Triangle UFO gathering energy from the clouds at 33,000 feet

Gemini.... is there a picture with your post that for some reason I can not see?

How do you know its 33,000 feet? and why do you think that there is any kind of connection between collecting static from the clouds and making a " time jump?".... I am not asking these questions because I doubt what you are saying AT ALL. I just need to know how it is that you were able to make those statements. I am flying blind here... Please help. Linda
There has just been a release of information from Bulgaria regarding electrogravitics and space travel.... I would not expect them to broach the idea of time travel... but they are talking about static electrical properties here.... and that is precisely what a ship MIGHT do before making any kind of a " launch"... some of the details are not available to us so we are waiting for more incoming but I thought that Roses ( Jan Lofton my co writer and good friend) most recent Blog might be interesting to some.... Perhaps it needs to be in an Electrogravitic thread.... but Gemini.... yours fascinates me.... see what you see when you read these words, OK?


[A] conventional gravitational detector, can be constructed by utilizing the electrogravitic effect of dielectric materials, that was originally found by T.T.Brown for the investigation on rock electricity. He also studied the application of the Biefeld-Brown effect for the space propulsion system and this result suggest the possibility to construct a propulsion system according to the Ivanov’s theory by utilizing dielectric materials.
From Possibility to construct a gravitational wave detector by utilizing the electrogravitic property
of dielectric materials Takaki Mushi, Journal of Space Exploration, September 2012.

Rose adds:

I'd like t know more about Ivanov's theorem, but the sources Mushi cites are all unpublished papers from the Bulgaian nuclear research institute.

B.V.Ivanov; Strong gravitational force induced by static electromagnetic fields, (gr-qc/0407048), Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgaria, unpublished,

So do we have any friends out there who can give us more information about this?

I am leaping far ahead of course, trying to keep up with Gemini who sees the triangle ship "gathering energy from the clouds or about to time jump." I can not see what you are seeing Gemini but I would say that she is doing both.....
Remember... if you can find a way to control gravity with electricity.... then you also can " mess" with time.... its connected.... and you really can't do much of the first two without dealing with the third property. Your triangle is probably doing exactly what you think that she is doing.

But how can you see her? How do you know its 33,000 feet? My screen here is blank except for your printed words. Help?

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This triangle space ship is either gathering energy from the clouds or about to time jump.

You know what------- I have like done so much to message you to what that thing is.... What else do you want? Fugro News - Fugro acquires Falcon™ Technology Fracking :North Dakota :cheep energy, the people behind why you had to clean up your blog a few years ago... You know the ones that made you do that! >>>> American Petroleum Institute There are no aliens. It's a freaking blimp!
The Black Manta... I believe they used to call it, right BobE. Are you SURE thats the only thing out there operating?
Linda, it's a low and slow survey system. The optimum feed for the data is 35 mph. It's why the blip concept is the best for mounting the instrumentation. Reed more about it here> Gravity Gradiometry :: Fugro Airborne Surveys

Amy, AKA thelastprophet527, immortalgemini527, etc, etc.... is a quzi-creative writer! She thinks this is all fun and games, and all of what you folks post makes for food for her writing endeavors to use in her creative writing projects. Okay, Linda? "specializing in aliens" >>> HERE> Talk:Amy Mainzer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia She's a real trip!
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I have a couple of questions for you BobE..... why do you think that it would make a difference to me WHO Gemini is? We are all wind chimes picking up a strange and magical breeze. I don't much care how the information of that breeze gets to all of us.....Inspiration has a strange way of finding paths to each of us.... if Gemini is collecting interesting thoughts for other creative purposes... so what?.... more power to him/ or her......

You and I had a strange communications going for a long time over on the History Channel... remember? What was the ultimate purpose of that? The big question then seemed to be over where my Dad was buried.... remember?.... at the time you felt it was important to be challenging in my direction....I have to thank you for that now (though at the time it was terribly frustrating.)

We all seem to be assigned some sort of purpose.....and through all of this I have come to see that everyone has a part in this...even if they have no concept of it!

And though many of us are here for sheer entertainment ( talking about this stuff is FUN!)....... some of us are here because we feel that we have to be... that there is something going on here that we don't want to be left out on..... and that whatever effort we put in here will be rewarded by a fuller understanding of what our reality actually is.....

Thanks for the information on the blimp by the way..... They have one of those SUPER BLIMPS hangared not far from here... establishing a whole new activity area for it... going to be sort of exciting when they let it out for the first time and the public really gets a good look.

But like I said..... maybe thats not ALL we are seeing out there BobE......

The difference is.... One moment its THERE and one moment its GONE.

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BobE... you just posted regarding Gemini....

"Amy, AKA thelastprophet527, immortalgemini527, etc, etc.... is a quzi-creative writer! She thinks this is all fun and games, and all of what you folks post makes for food for her writing endeavors to use in her creative writing projects. Okay, Linda? "specializing in aliens" >>> HERE> Talk:Amy Mainzer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia She's a real trip!"

Gemini... if you are in fact " AMY" then I invite you to join me following the trail of what we were told were " Brothers" in the fifties..... spacemen ( in Adamskis case we were told that they were handsome individuals fro Venus with names like ORTHO... I don't remember the names of the females but they were prevalent....)

I am not sure exactly when the word " Alien" took over from " space brothers" but in my mind it was when the concept changed from benevolent human looking " Brothers" to a more sinister green thing with big eyes.... then maybe the idea morphed again into the standard " Grey" which, if we have been reading all of this UFO lore well enough... we could describe in our sleep.

But is that what we have been doing all along?
Linda, it's a low and slow survey system. The optimum feed for the data is 35 mph. It's why the blip concept is the best for mounting the instrumentation. Reed more about it here> Gravity Gradiometry :: Fugro Airborne Surveys

Amy, AKA thelastprophet527, immortalgemini527, etc, etc.... is a quzi-creative writer! She thinks this is all fun and games, and all of what you folks post makes for food for her writing endeavors to use in her creative writing projects. Okay, Linda? "specializing in aliens" >>> HERE> Talk:Amy Mainzer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia She's a real trip!

I have to keep me laughing out loud, Jesus your Christ!

You’ve been talking about this Amy character for about 3 or 4 years now, and I still have no idea who she is, but if I’m her than so be it.
I think some one forgot to take there Tuesday meds, lmiaf.
You all must be seeing something that is somehow and for some reason blocked from me. Happens all the time but would someone please tell me what it is that you all are seeing and that I am not? Thanks.

And Gemini.... I don't care if you are male or female... though I have to admit.... it would be nice to have another lady in the mix here. The guys don't mean it.... but the testosterone gets just a bit strong sometimes.

blimps dont have energy collectors on top,but alien spaceships dont have red beacons kind of cluless to what it is.

Gemini.... how do we know what they have? How do you know that blimps wouldn't have " energy collectors" on the top? What does that look like? Are you sure thats what it is? And how do you know that for sure? Remember.... I am flying blind here...

And what the heck would an alien spaceship or dimension jumper need a red light for anyway?... why do they even need a ship? How do we know what they need?

S still am in the dark here but I guess thats supposed to be. Frustrating. Linda
Cropped from video triangular craft.png
I quickly cropped the image out of a screen capture from the video to give you an idea of what it is Linda. Hope you can at least get SOMETHING from the image. :)
It looks like a plasma discharge to me.... seen a few of those... which generally means very high voltage in operation.... large triangles have been sighted by many witnesses gliding silently only a few hundred feet above the ground. ( In this desert area especially) I have always found that a bit suspect myself because the entire Marine Corps Combat Training Group is here and unless the thing is an " invited guest" I would like to know why our guys would let the thing make an appearance so close.

But others have said of course that radar can't " see " it.... and other eye witnesses have said that it can " blink" out of sight. Now is it " cloaking" or is it taking off so fast that its simply gone outta sight.... Or does it switch from one dimension to another? Or something else that no one has thought of yet perhas. maybe the " witnesses " who are " seeing this thing" just have their " witness influencing ray shut off.... you know... the thing that alters their perception of what they are seeing..... And if it can do that.... perhaps entire neighborhoods could be convinced " not to see this thing" as it glides past us in the middle of the day.

The Indians in this neighborhood used to talk about cloud shadows on the shadows... they called them.... but there were no clouds in the sky.... makes you wonder what was going on.... when things cast shadows...SOMETHING IS THERE.

We keep falling right back into " mind control" and I keep remembering the one truly valid thing that I think that William Moore ( author of the Philadelphia Experiment) said.... Whatever we are dealing with has the ability to alter our perception of reality. Its good to consider that when we start comparing notes with each other over things that we have seen and what it must mean. It might mean NOTHING. It might all be an illusion that has been given to us..........

REmember that the Bible mentions that things will change " In the blink of an eye" and I am coming to my own personal conclusion that was a wise statement.

It just takes getting the universal human conciousness to the " tipping point".

Thanks for the picture. In other things does the blue light change to red? Or am i THE ONLY ONE SEEING BLUE????? <g> Linda
Thank you really awesome whatever it is never thought about the possibility they might be getting energy from the clouds.

Sure would hate to see that so close to where I was. You never know the true intent of these beings are whatever they are inside the ships.
I would think that we can guess that their intent is not hostile. If it had been we probably all would have certainly figured that one out by now! So thats a little bit of a comfort I hope! Linda
The Indians in this neighborhood used to talk about cloud shadows on the shadows... they called them.... but there were no clouds in the sky.... makes you wonder what was going on.... when things cast shadows...SOMETHING IS THERE.

AS I looked at the triangle spaceship come out the clouds and into another and another and another. I thought that it was protocol or something.

you see, the tip of the ship and the first engine came out the clouds as I looked in the air right above me...I thought it was a blimp at first in Washington dc but I have never ever seen one, and then after it went into another cloud, that’s when the middle came out, and that’s when I thought it was an airplane, but than as it crossed the football field, the back was exposed with 2 engines, forming a triangle formation.

Everything that happened that day took me a while to figure out because in al honesty I never heard of a triangle spaceship. I don’t say or tell somebody something unless it 98% truthfulness, and the truthfulness is only if I experience something.

I always thought the clouds were to low that night.

For the last 4 years I have pictured that moment over and over again, but never could figure out why the clouds was so low, and my number one conclusion for the last 4 years was that…

‘’’Could they have created a cloud like fog, TO HIDE the 3engines ,that’s going over board, ill just keep this out my story with out all the out of this world type stuff’

So I did, I couldn’t explain it so I never told it…but now
The Indians in this neighborhood used to talk about cloud shadows on the shadows... they called them.... but there were no clouds in the sky.... makes you wonder what was going on.... when things cast shadows...SOMETHING IS THERE
its so evident and bladenlty obvious.


The triangle spaceship that’s driven by a race of harpy related ancestors can cloak the whole ship except for the 3 engines underneath that holds this massive ship that in length is 154 yards and the middle looks like a small city with lots of windows and with lights in the middle.

I do believe that the triangle space ship has the capability to produce a cloud like solid substance or a holographic cloud like fog that protects the engines from being seen as the body of the ship is already cloaked.

The triangle space ship that evening also sucked all the sound pollution out of the surrounding area, what that means, and im still looking into…….but that’s why I looked up, all the sound just left the world.

And when it happened, I panicked, thinking it was a tornado or something, or the end of the world.

‘The calm before the storm’
Because that’s exactly what I said at that moment.

‘’Damn, this must be what its like before a tornado hits or something, this must be the ‘calm before the storm,’ as I listened to a conversation 2 blocks away crystal clear, and could hear the car keys clinging to the dash board some 2 blocks away.

Linda. What purpose would be needed to drain the sound out of the air like that, was it the engine, or was it a tactical method.

What do you know, that could instantly drain all sound out of one area. This is my last puzzle to this…for me, and my report. The triangle was 2 football fields over my head if that, so the view was perfect.

Thanks Linda, you always seem to come through... In the most mysterious ways?

but there were no clouds in the sky
img527 copy written 2-06-3012.
Now i see why the moon was way over the clouds now.i think i can atleast close this part of my struggles in dealing with what i saw.thanks.
I think thats a red light on the tip,and i think that the girl or the person doing this video said somthing about 33,000 feet.i dont think a blimp can fly that high

Before the triangle that i saw turned its engines off,it gave a bright light like that.
True, with their highly advanced technology I'm sure they could've blow us off the planet at any time.

Now let me float this theory by you.

We know the chemtrails later after spraying can form clouds after what initially can start off as a cloudless day. If these ships are using clouds as energy, perhaps we're (and I say that as a whole, not just this country) are helping them keep going with the energy in exchange for what, knowledge or not blowing us off the face of the planet. Does this theory sound viable?
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