
And this is supposed to interest all of us because??????

So a cop pulled you out of the window of your Jag because you refused to comply?

So you think somehow the neighborhood is being bought up by.... shudder.... Canadians?
And then you spit out this kind of garbage which really needs to be highlighted..... Is this your view of the world then? Is this your agenda? So if it is.... why do we continue to read the froth that you produce? Its a question I think each of us needs to ask. I am reminded of the old saying..... Garbage In.... Garbage Out. The things that you said below needed to have a response. Nobody has to agree with me but I am responding anyway so that it is there.

"I have a vendetta against these people, they can't kill me because they aren't smart enough to preempt me and because I have humiliated them publically, they don't simply want me dead, they want me to suffer a horrible death. No..... its probably even worse than that Ianchris... they probably don't even know that you exist.... which is probably that " fate worse than death" that you are so concerned with.

"Paddywack" is the reason why my crusade to destroy them is righteous. No one should suffer by the hands of these monsters. They must be stopped and so help me God, I will stop them and the entire lot. Go forth in your righteousness! Sounds like the Crusades.... and the horses will be fetlock deep in the blood of the slain! Because you are so righteous.....and then Ian Chris.... what happens then? The ball is still bouncing.

When one grape vine goes sour in a vineyard, every grape vine must be pulled, because if the infection spoils the land, nothing will grow from it. I don't trust this kind of blind judgement.... or people who spout it.

I suspect that true colors are being shown here and we should probably pay attention. But not allow ourselves to be drawn into the grape yanking party. Linda

Ms. Brown, the only reason why I am responding to you, is so your b-llsh-t isn't the fist thing people see when they click on this thread. Kindly police yourself and refrain from interjecting your pollution onto a thread which you have nothing constructive to contribute.
Earlier this evening I had this exchange on Facebook:

JH Thank you fb resident sociopath >:)
2 hours ago via mobile · Like

Alex Estrada you're welcome cyber-stalker
2 hours ago · Like

JH I'm not a stalker, I'm resourceful
2 hours ago via mobile · Like

Alex Estrada apparently so Paddywack
2 hours ago · Like


Time reveals all truth. Linda Brown, Alden Brown, Michael Brown, Jason Derek Brown .... keep digging, I really find it amusing
Ms. Brown, the only reason why I am responding to you, is so your b-llsh-t isn't the fist thing people see when they click on this thread. Kindly police yourself and refrain from interjecting your pollution onto a thread which you have nothing constructive to contribute."

"Kindly police myself?" He has to be kidding, right? Here he is... the Mikado Police officer himself giving advice.
Injecting MY POLLUTION onto a thread where I have nothing constructive to contribute?
I would remind the readers of this thread what it was SUPPOSED to be about and how it has been subverted now into a discord of sexual and political fantasies from one self confessed social misfit.

Obviously he is just using this thread for his own personal gratification because I haven't seen much discussed on the topic at all. Yes... TRUTH does surface .

I like his list of names. He forgot Dale and Dan Brown too... but I suppose that they are not familiar to him.
Let's try getting back to a discussion of the Masons or the Illuminati or whatever you choose to call them. In London..
Ianchris tries to paint them in such a bad light but look hard at what he has proudly announced himself as being.
Readers might look again because things are not always what they seem.
Ianchris mentions cannibalism to freak you out. Thats a disinformation device. The Romans used agains the early Christians. Remember the tradition of wine and wafers? From an outsiders viewpoint what would you think of a group of worshipers who gathered on an established Pagan day of celebration..... to share the flesh and blood of the man they worshiped?. Enough to chill you to the bone. And they kneel beneath a replica of the cross... it was whispered.... that was used as an instrument of slow tortuous death for thousands?...An ugly and frightening !..... But are you really seeing what was going on? What is still going on.

I present the thought that all of this talk about sinister and nasty and yes even disgusting activities is meant to wrap the name of the London Masons or Illuminati (or whatever they are called in this cloak of disinformation). If you get disgusted enough by everything that Ianchris has had to say you will transfer that feeling to the members of those groups. That shouldn't be. Look again at what is happening here and how Ianchris has perverted this entire conversation for his own use.

