I agree with you.....
Thats probably why we haven't had anything land on the White House Lawn .... yet.

No.... had nothing to do with the Pyramid.... this time around.

Had to do with special tests in a lab in Paris..... and later work in the sixties.... High Voltage.

Ah! The smell of Ozone in the morning.

Yes. I see your point. You may be more correct than either you or Mikado realize....

There is an old saying in Russia though.... its paraphrased like this...

The mad dog.... never sees the wolf.....

I will let you decipher what I mean by that.

Both you and Mikado


You are a real twit, he was talking about the "MIKADO" in Japan. Here, let me help:

" know i am to them what "Mikado" is to the Japanese Royal Court."

Your so obsessed at the mere mention of the name you never see the context. still make me laugh...

And how did I know you would have a moronic comment to make?...hobbididance? Since you just love to quote from plays, here is one for you:

"Poor Tom hath been scared out of his good wits: bless thee, good man’s son, from the foul fiend! Five fiends have been in poor Tom at once; of lust, as Obidicut; Hobbididance, prince of dumbness; Mahu, of stealing; Modo, of murder; and Flibbertigibbet, of mopping and mowing; who since possesses chambermaids and waiting-women. So, bless thee, master!
—King Lear, Act IV, Scene I"

So very fitting.
