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On January 17, 2011 – The Cambridge University (Britain) opened an unseen section of its library archives to the public to display a collection of rare copies of Chritian Bible. The star-attraction was a copy of 1631 addition of the King James Bible in which the word “not” was accidentally omitted from the commandments, ‘Thou shalt commit adultery’, earning its printers a public rebuke from the Archbishop of Canterbury. The books were mostly destroyed and only a handful of copies survive.

The Cambridge University exhibition – ‘Great and Manifold Blessings: The Making of the King James Bible’ – will last for the next five months.

The King James Bible was created during the reign of James I by a team of scholars from Cambridge, Oxford and Westminster.

Other Bibles on display include the Gutenberg Bible of 1455, which is the first printed Bible, Henry VIII’s enormous Great Bible and an ancient 11th century psalter.

The ‘Wicked Bible’ | Rehmat calling
Well, why not? Sometimes I wonder if that Commandment is the one most ignored, lol. I'd like to know what the monetary value of those few remaining copies is...
Hrm, maybe all those people ignoring it somehow are reading a copy of the Bible with a misprint. I wonder how God feels about people who are following commandments from that Bible!
Adultery is considered 'sin' in the true messages of all three Abrahamic religion (Israelite, Christianity and Islam). However, later some of the revealed messages were corrupted to make them attractive and to recruit more sheep. St. Paul took the extreme position to combat adultery. He forbided clergy to mary, something which has backfired long time ago. Curently, according to US Churches - over 40% of Nuns have been sexually abused in their life time.

Jewish Talmud took a step further - it defined adultery as a sexual relationship between a Jewish man and wife of another Jewish man. If both are not married or only man is married or the act of sex is between Jewish man and a non-Jewish women (married or unmarried) - it's not adultery.

Islam, being uncivilized, according to western standards - still hang on to the 1400-year-old command - sex between a male and female (Muslims or non-Muslim) out of marriage, is a major sin, punishable with stonning in a truely Islamic State.
Wow that is interesting. I am sure that is not the only misprint or mistake made when interpreting the Bible. There are things in there that probably should have been omitted and then some things that were omitted that should have been added.
Sex between a male and female (Muslims or non-Muslim) out of marriage, is a major sin, punishable with stonning in a truely Islamic State. Yep that is the answer, just stone those sinners to death....

Kike Moses
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What a stupid Talmudic hacker, eh! He believe that Taliban too believe in King James Bible ...... Ha, ha, ha...
Misprints happen. That's why it is important to really think about what the text is saying, especially in context with other parts.

Stoning people is an abhorrent practice.
Wow, that is a funny misprint. I am sure a lot of the Bible was lost in translation. It would be an interesting exhibit to see though.
The Israeli agent, Abraham Foxman, national director ADL, called NT "the most hateful literature" in 2006. He believes that it was NT which caused Jewish holocaust under Nazi rule.