I see that DIA has been mentioned in this thread. I know that the blue mustang sculpture there is considered, by some people, to be evil and demonic. It has red eyes and the sculptor died in an accident during its production. DIA is also relatively close to Buckley AFB, which is associated with NORAD. Some of the storiez found on the internet and elswhere may have a connection to those pieces of information.

Ms. Brown, the only reason why I am responding to you, is so your b-llsh-t isn't the fist thing people see when they click on this thread. Kindly police yourself and refrain from interjecting your pollution onto a thread which you have nothing constructive to contribute."

"Kindly police myself?" He has to be kidding, right? Here he is... the Mikado Police officer himself giving advice.
Injecting MY POLLUTION onto a thread where I have nothing constructive to contribute?
I would remind the readers of this thread what it was SUPPOSED to be about and how it has been subverted now into a discord of sexual and political fantasies from one self confessed social misfit.

Obviously he is just using this thread for his own personal gratification because I haven't seen much discussed on the topic at all. Yes... TRUTH does surface .

I like his list of names. He forgot Dale and Dan Brown too... but I suppose that they are not familiar to him.
Let's try getting back to a discussion of the Masons or the Illuminati or whatever you choose to call them. In London..
Ianchris tries to paint them in such a bad light but look hard at what he has proudly announced himself as being.
Readers might look again because things are not always what they seem.
Ianchris mentions cannibalism to freak you out. Thats a disinformation device. The Romans used agains the early Christians. Remember the tradition of wine and wafers? From an outsiders viewpoint what would you think of a group of worshipers who gathered on an established Pagan day of celebration..... to share the flesh and blood of the man they worshiped?. Enough to chill you to the bone. And they kneel beneath a replica of the cross... it was whispered.... that was used as an instrument of slow tortuous death for thousands?...An ugly and frightening !..... But are you really seeing what was going on? What is still going on.

I present the thought that all of this talk about sinister and nasty and yes even disgusting activities is meant to wrap the name of the London Masons or Illuminati (or whatever they are called in this cloak of disinformation). If you get disgusted enough by everything that Ianchris has had to say you will transfer that feeling to the members of those groups. That shouldn't be. Look again at what is happening here and how Ianchris has perverted this entire conversation for his own use.


Ianchris... you had said this

"Ms. Brown, the only reason why I am responding to you, is so your b-llsh-t isn't the fist thing people see when they click on this thread. Kindly police yourself and refrain from interjecting your pollution onto a thread which you have nothing constructive to contribute.

haha. Very funny.

If you were REALLY interested in looking into the so called " Illuminati " In London you should look this gentleman up.... If you were REALLY interested that is.

Floyd B. Odlum London

You will find most of those files have been erased. Wonder why?

He was an American. His Atlas Company funded our initial space race... ( why they were called ATLAS missile).....he singlehandedly put Jack Northrops Flying Wing to the side of the road... because the proper technology hadn't come into being yet to fly it properly....

Yet you boys can only mention porn and how badly you have been treated. Its too bad thats all you see. Linda
and one of his aliases is "MICHAEL SHERMAN" as in the SHERMAN TANK, also the SHERMAN ACT, and because his office is on SHERMAN WAY in the city of VAN NUYS.

Linda, every man alive is thinking about sex, whether they are asleep or a awake and regardless of whether or not their penis is functional.

The reason why everything that comes from your direction of the room is complete b-llsh-t is because the point you're trying to make is that contributing members of society, are never men, asexual and infallible.

Why is this truth so threatening to you? You should be indifferent, it has nothing to do with you .... unless of course, it does on some level. The fact that your father was part of that boys club isn't enough to validate that argument.

Me.... know stuff about planes..... I know that helicopters are known as " Thousands of separate parts flying in close aproximation" <g>

I used to fly on seaplanes alot.... they called them " Mallards"

Why don't you respond about Mr. Odlum then if you know so much.... His wife was Jackie Cochran? Ever heard of her? She could outfly most men that she knew at the time and that included the test pilot who first broke the sound barrier.... do you remember his name? Chuck Yeager. My Dad said that she had so much power with the men around her because of her skills and also the fact that she knew where most of their "skeletons" were buried. I THINK that she and Yeager had a bit of an affair going on... if not... he was still half in love with her because of her abilities. And she was BOLD.

