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Thanks you G-d for not making me a Gentile, Woman or a Slave,” Shabbath 86a-86b. All Jewish men are obligated to say this prayer each day.

According to Torah (Bavli Megilah 23a) a Jewish woman is not obligated to study Torah therefore, they’re not allowed to recite Torah in public because of kevod tzibbur (in redspect to the divine message and congregation).

I have touched on this subject, when it was reported that Israeli police arrested four Jewish women for reading Jewish Bible (OT) in front of the phony Holy Wailing Wall in defiance to Israeli law. The Wailing Wall (aka Western Wall), which in fact the foundation wall of an ancient Roman fortress and not the Temple of Solomon. An Israeli group known as the ‘Women of Wall’ has been protesting against Israel’s gender racism in the Jewish holy area for over a year now. See the photo at the top of this post.

In December 2012, fearing the deligitimation of Israel as the so-called “Jewish state” among the Diaspora Jews, Benjamin Netanyahu asked Natan Sharansky, the chairman of Jewish agency, to study the religious issue and suggest ways to make the site more accommodating to both genders.

On Tuesday, the protest for women rights at the Wailing Wall was joined by three Jewish female lawmakers, MK Stav Shafir (Labor), MK Tamar Zandberg (Meretz) and MK Michal Rozin (Meretz), which provided legal protection to protesters and for the first time no arrest was made by the Jewish security police.

On Monday over 100 pro-Israel Jewish protesters gathered in front of Israeli embassy in Washington in support of women’s right to pray at the Wailing Wall.

We’re not protesting against Israel – we’re all supporters of Israel. What we’re fighting for, is the rights of Israelis to celebrate Judaism in a pluralistic way. It’s not a protest, it’s a show of solidarity with a specific group of people in Israel,” said Judith Gelman, organizer of the event.

Orthodox Jewish groups have posted billboard signs in Jerusalem calling for the Jewish residents to SAVE the Wall from desecration by women seeking to read Torah in front of it.

Israel: “Women shalt not read Torah at Wailing Wall” | Rehmat's World