TV for Kids??? What are your thoughts?


New member
I have sat down to watch cartoons and movies "For kids". Ive watched recent movies, and sows that say they are "for kids". Ive looked and Ive noticed that with all the shows ive looked at there are always some adult themes, persuasion, within these shows... To me it seems that tv REALLY ISNT FOR KIDS AT ALL.. I wanted to search for a show suitable for my daughter whos 5 and while looking at the show even nickolodeon and nick toons and pbs shows.. im like really.. Come on..

Have you all seen the movie Pus in Boots? That movie has so much sexual persuasion in it its a shame..
The new Pirate movie has sexual persuasion and teaches kids to be the best at theiving.
The movie brave teaches kids to be brave and not listen to parents..

I mean really is there any age appropriate show on??

I got so into this that I watched a movie from back then when I was young.. Its called Bebe's Kids.. Once I saw this I realized that that movie was deffinatly not for kids and hell thats why alot of people in my generation are bad..

Hell maybe Im wrong about this Im just venting and would like to know your thoughts on this.. :)
I would have to agree. TV is NOT for kids. Unless of course you wanna brainwash your kids from an early age and make them think that that's the way they should be living. And I DON'T!

It sickens me. You have all these shows, where the children have no parents, the shows have sexual content, and teach kids the wrong things. No wonder our society got so friggin messed up. TV trains everyone from the day they're born, and we let it, that's the worst part!

It's all terrible, and we should just get rid of it all. That's my opinion.
I would have to agree. TV is NOT for kids. Unless of course you wanna brainwash your kids from an early age and make them think that that's the way they should be living. And I DON'T!

It sickens me. You have all these shows, where the children have no parents, the shows have sexual content, and teach kids the wrong things. No wonder our society got so friggin messed up. TV trains everyone from the day they're born, and we let it, that's the worst part!

It's all terrible, and we should just get rid of it all. That's my opinion.

tru.. get rid of it and go back to the days where kids played outside for a living..
If you do allow your children to watch TV, and should be fully regulated, and I also don't recommend exposing them to commercials tell her much older. If possible have some launch educational programs that are prerecorded. Avoid any of the mainstream television programs targeting children they are full of all kinds of subliminal messages try to condition your children. TV should also be on time limit no more than maybe a show or two a day. The problem is most parents use the television as a babysitter so they don't have to deal with their children. I would love to see children playing hopscotch and and skip rope on the sidewalks again just like when I was a kid.
If you do allow your children to watch TV, and should be fully regulated, and I also don't recommend exposing them to commercials tell her much older. If possible have some launch educational programs that are prerecorded. Avoid any of the mainstream television programs targeting children they are full of all kinds of subliminal messages try to condition your children. TV should also be on time limit no more than maybe a show or two a day.
So true.. The more childeren actually learn something the more smarter theyll be and the more aware they will get instead of watching things that are littered with messages.. since im thinking this way i wonder how would my daughter think when she gets a little older.. will she think like me or will she think like society??
I would love to see children playing hopscotch and and skip rope on the sidewalks again just like when I was a kid.
lol me too :) :) when i was growing up i was outside alot.. now i tend to be inside alot.. i would actually love to see people out side like how it was when i was younger. nowadays you can live in an appartment complex or live in a house for like 5 to 10 years or something like that and not even know the people who live around you.. this is a shame.. people just dont tlalk any more
The problem is most parents use the television as a babysitter so they don't have to deal with their children.
Im guilty of this just a bit :)

We're all a little guilty of it. Myself included, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to at least cut back. Eventually, we can either remove it completely, or maybe, just maybe change it. I would love to remove it completely though.

And ya, I remember the days of playing outside. I miss that. This world is too afraid to allow their kids outside anymore.
We're all a little guilty of it. Myself included, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to at least cut back. Eventually, we can either remove it completely, or maybe, just maybe change it. I would love to remove it completely though.
True i understand this.. :)
And ya, I remember the days of playing outside. I miss that. This world is too afraid to allow their kids outside anymore.
idk lol theres so much to do inside nowadays (wii the internet, game systems, food) people are afraid of the sun..
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I think people truly ARE afraid of the sun. It's sad really.

When people should be involving themselves in ACTUAL reality, they choose to submerse themselves and their children into a fantasy world. And we wonder why the world is so messed up.
I think people truly ARE afraid of the sun. It's sad really.