She made General Yeager land the jet that they were flying in Romania one time because she had to go to the " little girls room" and she wasn't going to attempt peeing in any flipping bottle......so he landed the danged plane... had to keep the engines going because if he had turned it off they wouldn't have had the proper facilities at this small backwater airport to get it going again... and he was sure landing there in a United States Military Jet was going to cause all kinds problems and a smoking international incident.... but, as he said to the people he told the story to ( me amongst)...." Easier facing that than saying NO to Jackie Cochran."

Thats about all I know about planes Ianchris.

Why are you trying so hard to connect me to all of those other folks with the last name of Brown. Don't you have anything better to do with your time?

and one of his aliases is "MICHAEL SHERMAN" as in the SHERMAN TANK, also the SHERMAN ACT, and because his office is on SHERMAN WAY in the city of VAN NUYS.
Who are you talking about here? I had mentioned Mr. Floyd Odlum.... who are you talking about?
Linda, every man alive is thinking about sex, whether they are asleep or a awake and regardless of whether or not their penis is functional. Apparently thats sure all YOU think about

The reason why everything that comes from your direction of the room is complete b-llsh-t is because the point you're trying to make is that contributing members of society, are never men, asexual and infallible.You can't even stay focused on the subject, and you are trying to tell me what point I am trying to make. Focus man, please
Why is this truth so threatening to you? ( how did you get there? Borrowing from Mikado again I see.) You should be indifferent, it has nothing to do with you .... unless of course, it does on some level. What ARE you talking about? You make no sense? The fact that your father was part of that boys club isn't enough to validate that argument. Ianchris... you haven't even figured out what the argument IS.

This is really ridiculous. Why can't you follow a simple conversation? Linda
This is a thread about possible Illuminati members in London. You have presented all kinds of nasty profiles of disagreeable men and women and tried to hang the cloak of the Illuminati on these sad characters.

Why don't you study someone of some substance and just see if he might fit the bill better than these figments of your own strange paranoid mind?

I don't believe that anyone that you think is so " OUT TO " get you" even knows about you.

If that is an uncomfortable reality for you then maybe you should look harder at it. Perhaps there is something positive to be learned here. Perhaps its better that they haven't turned their attention in your direction...... It was years before Jack Northrop realized that Floyd Odlum had .... in the long run.... done him a great favor..... but you don't know about stuff like that do you Ianchris..... porn flicks is what you know about? I am not terribly impressed by vain men and their shortcomings Linda
Hi Linda, I am not going to get into your personal spats with others as you clearly don't understand about this. The reason I say this is that you have clearly not been affected by it, when you have you will take a very different viewpoint. I believe this site is to talk not bitch, which is what intend doing. Whether you believe it or not makes no difference to me. I am trying to prevent another human being from suffering the way I have. Like with anything in this world, there is good and there is bad. I know the London Illuminati and there is a nasty streak in it but on the whole, with me they respect me for what I say and do. As for the porn it is very real, trust me, you won't want it to happen to you. I will write more IanChris. Stay strong and on track.. For me this is about being in the here and now, I don't have time to waste on bitching someone else's opinion or fact.. Be happy today
Thank you Paddywack. You make a good point about the fact that these upsetting things DO occurr.... The only point I was trying to make was that... contrary to most of the view that Ianchris makes in his strange style is.... that there is also a very positive side to the Illuminati... which he seems to want to totally ignor. To be fair in all of this.... both sides... the positive and the negative have to be inspected and appreciated.

I am just trying to keep on track here. You boys both make assumptions about me that you really should try not to./... because you do all of us a dis service when you do that.

"Hi Linda, I am not going to get into your personal spats with others as you clearly don't understand about this."

