[Must Watch!] This is no conspiracy theory

I had never even considered that the Mormon Church would be in Russia at all until just recently. Can you tell me why you consider them sort of an off shoot of Freemasonry... You have said.... it sounds like.... with some feeling of authority that

"The Mormon Church is the worst perversion that has ever manifested from Freemasonry, in my opinion. They [Mormons] believe that Russians are an untouched fertility that they will be able to corrupt with very little effort. There is a lot of underground effort by the Mormon Church to infiltrate the Russian society and I am afraid to say, it has been very effective."Can you share with us how you have come to this conclusion. As an older friend of mine likes to say <g>
"I'm all ears!" Linda
"It's basically the matrix platform.... . Hobbit.... thanks for your response. I have to be away from these keys for a few hours. You guys have a good time. Don't set fire to the curtains....I'll be back soon. Linda
I had never even considered that the Mormon Church would be in Russia at all until just recently. Can you tell me why you consider them sort of an off shoot of Freemasonry... You have said.... it sounds like.... with some feeling of authority that

"The Mormon Church is the worst perversion that has ever manifested from Freemasonry, in my opinion. They [Mormons] believe that Russians are an untouched fertility that they will be able to corrupt with very little effort. There is a lot of underground effort by the Mormon Church to infiltrate the Russian society and I am afraid to say, it has been very effective."Can you share with us how you have come to this conclusion. As an older friend of mine likes to say <g>
"I'm all ears!" Linda

In my video I state that I am not a conspiracy theorist and I explain that because I know the individuals whom I expose, personally. I have no need to theorize because I have first hand knowledge. In order to maintain objectivity I present the undeniable evidence that supports my allegations The Federal Bureau of Investigation, is Mormon. Former Presidential Candidate, Mitt Romney is also Mormon. The founder of Church of Latter Day Saints, B. Young, was a Freemason who adapted his own beliefs based on Freemasonry and his own personal agenda. It was advantageous of Freemasonry to establish itself as a religion, however it is no religion.

Again, my degree of separation from Mitt Romney, George Bush Jr, and Barack Obama is by only one degree. Furthermore, I have not come to any conclusion because there is nothing to conclude, it is basic fact.
How is it that " something is unlocked"..... we talked a little bit about other dimensions here on Lady of Lights Forum.... one of the subjects was " Dwellers on the Threshold". If you can find that you might lock into some interesting reading. If I have time and you haven't found it before me I will try to get a link to you.

The mention of " Flyers" harkens back to the observations and writings of Carlos Castenada ( sp???)
Where he very carefully outlined the dangers to humans of just the kinds of things that you are describing. It might be a help to see what he has said about them.... See if your thoughts match with his... its always nice to find companions on scarey dark trails.... Companions who are ALSO human that is..... Linda

Honestly, I would rather not go into detail about what is or isn't "unlocked" because that itself is a Pandora's Box of "what-if's" I like to keep my argument simple which is Freemasonry is the breakdown of our society [here in the United States] because of the fact that every Freemason is held above the law which is easily proven by how one Freemason has committed murder [at least once] and the Federal Bureau of Investigation has worked and is working in orchestra with the District Attorney to conceal that murder which the Archdiocese of Los Angeles has been a partner to by upholding its Masonic oath and preventing the Vatican from extending its secular arm to uphold Justice under Pontifical Law and Jurisdiction since the Catholic Church condemned Freemasonry in 1738.

How much more tangible must it be made for it to be understood?
Well.... I think for most of us you have a way to go. Sorry about that but thats my conclusion.

The United States of America was founded by many men who were Masons. The City of Washington DC is laid out on a Masonic grid.... the symbols show up on our currency and on the rings of many men who are proud to call themselves Masons ( of whatever degree).

"I like to keep my argument simple which is Freemasonry is the breakdown of our society [here in the United States] because of the fact that every Freemason is held above the law which is easily proven by how one Freemason has committed murder [at least once] and the Federal Bureau of Investigation has worked and is working in orchestra with the District Attorney to conceal that murder which the Archdiocese of Los Angeles has been a partner to by upholding its Masonic oath and preventing the Vatican from extending its secular arm to uphold Justice under Pontifical Law and Jurisdiction since the Catholic Church condemned Freemasonry in 1738.