When people should be involving themselves in ACTUAL reality, they choose to submerse themselves and their children into a fantasy world. And we wonder why the world is so messed up.

:) tru tru.. :)
Well I think they purposely demonized the Sun so we will stay in and watch their entertainment garbage to alter our global outlook and our mental focus.
It's all meant to mold sheeple. Being outside is the way to go. People were so much better off when THAT was our entertainment.
Even right now all of us have some conditioning we need to shake off, and the only way to do that is to remove ourselves from the tool that's conditioning us, and that's the TV. Unfortunately this will make it difficult for us to relate to people who are still using the television as a conditioning tool.
Even right now all of us have some conditioning we need to shake off, and the only way to do that is to remove ourselves from the tool that's conditioning us, and that's the TV. Unfortunately this will make it difficult for us to relate to people who are still using the television as a conditioning tool.

remember now its not just the tv anymore its the internet too and those smart phones doing almost everything for you.. so intern you dont have to think.. like when i was in school we had spelling tests and now spelling doesnt matter because theres what?? spell check.. people arent reading or thinking long and hard anymore like they did in the past.. i believe that the people back in the 60s 70s and 80s were smarter than we are now.. i bet if you take someone from the 60s and put them down to look at tv now adays i bet they will tell you everything thats wrong or almost everything lol :)
Even right now all of us have some conditioning we need to shake off, and the only way to do that is to remove ourselves from the tool that's conditioning us, and that's the TV. Unfortunately this will make it difficult for us to relate to people who are still using the television as a conditioning tool.

Yes, we are all somewhat conditioned, I have to agree there. It's hard not to be in this day and age. It's the vast majority that we need to worry about because they are unaware of the conditioning that is taking place that they are all subject to.

remember now its not just the tv anymore its the internet too and those smart phones doing almost everything for you.. so intern you dont have to think.. like when i was in school we had spelling tests and now spelling doesnt matter because theres what?? spell check.. people arent reading or thinking long and hard anymore like they did in the past.. i believe that the people back in the 60s 70s and 80s were smarter than we are now.. i bet if you take someone from the 60s and put them down to look at tv now adays i bet they will tell you everything thats wrong or almost everything lol :)

Yep, everything has us. and yep, I do believe as we go further back in time, the people were smarter so to speak. They had more of the natural world to deal with and less of the false fictional fantasy world that we are all engrossed in today. Although the internet is great for people of like minds to come together from all over the world to stay in touch and take action on things, we still need to focus on what's outside. Literally, outside. Too many people are sucked into the social sheep aspect of things, and things like the internet are just as bad for that as tv. and as for the Smartphone, they always name things the opposite of what they really do or are. So the "smart" phone should really be named the "stupid" phone, because that's what happens to you when you use it. It's a sad state we live in, but my goal is to change it.
Yes, we are all somewhat conditioned, I have to agree there. It's hard not to be in this day and age. It's the vast majority that we need to worry about because they are unaware of the conditioning that is taking place that they are all subject to.Yep, everything has us. and yep, I do believe as we go further back in time, the people were smarter so to speak. They had more of the natural world to deal with and less of the false fictional fantasy world that we are all engrossed in today. Although the internet is great for people of like minds to come together from all over the world to stay in touch and take action on things, we still need to focus on what's outside. Literally, outside. Too many people are sucked into the social sheep aspect of things, and things like the internet are just as bad for that as tv. and as for the Smartphone, they always name things the opposite of what they really do or are. So the "smart" phone should really be named the "stupid" phone, because that's what happens to you when you use it. It's a sad state we live in, but my goal is to change it.

Yep.. I totally agree with you :)
remember now its not just the tv anymore its the internet too and those smart phones doing almost everything for you.. so intern you dont have to think.. like when i was in school we had spelling tests and now spelling doesnt matter because theres what?? spell check.. people arent reading or thinking long and hard anymore like they did in the past.. i believe that the people back in the 60s 70s and 80s were smarter than we are now.. i bet if you take someone from the 60s and put them down to look at tv now adays i bet they will tell you everything thats wrong or almost everything lol :)

My grandfather was appalled by TV, though he listened to the radio most of the time he thought the TV was a big waste of time. He died a few years back I only wish he was alive now that I'm awake so I could see what else he thinks about the world today.