[Idea!] They Need Our Consent


New member
Many have wondered why the psychopaths in control on this planet tell Us - in subtle ways, of course - what They are going to do. The reason is that They need Our consent, outright or implied. They most often get implied consent because We do not say We DON'T consent. Of course... This is unEthical on Their part - We are not fully informed, and often not informed at all, having missed the movie, broadcast, or whatever way They have used to "tell" Us. But They feel They have met some obligation. Now... Why They need Our consent is another question. I do not have the answer to that, but it is clear They need to say They gave Us an opportunity to claim that We do not consent, however coded and hidden.

Because We have the power of consent, or, more to the point, withdrawing consent... Here is a discussion I had with HowISee TheWorld from YouTube. I figure People here might be interested not only in what I suggest We specifically withdraw consent from, but what We might specifically consent TO:

If You want more info, leave a comment expressing Your interest and I can offer either links to My articles on the T.A.P., You're It forum, or copy/paste here.
They need our consent. With consent comes positive energy that allows them to make their needed changes. It may sound a bit 'out there', but everything is made up of energy. Even the consent we give, because it gives off passive energy.

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It surely seems so. Sad, really. The more who are here, the more I might reach, for it will take many more than just Me consenting to better, withdrawing consent from Their sick systems, to manifest better on this planet. If I had $$$ (homeless and destitute I am at present), I would be doing many things to create better. All I can offer is a better foundation for Humans to operate by and sharing awareness of it. That is My work on this planet. It is to Others to help create better here.
I am new to learning about this, any information I can find is a few years old, and any sites that have 'Freeman' members.
Seem to have no activity. Is there anyone here that is a Freeman. I live in British Columbia. I would like to talk to someone
who has this status, and hear your experience. Thanks.
micro... What I am speaking of is not so much the "freeman" movement. It's more taking back One's sovereignty on the planet that was stolen from Us by the psychopaths in control through "trusts" and deceit. I am sovereign on My planet. I do not consent to top-down controlmind (government) nor to the legal system - I consent to the three Laws of Ethics ONLY. So... "Status" is something anyOne can claim in being sovereign here, merely widrawing consent from those systems.