[Video] Way cute thought I'd share


New member
I ran across this video and thought that this was cute and funny. Thought I'd share.
Unfortunate they didn't have a way to embed. Here's the link.

Oh, how I LOVE to watch cats play! That is cute! :) Thanks!

I think i'll try to track that down on youtube to embed it in here.
I miss not having any pets especially cats. I like most species, but I like watching cats play too, there funny as heck. Here's another one I liked so much I save it on my favorites. It's amazing the species get along better then alot of people do. Unfortunately this isn't embed either. Enjoy.

Cat On Boat Plays With Dolphins | Slothster
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Here's the embeded. That is just BEAUTIFUL! :)

Thank you. :) I never thought of Youtube and I should have here's one thing I knew was on Youtube, it made it to America's Funniest home videos won both the $10,000 and $100,000 cash prize craziest funniest dog video I ever saw.

The dog thought it's hind leg was trying to grab his treat. :)
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I think that just made my day! :) Dogs are funny like that! :) Thanks for the laugh, 2loserel3!! With all that's been going on around here lately, I needed that! :)
No problem.Glad I could help :) I hope that family used some of the money to get the dog to a dog whisperer, find out why it does that.:) I hope he doesn't eat his main meals like that! Animals (bless them) I think with their intuition and their loyalty and their aptitude for funny, they help keep us sane. :) I saw the kitten video first, and thought we all could use some laughs right now. :) Too much dark stuff going on now.:frown: