TT Brown, a Counter-Intelligence Operative?

Yes... patent leather shoes.... little white socks to the ankles.... and short white gloves. 1953-54.
We were playing " pin the tail on the donkey" and I wanted to pin the tail on the donkey of a boy that was giving me such a bad time regarding my Dad but I was trying to remember to " be a lady"

Maybe I am finally outgrowing that!

So Pimander...... where are you? After your interesting statement about the " conclusion" you reached and after all your demands on me to PROVE my status as the daughter of T. Townsend Brown.... You and Zorgon and Exterminator have disappeared like the wisps that maybe you always were?

Its proven to me that I should not waste time on those who are not willing to " do their own homework" and to recognize that there is a contingent out there which is very interested in drawing my attention away from more important work...thats not going to work any more.

Zorgon seems to have lost his focus on this subject anyway... which means to me that it was always a diversion for him and he hasn't got the " bottom" that its going to take to go the distance. Thats a horsemans term which Pimander would understand. He once called me a " cheeky mare" which was so closely resembling things that Mr. Twigsnapper used to say to me that I became suspicious of the entire Pegasus operation. Now if it fades to nothingness ( which is where it seems to be headed) then I will know that there was indeed a connection and whatever its role was is now finished.

Thats just my impression from watching things in the " electrogravitic" world come and then mysteriously go away. Pimander I believe knows much more than he is willing to share with anyone here.... the blue knife on the green background, Remember? I do.

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Um... Sure. Yeah. Guilt. You're right. [sigh] Whatever.

"Whatever" ...the response of someone who cannot debate intelligently. My daughters used that at times, until they wanted to discuss something.

And now Linda wants to use, that figures so very much for the petulant little girl.

And don't be surprised if Mikado turns his dismissive attitude toward you. He can be charming... Just keep telling yourself what a charming person he is...<g>

An associate of Beau Kitselmans has stepped forward to help us out with more information. It may be that you and he have much to talk about in the future because I believe that he is very interested in economics also.... He has been in communication both with Raymond and Rose so far and I really can't wait to see what develops.....

We are all centered here now for some reason... its going to be exciting to see what information starts bubbling to the surface now.


But I will not lie and you know that. But remember what you, twigsnapper, it is okay to lie. Not to those you need to work alongside.

Wake up Mikado.... please explain what it was about Robert Forwards work that impacted you so importantly? Or do I have to insult you to get a reaction from you here?


You told me on several occasions that you didn't wish to hear anything I have to say and now you do.

As to what Bob had to say, we would speak by phone when he would visit his Mother in Maryland...or was it Delaware?, anyway, it was a heck of a lot cheaper in long distance phone bills than calling the west coast.

How about this, I gave you his name, a field he worked in and did you notice the company he worked for?

He did everything to discredit "that guy named Brown". At the time, I could find no references to your Father in the Library, otherwise, I probably would have contacted him. But then, maybe I did, I don't recall with all those holes in my swiss cheese brain. In any event, I will answer your question since you politely have asked with the word "please", remember, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar...hmmm, seems like all the simili's of late have had to deal with flies...flies and pepper and now flies and honey/vinegar. Anyway, it was not his work that impacted upon me.

Perhaps you should be asking a different question but that is the best answer I can give you for what you have asked.

There are alot of " Guys named Brown" Mikado. My time is valuable and you are wasting it. You know what I asked you and what I meant. Not here to dance around. Linda
There are alot of " Guys named Brown" Mikado. My time is valuable and you are wasting it. You know what I asked you and what I meant. Not here to dance around. Linda

No Linda, you waste my time. Here is what you asked:

Linda said:
Wake up Mikado.... please explain what it was about Robert Forwards work that impacted you so importantly? Or do I have to insult you to get a reaction from you here?

There was nothing that impacted me about Bob's work that was so important so when I said to you that perhaps you need to ask a different question, it was sincere. Look who's being bellicose.

And yet again you display who is really the narcissist.

Kisses to you too Mikado. If you have something to REALLY say .... then say it.

I have asked Lady of Light to give us a thread about " Dwellers".... until then is there something that you have been trying to say about that? If I am not asking the right questions of you ( as you have said above) then step up and make a statement.

Kisses to you too Mikado. If you have something to REALLY say .... then say it.

I have asked Lady of Light to give us a thread about " Dwellers".... until then is there something that you have been trying to say about that? If I am not asking the right questions of you ( as you have said above) then step up and make a statement.


You know what is so sad and disheartening to me? The fact that you ask questions that have been answered over the years we have known each other. We discussed Bob Forward a long time ago. You show exactly how much you paid attention to what ever I said.

Sad and disheartening, others will see in time.

As to a thread about dwellers, go ahead, I have said elsewhere and it might have been on the Hut in regard to that subject. If you want to read it then go there, hell, you on there almost everyday reading.

You know what is so sad and disheartening to me? The fact that you ask questions that have been answered over the years we have known each other. We discussed Bob Forward a long time ago. You show exactly how much you paid attention to what ever I said.

Sad and disheartening, others will see in time.

As to a thread about dwellers, go ahead, I have said elsewhere and it might have been on the Hut in regard to that subject. If you want to read it then go there, hell, you on there almost everyday reading.


Why do you think that I would remember that? Do you think that everything you have ever said to me was worth me holding onto in my memory bank, as if it was gold? I do not remember Robert Forward or any mention of him... and what we are talking about here Mikado is meant to be shared. You and I no longer have any kind of a private relationship as friends. So if you have something to say.... say it here or don't say it... You brought Robert Forward up and some of the folks here might be interested in him.

You are funny.... I go to the Hut just to see if anyone has posted. Yes, I visit. I note that no one has said anything for almost a month.... and no one has made any comments. Its a sad state of affairs over there....

I am interested in " Dwellers" because others here might be interested in the concept.

Dr. K? If you are monitoring this.... would you be interested in such a thread. Just because Mikado was the first to introduce the subject does not mean that he has to be the only one talking about it...

• View topic - Hamilton Carter

This is a message that I would like to leave here too

by Linda Brown » Wed Jan 30, 2013 7:01 pm

This gentleman has started an interesting blog that seems to be capable of pulling even more information in our direction. I invite all of you to read his work on these subjects. Of course he mentions Dad which is what drew me to his site....

2012 December | The Canonical Hamiltonian ... omment-834

Anyone else want to add to the information that he has brought up there on his Blog?

I know that we have several people reading this forum who have alot of information. You know that you are welcomed to join us here but I understand if you want to remain silent. If however you see me stampeding off in a non productive direction PLEASE feel free to " nudge" me onto the right path. I need help. Obviously. Thanking you in advance,

There is another thread that is discussing The Black Knight satellite and mention has been made in one account about how my Dad mysteriously was able to appear and take possession of material others felt might have come from that satellite which possibly was " shot down". Now if anything anywhere near to this is valid then we sure need to talk about it. And if there is Russian help out there monitoring these messages... ( yes... hello there...) then I would hope that the time is soon coming where we can talk about ALL of the things that were happening then.... on both sides of what at that time was the IRON Curtain.....

I watch carefully how some of the threads here and on other Forums develop and sometimes overlap because I have learned through the years to pay attention to that.... knowing that its not coincidence....and there are lessons " inbound" that are important to notice.
Thats my own personal theory.

This recent flap about the mystery satellite ( The Black Knight) was brought to my attention again by something posted on the Pegasus public front page. ( Of course since I responded to it they have banned me from even seeing that....) Too bad guys... its too late.<g>

Now the information brought to the surface about the mystery satellite is ground that we have covered in our own Forums before but now I am beginning to see better how the threads overlap.

If any of you have read my memoir you will know that the summer of 1960 was a turning point my families life. Dad had promised Mom that we would be living in Chantilly Va... that his new lab was going to be " just down the street" and that I would be able to have horses there at our own property and be able to finish my school years in one place.( Remember... I was the kid who went to 48 different schools before I eventually graduated so staying in one place was a priceless idea. ).

and then something very mysterious happened which drew my Dads path away from us...One moment we were talking about a house in Chantilly Va and .............

Then suddenly at the end of that summer.... our lives changed!

Dad declared that we would be moving again... this time to Meadville Pa. I was just fifteen and had been a kid used to constant change so the idea of another sudden move didn't upset me though.the group he was going to be with struck me as being unusual....( they all had telephones in their cars... something that was pretty rare in those days... and they were very secretive) later years OTHERS concluded that the organization that they presented had links to the CIA and that the work that they were involved in had something to do with satellites. I had no idea of this at the time.

As you will read in " The Good-Bye Man" that suggestion of yet another move was the last of it for my Mom. She declared in tears " I just can't do this anymore.... I WON"T do this anymore" and she separated from Dad ( taking me with her). He went to Meadville Pa alone to work and Mom took a house in Bethesda so that I could go to a good school nearby. ( remember... I went to 48 different schools before I graduated so I was accustomed to being the new kid" Mother just was not going to uproot me anymore. Me? I was being the typical snotty teenager. I couldn't figure why suddenly she wouldn't go along with following Dad on this new.... what I figured, was another adventure.... I was not kind to my Mother during this part of our I said... snotty teenager.

It all worked out of course and our family was reunited by the spring of 1961. Dad had overworked, collapsed and Mother put all of her other feelings aside and we moved to be with him in Meadville... She said that she was never going to let anything or anyone separate them again.

Sorry for the long ramble but this is what I am trying to point out here. When Paul Schatzkin and I visited the archivist/Librarian at Denison University we were interested of course in Dads file there ( which was four inches thick because of people writing and inquiring about Townsend Brown. He had been mentioned in the book " The Philadelphia Experiment" and apparently there were all kinds of folks now doing background research on Dad and his work.)

Going through that file was interesting but the most interesting note was a letter sent by an anonymous source.... talking about the Meadville Group and his association with it. " Work involving satellites" was mentioned.

Now I know this is a VERY thin lead.....but it was the first time that anyone had ever mentioned satellites in regard to my Dad.... and the note struck me like a lightning bolt. It explained so many things!!!

Certainly Bill Moore never mentioned satellites in his book.. He was all about this Destroyer Escort named the Eldridge that had somehow disappeared and then reappeared elsewhere. The story was so fantastic that it always bothered me that Moore had placed an entire Chapter about Dad right in the middle of his book.... I always found that suspect.... as if something else was being covered up... and the thought struck me then.... sitting at Denison with all those files in front of me..... that it all made much more sense. During those years satellites and systems surrounding them would have been highly classified....The entire Philadelphia Experiment could possibly have been a later cover up .... I don't doubt that his work was fantastic and I don't doubt that most of it is still very secret... but his connection with Satellites could have been at the root of some part of it.

In September Dad had already split from us so if the story about him picking up pieces of something that possibly could have been a part of this " Black Knight" satellite would not have made any sense to me at all.... but now those random bits of information are beginning to make some sense.

So I ask again. In his labnotes he mentions a concerted " beam" of this strange new energy....Is it even worth asking that his " Group" may have been responsible at the time for a Defense system... Is it possible that they were able to " take this satellite down?" But...... reports say that it disappeared for a bit and then has been reported again in the same strange polar orbit.....Other experts said that the Black Knight had that sort of orbit during 1960 before it disappeared.... which proved to some that it was neither a Russian Satellite nor an American again the question. What was it?

Sorry for the long ramble. If any of you have any thoughts on this I would appreciate any input.

Of course, if he follows true to course.... Mikado will be posting his rant against me....but I leave it to all of you.... ask yourself WHY is someone so interested in discrediting what I have to say? What stake does he have in all of this and what might be his agenda? Just questions to ask. Linda
Just trying to bring us back to the line of travel..........

Earlier in this thread Pimander said this:

I've done mine. TT Brown was a counter-intelligence operative. Electrogravitics is a dead end used to fool the Soviets via the French... TTBrown played a role in this ruse. There are still some in France who are also confused by this.

Í quickly added:
And immediately I thought to myself..... YES.....but NOW.... what is being protected and hidden Pimander? Do you have any idea at all?

I should have said more. I should have asked.... and what role are YOU... an Englishman.... playing in all of this? Especially one who uses strangely codelike phrases in my direction which just spell TWIGSNAPPER to anyone who is paying attention. I am sure that eventually that association will come to light. ( "Cheeky mare"... he called me....I have to smile)

Later had a vision of a bright blue knife ( The style used by commandos in WWII but of course invested with that wild blue color.) I asked Pimander point blank to tell me the truth .... did that mean something to him?. He admitted to recognizing the knife.... but not the background ( we were talking of a vision that I had experienced of a military patch with a bright blue knife , blade down... positioned on a drab green background. I had never seen that patch in real life and was trying to figure what the vision that I had experienced meant.) Pimander carefully answered that the knife meant something to him.... but not the background..... anybody recognize the patch we are talking about... PLEASE join in this discussion!)
Amy had been involved in an earlier conversation and apparently assumed that the new thread that was thrown up was going to be about her ( yet the title was very specific, as you all can see) She responded in sort of a ruffled way. Earlier I had mentioned that the character others call "Morgan" had mentioned that Fruitbat had sent Amy a book... " The People of the Lie" and he had read it twice again just that week. Now its odd when he gives me messages like that but it was obviously meant to be shared with Amy so I mentioned that incident to her... part of her response was this below

"I thought this was a thread about who I am and what I know. I have no information on TT Brown and whether He was a Counter-Intelligence Operative...
Yes, Fruitbat sent the book. I have read it. I had some issues with some of the presumed vectors involved... But again, that is not about who I am and what I know."
The obvious answer to that AMY is YES..... this is NOT about YOU and what you KNOW.... this is about what you DON'T KNOW!
As you see. She was assuming that the thread was going to be talking about her. And she also apparently has rejected the information that might have been offered to her in that book.
Of course this particular thread took some twists as it continued but I am just bringing up the statement here that is apparently the " party line" of Zorgon and his " Group".... that Electrogravitation is Dead.

Now just WHO would mount an organized attack of disinformation and confusion to support that " party line"?... who?... behind the scenes? Interests in upholding the energy status quo.... of course....naturally.... what else is new?..thats the old answer!.. Drawing energy from somewhere else? Without having the control of being the ones creating and selling it? What is that worth and how many people need to be silenced or bought to achieve that?

I am just noting what has been going on here. People are known by their works.

Mikado upholds the idea of energy being drawn through the "aether" but he has his own ideas on that which he is very carefully separating from any help that I may have given him in developing that. That aside however... he does ride the same line of thought when he writes this in this thread.

"It is not "free energy" that EG will give but it can be explained in current Electronics/Electrical theory. It has to be or it won't be accepted and it will be relegated to the fringe sciences. Maybe that is what Zorgon et al is all about...they do not want it to be brought out for it will undermine the utility companies and that just won't sit well with Wall Street perhaps that is the ....shudder...agenda that the pegasus really has. I offered some very expensive dielectrics to "Playswithmachines" and he turned it down. Now, here is a person who claimed to be living hand to mouth but was intent on building a Gravitor. I felt that I could help him in the offer which was valued at over $500 American but he turned it down...why? Was he sincere? At this point and due to the noise moderators from Pegasus are making on this forum ...perhaps there is something, perhaps there is something that lies beneath the still waters on the moon...the living moon.