What is it that you THINK I don't understand Paddywack? Can we talk about that? It may be that I understand far more than you realize. Enough to know that the power of your intent and attention makes an enormous difference in the turn of events.... Linda
Me.... know stuff about planes..... I know that helicopters are known as " Thousands of separate parts flying in close aproximation" <g>

I used to fly on seaplanes alot.... they called them " Mallards"

Why don't you respond about Mr. Odlum then if you know so much.... His wife was Jackie Cochran? Ever heard of her? She could outfly most men that she knew at the time and that included the test pilot who first broke the sound barrier.... do you remember his name? Chuck Yeager. My Dad said that she had so much power with the men around her because of her skills and also the fact that she knew where most of their "skeletons" were buried. I THINK that she and Yeager had a bit of an affair going on... if not... he was still half in love with her because of her abilities. And she was BOLD.

She made General Yeager land the jet that they were flying in Romania one time because she had to go to the " little girls room" and she wasn't going to attempt peeing in any flipping bottle......so he landed the danged plane... had to keep the engines going because if he had turned it off they wouldn't have had the proper facilities at this small backwater airport to get it going again... and he was sure landing there in a United States Military Jet was going to cause all kinds problems and a smoking international incident.... but, as he said to the people he told the story to ( me amongst)...." Easier facing that than saying NO to Jackie Cochran."

Thats about all I know about planes Ianchris.

Why are you trying so hard to connect me to all of those other folks with the last name of Brown. Don't you have anything better to do with your time?


Jackie Cochran? You have just described me Ms. Brown. Before the film producer I was involved with a real estate developer whose infamy preceded him. He's the one that rebuilt the atrium lobby for a Hilton property in Stockholm, Sweden after he had bravely mentioned "NO" to me and in response I threw a king size bed over the balcony and into the lobby at around 3 o/clock in the morning. He learned not to mentioned the "N" word to me, not because I am am a spoil brat (which I am) but because when I do make a decision it is in everyone's best interest. Maintaining an honest understanding of my faults allows me to compensate for them in my decision process and because I am the poster child for "Jewish American Pretentious B-tch" it helps me not to project it so much.

I realize you idolize me, everyone does, you can't help yourself, I comprehend that. You "out-ed" me when you addressed me by "Mikado-san." and if I were paranoid I might consider it suspicious. Now that I've shown you one of my family crests (actually it's the first one ever given to my family-line) I hope you understand the underlying reason why you had an overwhelming urge to address me as a "king." In fact, my family crest is seen on the United States Presidential Seal and it's even printed on the money.

That "symbolism" is why these illuminati -ssholes have a love hate infatuation with me, perhaps it's the reason why they are so scared of me, maybe the reason behind the effort to suppress me is because they are completely coherent of my full potential.

Since the first eagle was given by the German Chancellor sometime around 1010 AD, it has evolved into a double-headed eagle. The very core of the most elite Illuminati leadership alive on this plant are very much aware of who I am and what I represent because they could very well face their worst nightmare the day I receive my own personal Crest, and replace it with the one you see now, I have a birth given rite to claim their highest decorations as my own. I don't need them to validate sh-t.... on the contrary they need me and I have made them aware I will destroy them.

Allow me to live up to Ms. Brown's diagnosis of "delusional" because when that day comes, the letter "A" will be branded with a cattle brand across each of their foreheads and on each palm. Not just because thou shall not kill, but because we should treat others how we wish they would treat us. I am obligated to return to them what they have imposed onto me. Considering how I will forever carry this mark of the beast across my forehead


It would be an insult to them, but mostly to myself, if I lived out the duration of this lifetime without repaying the gesture at some point before I die.

Would that explain your anger towards me? What makes people think I give a f-ck each time someone throws a tantrum over my pedigree?

I have always said any b-tch can pop out a litter, but when a stud with the highest paid pedigree makes babies, everyone holds their breath.
View attachment 1043

No one is insulted by the picture above???

And then Ian chris adds.....

It would be an insult to them, but mostly to myself, if I lived out the duration of this lifetime without repaying the gesture at some point before I die.

Would that explain your anger towards me? What makes people think I give a f-ck each time someone throws a tantrum over my pedigree?

I have always said any b-tch can pop out a litter, but when a stud with the highest paid pedigree makes babies, everyone holds their breath.[/QUOTE]

Ianchris....Your post just further illustrates how delusional you actually are. And not very well schooled in animal husbandry either. Any breeder of any merit would agree that studs with high pedigrees are usually a dime a dozen.... no matter what their pedigrees and show championships are.... Its the good bitch that is worth her weight in gold. Anyone would know that it is she who throws 60% toward those babies...So you are totally incorrect in your viewpoint again. Just ask someone who is actually IN that world .... whether its dogs, horses or whatever.... its the female that counts.

Regarding you being spoiled. I agree. I would not be as proud as you seem to be of the incident where your anger caused damage to other peoples property because you couldn't control it. Thats nothing to be proud of......

.And you are nowhere NEAR being similar to Jackie Cochran. People didn't cross her because they knew that she was powerful and could get things done behind the scenes. The REASON she was able to get things done was because others who came up against her respected her and wanted to stay on her good side.... Maybe they feared her a bit.... but they respected her also.... and it wasn't because she was so devoid of class as to throw a tantrum in a public place... and then to brag about it later.

I am not impressed by your thoughts or your actions Ianchris. I still can not find anything positive about them... except for your own self appreciation... Its probably good for you that there are apparently some readers who are willing to subject themselves to what you have presented. At least you have that..... and maybe reading your words and watching your actions will help them learn something.

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View attachment 1043

No one is insulted by the picture above???

And then Ian chris adds.....

It would be an insult to them, but mostly to myself, if I lived out the duration of this lifetime without repaying the gesture at some point before I die.

Would that explain your anger towards me? What makes people think I give a f-ck each time someone throws a tantrum over my pedigree?

I have always said any b-tch can pop out a litter, but when a stud with the highest paid pedigree makes babies, everyone holds their breath.

I thought you couldn't view media?

For the record, that wonderful image of me was used without my consent, it was illegally obtained and the only part of "me" they used was my face .... if you look closely at the "buck-teeth" they Photoshop-ed onto me, you should a resemblance to this photo of Stephani Germanotta


Ms. Brown, I can't believe a month and a half later and you still aren't able to differentiate when I'm being serious from when I'm mocking you. :love_heart:

I cannot be more serious than I am about these images .... these images are what this thread is about Ms. Brown because those of us who have been victimized by these people are owed the recourse that the justice system has denied us.
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For me, personally, the most insulting aspect regarding that image they created using my face, (besides of course the most obvious)is how the man behind me is wearing a wedding right.

I expect we are all mature enough to examine this evidence like adults, so as Paddywack told you earlier, Ms. Brown, until you become a victim of these people and your face is used in a similar fashion, your input here is irrelevant to the subject being discussed.
We should all be mature enough to realize when someone is grandstanding their own pornography and using " freedom of speech" as a method to accomplish that. I still can't see the video... don't care to see it.... the still is disgusting enough and all you have done by constantly referring to it is to spread your own version of " public relations.

You said "I cannot be more serious than I am about these images .... these images are what this thread is about Ms. Brown because those of us who have been victimized by these people are owed the recourse that the justice system has denied us."

No....YOUR images are NOT what this thread is all about.... you are just piggybacking on the situation . quite literally!

I believe that you are abusing Lady of Lights good nature here. I commend her for being as gracious to you as she has been.... but as an individual member here I have a right to continue to maintain that I find it disgusting. I have as much of a right to that opinion as you do to state yours. The difference is that I am not using offensive stills of what can only be called "Pornography" in most circles.

I understand that you SAY are "Presenting your evidence " here. I also think that you are getting your jollies out of this entire situation at the expense of all of us. And no... I do not think that you have been " joking " IN ANY WAY...You just resort to that when you fail to remain unchallenged. Linda.
I was just wondering if the originator of this thread expected it to be used in this way? He mentioned all of the negative things that you are apparently dealing with Paddywack... but you so quickly attach all of that to the Illuminati and since you SAY that you know them..... do you think that other areas of Illuminati activity in London could be explored? To me, it seems that Ianchris is using this thread to continue to drag his image out into the public.... even though he SAYS that he is upset about its use. If he was so upset.... why does he keep posting it?

There are other members on this Forum yet so many have remained quiet. Is it that they just don't want to get involved in this discussion? That they have already decided that the Illuminati are the same " Birds of a Feather" that Ianchris has demonstrated here? Is it just not worth the interaction?

I am beginning to think thats a wise conclusion. Linda