I really don't understand what you are trying to say here at all. Can you restate it? and Simplify it? Which is what you seem to think that it already is.... but really... you have to know that the ab ove passage is terribly convoluted. This is good practice. If you can help me understand what you are trying then surely you have half the battle won! <g>

You are going to have to go a very long way to convince anyone that they are totally the bad guys here just because of a few individuals.... too many holes there as far as I can see... but your conclusion is yours to make.....and I know that you want to be as persuasive as possible in making your case. Just saying here.... you have a way to go.....
As a Psychologist I have come to accept the fact not every mentally ill patient will recover or even respond positively to treatment. This reminds me of when I was an Intern in college. I was working with autistic children and one day while having lunch in the rose garden someone sat next to me and I mentioned how beautiful the sky was which I described as vibrantly azure. In response they turned and looked at me in disbelief and asked me how I could make such a convoluted statement. Then the individual got up and walked away. After a short minute of confusion I felt a hand on right shoulder. I looked up and saw the face of my mentor, the angle in which I was sitting almost made it seem as if he had a halo around his head, with the deepest azure sky in the background, almost like a Russian Orthodox icon. Then he informed me the person I was talking to was a full time resident and patient. He then told me, not every mentally ill person recovers and sometimes all we can do for them, is to make their life comfortable and prevent them from hurting themselves or those around them. If their mental state prevents them from comprehending the color blue and relating it to the color of the sky, there is no point arguing, so it is best to ask them what color they see and then positively reinforcing them by saying how pretty that color is.
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I have been in a situation where I was talking to an Admiral... long ago retired and now in the last phases of Altzhiemers disease. I would fix lunch for him and then ask him to join me.... He would be sitting on the couch but in his mind he was six years old and sitting in his grandmothers green apple tree.... Now, just as you said.... you can argue with this decorated Navy man... tell him how wrong he is.... that there is no tree and he is ninety years old.... not six... OR you can sit quietly beside him and talk about what its like to be sitting in that tree and what is going through his mind at that moment.

Which is reality? And why can't I join him in his? Its as true to him as anything at that moment....

Besides.... speaking of the patient.... maybe he has never seen the color blue and didn't know what you were talking about.... maybe you are color blind and it was a bright overcast day... maybe alot of things....

What are you trying to say here? Linda
What are you trying to say here? Linda

I keep forgetting that you haven't seen the video and I apologize for not providing a synopsis earlier. My video exposes various multimedia executives and how they have been harassing me since 2009. I show how they have exploited me with the misappropriate use of my image, name and likeness and I reveal the true meaning behind music artist Lady Gaga's song "Alejandro" which was a very cruel and hateful action towards me, during a time when I was deeply in mourning.

I also expose how my own attorney worked against me for his own financial gain. However, I am not asking for anyone's sympathy so I go on to reveal someone that committed financial fraud in the 10's of millions yet because of the Freemason Fraternal Alliance, he received a slap on his wrist and the entire case got shoved under a rug, meanwhile victims across the country are still homeless because of his actions.

I present the poster child of modern Freemasonry proudly pissing into his own mouth confident with the fact he'll never face the legal consequence for his crimes.

At the end of the video, I introduce the person who I believe killed my friend, I show his bogus medical clinic. He happens to be a Freemason. The District Attorney of Los Angeles is his brother Mason and after four years of being ignored by the DA, I finally received a response a couple days after I sent him an allegation of murder against his brother Mason. The letter came from the FBI. In 2011 there was an attempt made to kill me at an abandoned house in Hollywood, which failed yet resulted in a total loss house fire. After that event, the FBI told me the house was not a total loss because the chimney was still intact.

In total these Freemason stole not only my friend's life, but his entire estate at a value somewhere around $50 million.

From how you defend Freemasons, you must condone their murderous illegality and if that is the case, then what I'm trying to say is that you, Ms. Brown, are crazy for believing they are righteous for committing murder.

Here's a news flash, those same Freemasons are responsible for producing a Manchurian Candidate, providing him with a police issued fire arm, and instructing him to shoot and kill 20 innocent children at a Catholic school in Connecticut.

I don't a give a f***k how many masonic symbols Washington DC has been overlaid with, they need to be stopped forever.

But before you tell me how convoluted my hole-ly statement is, you should know that aside from my emotions, despite the fact I was locked out of my own house by strangers and left homeless, regardless of how the Los Angeles Sheriffs publicly humiliated me, the one detail that cannot be argued is how those a**holes f**ked up on my friend's death certificate because according to a medical doctor, who happens to have a criminal record as thick as the FTC lawsuit against Mr. Bain, my friend's immediate cause of death was "metastatic renal cell carcinoma" and the fact is, cancer is not an immediate cause of death.

Because I was his beneficiary, I know for fact he never had cancer. Why do I know, because I arranged his health insurance. Furthermore, when I paid the Director of Legal Affairs for Cedars Sinai Medical Center a visit, in person, it was the first time they ever heard about my friend. So I provided them a copy of the Probate case file that their "attorney" filed ex parte on their behalf. They were shocked, to say the least.

I personally informed the Attorney General's office because I happen to know them personally. I was advised to file a criminal petition. I then hand delivered a copy of that petition to the attorney that fraudulently claimed to represent Cedars Sinai. The son-of-b*tch pissed himself when he saw me sitting in his lobby, literally. I thought he was going to have heart attack. Nothing came of that criminal petition, can you speculate why not?

That attorney happened to be a Freemason. Coincidence?
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There is no need to pick a fight with anyone here.
Your anger and frustrations are crystal clear.

You are in a similer situation as myself as a dowser, You know of something that is invisible to the vast majority.

I have long researched the masons/rosicrucians etc etc, there is far more light than darkness, but just like King canute , YOU cannot stop the tide by yelling at it.
My responsibility with what I detect via dowsing is to find a method of bridging the divide that exists for those who cannot sense what I can , that they can see.
The savile link I gave You is the tip of a pyramid, and each block of the layers under that are compartmentalised , thus nobody can see what all the other blocks are doing, only the all seeing EYE, that is on every dollar bill can see.

If You could please calm the drama, and stop whipping up such a storm, perhaps We can assist You.

There is no need to pick a fight with anyone here.
Your anger and frustrations are crystal clear.

You are in a similer situation as myself as a dowser, You know of something that is invisible to the vast majority.

I have long researched the masons/rosicrucians etc etc, there is far more light than darkness, but just like King canute , YOU cannot stop the tide by yelling at it.
My responsibility with what I detect via dowsing is to find a method of bridging the divide that exists for those who cannot sense what I can , that they can see.
The savile link I gave You is the tip of a pyramid, and each block of the layers under that are compartmentalised , thus nobody can see what all the other blocks are doing, only the all seeing EYE, that is on every dollar bill can see.

If You could please calm the drama, and stop whipping up such a storm, perhaps We can assist You.

I'm not picking a fight. I simply reached my tolerance level for Ms. Brown's ignorance. I am sorry, but when someone makes the effort to strip themselves naked and stands before an audience completely vulnerable and subject to ridicule and hate, it should be a humbling experience.. at least for someone with a gram of compassion.

The reason why I am here is to share information. I have made the effort to simplify it. Unfortunately, I am very complex and I can understand how my creativity would be difficult for someone to understand, which is why I make myself available for discussion. I don't appreciate when someone abuses my graciousness and mistreats my vulnerability, for no other purpose than to occupy their free time.

I assure you I am quite calm .... the last time I lost my temper the Hilton Hotel in Stockholm, Sweden got a new atrium lobby. I have learned how to prevent myself from ending up in that same situation twice.

Now, could we discuss the issue based on concrete facts without getting distracted by mystic jargon?
I'll start .... According to Albert Pike this is one of their oaths: "I will always hail [hele]. Ever conceal and never reveal." Based on that oath, no Freemason will ever be credible. Furthermore, by making that oath, they forfeit their benefit of doubt. Yet every Judge in the United States is a Freemason ... how does that promote a healthy Justice System?
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Next ... In the United States elementary school children are taught that one of the fundamental reasons the "pilgrims" left Europe was for "religious freedom" I never listened to American history because I never believed it, so perhaps someone can help me out with dates. I'll provide the European date.

In 1738 the Catholic Church condemned Freemasonry. The Vatican even threatened an Inquisition upon hearing the faintest whisper of Freemasonry. I would imagine that if I were living in Europe at that time, which I was in a previous life so I can tell you first hand exactly how it was, after seeing what the Catholic Church did to the Jews, it would have been enough motivation for any Freemason to get the hell out of dodge and far enough away from the Vatican as possible.

So imagine how convenient it was to have the Catholic Church busy beating God into the local Indians in Mexico because it gave Freemasons enough time to plot the geometry and produce a blueprint for Washington DC.... here's the deception .... they figured that if they put the word "God" all over the money, the Vatican would never suspect a thing.... and it worked.

"In God we trust" yet Church and State are totally separate... except every United States President has been a Freemason regardless of party... in fact, what started as democrats became republicans and what began as republicans became democrats.... here's the deception it doesn't matter what they call themselves because they will always "Conceal" and never "reveal" their true identity.
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I'm not picking a fight. I simply reached my tolerance level for Ms. Brown's ignorance. I am sorry, but when someone makes the effort to strip themselves naked and stands before an audience completely vulnerable and subject to ridicule and hate, it should be a humbling experience.. at least for someone with a gram of compassion.