Oh there is definitely alot going on under the surface of what everyone is given to see. I am just sort of recapping the interest here....resetting the focus where it needs to be. Join me with your thoughts please. Linda
If anyone is really interested in how this disinformation campaigne works just read this thread from the first. Carefully. Note the players and their agendas... see what is happening here and on other threads involved with releasing this information and work. Don't let personal insults and side stories draw you away.... Linda
Mikado upholds the idea of energy being drawn through the "aether" but he has his own ideas on that which he is very carefully separating from any help that I may have given him in developing that. That aside however... he does ride the same line of thought when he writes this in this thread.

"It is not "free energy" that EG will give but it can be explained in current Electronics/Electrical theory. It has to be or it won't be accepted and it will be relegated to the fringe sciences. Maybe that is what Zorgon et al is all about...they do not want it to be brought out for it will undermine the utility companies and that just won't sit well with Wall Street perhaps that is the ....shudder...agenda that the pegasus really has. I offered some very expensive dielectrics to "Playswithmachines" and he turned it down. Now, here is a person who claimed to be living hand to mouth but was intent on building a Gravitor. I felt that I could help him in the offer which was valued at over $500 American but he turned it down...why? Was he sincere? At this point and due to the noise moderators from Pegasus are making on this forum ...perhaps there is something, perhaps there is something that lies beneath the still waters on the moon...the living moon.

Oh there is definitely alot going on under the surface of what everyone is given to see. I am just sort of recapping the interest here....resetting the focus where it needs to be. Join me with your thoughts please. Linda

"which he is very carefully separating from any help that I may have given him in developing that."

Now how could you do that when you have always stated that the science was not your forte?

As to your comment about resetting the is called obsession seasoned with a bit of narcissism.

I say " reset the focus" and your only response is

As to your comment about resetting the is called obsession seasoned with a bit of narcissism.


Kisses on your nose too Mikado. Nice to see that you are at least consistant. <g> Linda
There has been some interesting new information surfacing about the Berlin Tunnel in March of 1956. I hope to be able to share some of that with you all soon. It must have been an exciting time. A translator who was a CIA guy in the tunnel at the time said that he got so that he could recognize a particular Russian Army high ranking officer by not only his voice but by the way he actually breathed as he was talking.

Its an interesting thing to me that the Berlin Tunnel was compromised by the same man ( George Blake) who caused so much trouble for my Dad when he broke out of Wormwood Prison in the early fall of 1966.

Real good solid cloak and dagger stuff.....all coming to the surface now... finally. Linda
Earlier in this thread Pimander said this: ( we were talking about " Due Diligence" and this is what our English friend from Zorgons Forum had to say.

I've done mine. TT Brown was a counter-intelligence operative. Electrogravitics is a dead end used to fool the Soviets via the French...
" quickly added:
And immediately I thought to myself..... YES.....but NOW.... what is being protected and hidden Pimander? Do you have any idea at all?

I should have said more. I should have asked.... and what role are YOU... an Englishman.... playing in all of this? Especially one who uses strangely codelike phrases in my direction which just spell TWIGSNAPPER to anyone who is paying attention. I am sure that eventually that association will come to light. ( "Cheeky mare"... he called me....I have to smile)

Note that the first bit .... is..... electrogravitics is dead. ( obviously thats what Pimander wants others to think......) so is his bit about Dad being counterintelligence faulty and agenda ridden too? Why hasn't Pimander come backi?

And if he believes that EG is dead....that makes no sense.... why has he not bothered to come back and at least do the gentlemanly thing and own up to his promise to apologize for questioning my authority as T. Townsend Browns daughter? What skin would it be off his nose... if EG was a dead issue? I am SURE by now that he knows thats its not.... its active and I am who I said I was. but he has disappeared like a puff of smoke...

sometimes I wonder... if all of that routine was set up and then being watched by others just to verify for themselves that I would stand up to being challenged! In the last few days I have been sent information from the strangest of sources. Almost as if someone somewhere just turned a faucet on.

Whoever you are out there ... I do feel as if you gave the OK for this stuff to reach me. Its wonderful! I thank you very much!... and I will do my very best. Linda