The reason why I am here is to share information. I have made the effort to simplify it. Unfortunately, I am very complex and I can understand how my creativity would be difficult for someone to understand, which is why I make myself available for discussion. I don't appreciate when someone abuses my graciousness and mistreats my vulnerability, for no other purpose than to occupy their free time.

I assure you I am quite calm .... the last time I lost my temper the Hilton Hotel in Stockholm, Sweden got a new atrium lobby. I have learned how to prevent myself from ending up in that same situation twice.

Now, could we discuss the issue based on concrete facts without getting distracted by mystic jargon?

First let me say Ianchris that you have an understanding friend in Hobbit. I would not ignor his wisdom if I were you... He has a great gift of being able to see the divide... which he is tring to share with you.

You say this.... and I want you to study your words carefully because they say much about you...

"The reason why I am here is to share information. I have made the effort to simplify it. Unfortunately, I am very complex and I can understand how my creativity would be difficult for someone to understand, which is why I make myself available for discussion. I don't appreciate when someone abuses my graciousness and mistreats my vulnerability, for no other purpose than to occupy their free time.

You are not " Humble" at all. You are " full of yourself" You think that we are " mistreating your vunerability" because you see yourself as stripped naked and because of that.... painfully vunerable... but perhaps others see you as an exhibitionist bound and determined to show off his shortcomings to a crowd. Perhaps it bothers you that some remain unimpressed? Perhaps there is more required to being " humble?"

Am I abusing your " graciousness?" I don't know..... am I? I am not sure that I have found it yet. I do promise to look.

You say

"I am very complex and I can understand how my creativity would be difficult for someone to understand, which is why I make myself available for discussion"

We are ALL very complex individuals. You are not separate and apart. We are ALL gifted. If you are having a problem being understood then you are in the right company here. You just may have to work a little bit and not just " make yourself available for discussion". Thats the cheap and easy way out. You think thats all the interaction that you will need to do to get your point across. I submit that you might just have to be prepared to work hard at this....

You have a grand fight.... I can see... against an obvious evil... but are you getting anywhere on your current path? Is it worth it to consider that what you have said about evil and good being balanced is actually true... and perhaps you can not attack one situation without realizing that there is probably a corresponding block of good standing right next to it. The entire black and white pattern is there to be understood and recognized.... not declared war upon.

But I can see that you have your agenda. I will try to give your comments the responses that I hope you recieve in the spirit that they are given. That however is your choice too... Linda
First let me say Ianchris that you have an understanding friend in Hobbit. I would not ignor his wisdom if I were you... He has a great gift of being able to see the divide... which he is tring to share with you.

I never dismissed Hobbit I am very thankful that he has offered me his help. However, I have no issue with Hobbit. He has been kind and he hasn't played devil's advocate against me.

You say this.... and I want you to study your words carefully because they say much about you...

"The reason why I am here is to share information. I have made the effort to simplify it. Unfortunately, I am very complex and I can understand how my creativity would be difficult for someone to understand, which is why I make myself available for discussion. I don't appreciate when someone abuses my graciousness and mistreats my vulnerability, for no other purpose than to occupy their free time.

You are not " Humble" at all. You are " full of yourself" You think that we are " mistreating your vunerability" because you see yourself as stripped naked and because of that.... painfully vunerable... but perhaps others see you as an exhibitionist bound and determined to show off his shortcomings to a crowd. Perhaps it bothers you that some remain unimpressed? Perhaps there is more required to being " humble?"

I never claimed to be humble, nor am I arrogant. I strive to be righteous in everything I do. It's funny because the heraldic motto of my surname is "I am older than Velasco and to the King I owe nothing" I am humble to those who have earned it from me, but I will never wash anyone's feet. "Short comings?" I don't suppose all this boils down to penis envy? Are you married? Do you have children? Are you lesbian? Were you sexually abused as a child? Do you hate men? Perhaps you harbor resentment towards your father for some reason?

Am I abusing your " graciousness?" I don't know..... am I? I am not sure that I have found it yet. I do promise to look.

I have asked nothing from you, yet you insult me by comparing me to a serpent hiding in a dark hole ready to devour anything that moves. If my intention was sinister, believe me, you wouldn't see me coming. So yes, you have arrogantly spat in my face for no reason.

You say

"I am very complex and I can understand how my creativity would be difficult for someone to understand, which is why I make myself available for discussion"

We are ALL very complex individuals. You are not separate and apart. We are ALL gifted. If you are having a problem being understood then you are in the right company here. You just may have to work a little bit and not just " make yourself available for discussion". Thats the cheap and easy way out. You think thats all the interaction that you will need to do to get your point across. I submit that you might just have to be prepared to work hard at this....

I am having a problem with you condoning murder

You have a grand fight.... I can see... against an obvious evil... but are you getting anywhere on your current path? Is it worth it to consider that what you have said about evil and good being balanced is actually true... and perhaps you can not attack one situation without realizing that there is probably a corresponding block of good standing right next to it. The entire black and white pattern is there to be understood and recognized.... not declared war upon.

Too late because I declared a war in August 2012 and three days after I declared a war, northern Iran was hit with twin earthquakes. Coincidence? In October 2012, I published these words "Mother Earth I call again, and command thee sweet Mother Earth, avenge me for the injustices committed by these Freemason in HATE against an archangel. Display for the Bay the all mighty power of God and by your Hand bend snap and twist those golden gates till they fall into your sea." A week later, Hurricane Sandy hit the Northeast with winds so strong it ripped metal off buildings and a construction crane dangled like a piece of ribbon off a high rise in Manhattan. The front page of the NY Post read "God Hates us" after the tropical storm turned into a blizzard. Coincidence? I never discredited anyone, just you. Don't make the attempt to even suggest I am directing this towards anyone other than you Ms. Brown.

But I can see that you have your agenda. I will try to give your comments the responses that I hope you recieve in the spirit that they are given. That however is your choice too... Linda

I have responded in blue. I am beginning to think we have met in person.
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"Too late because I declared a war in August 2012 and three days after I declared a war, northern Iran was hit with twin earthquakes. Coincidence? In October 2012, I published these words "Mother Earth I call again, and command thee sweet Mother Earth, avenge me for the injustices committed by these Freemason in HATE against an archangel. Display for the Bay the all mighty power of God and by your Hand bend snap and twist those golden gates till they fall into your sea." A week later, Hurricane Sandy hit the Northeast with winds so strong it ripped metal off buildings and a construction crane dangled like a piece of ribbon off a high rise in Manhattan. The front page of the NY Post read "God Hates us" after the tropical storm turned into a blizzard. Coincidence? I never discredited anyone, just you. Don't make the attempt to even suggest I am directing this towards anyone other than you Ms. Brown.

Yes. Coincidence. And you are delusional if you consider it anything else than that. You directed your thoughts toward me and that is my answer to you. Linda
"Too late because I declared a war in August 2012 and three days after I declared a war, northern Iran was hit with twin earthquakes. Coincidence? In October 2012, I published these words "Mother Earth I call again, and command thee sweet Mother Earth, avenge me for the injustices committed by these Freemason in HATE against an archangel. Display for the Bay the all mighty power of God and by your Hand bend snap and twist those golden gates till they fall into your sea." A week later, Hurricane Sandy hit the Northeast with winds so strong it ripped metal off buildings and a construction crane dangled like a piece of ribbon off a high rise in Manhattan. The front page of the NY Post read "God Hates us" after the tropical storm turned into a blizzard. Coincidence? I never discredited anyone, just you. Don't make the attempt to even suggest I am directing this towards anyone other than you Ms. Brown.

Yes. Coincidence. And you are delusional if you consider it anything else than that. You directed your thoughts toward me and that is my answer to you. Linda

I called you crazy first .... besides you're not qualified to make that diagnosis.... I am.
Here's another coincidence .... on October 16 I told the Vatican that the blood of innocent children would drip from the secular cloth and on December 14, 20 innocent children were massacred at a Catholic school in Connecticut.

You've avoided every FACT i have presented. There must be a reason. Do you have siblings? Perhaps you're the only girl and were excluded from joining daddy's Lodge ....
Near midnight on February 26, 2010, I made this statement "I command the Pacific Ocean to pull back past the island of Santa Catalina, hold there for five hours and drive home with a force great enough to wipe Southern California off the FACE of this EARTH."

Five hours later, on February 27, 2010, an 8.8 magnitude earthquake hit 22 miles off the coast of Chile with a force so great it moved the capitol of Chile nearly a foot to the south. Is it a coincidence that Santa Catalina Island is 22 miles off the coast of California?

You know for being delusional, I sure make a lot more sense than you ever did, Ms. Brown.
You sound more and more like Mikado. Are you his replacement then? Has he played himself out of his usefulness.

I don't recall you calling me crazy anywhere here... was that just in your thoughts?

Can you feel the force that is using you yet? Linda