Wearing Sunglasses Can Affect Your Pineal Gland


More and more people are wearing sunglasses, even if the sun is not shining bright and I see also that little children (toddlers) have sunglasses on.

I remember an article by Dr. Ornstein in the Let’s live Magazine in October 1980 were it is explained that Sunlight is very important, day light is very vital.

The Creator provided for our emotional and physical health by giving us the Pineal Gland and commanding "Let there be Light "

This is exactly why I stopped wearing sunglasses. My eyes have adjusted to the brighter light. You don't realize that you don't actually need sunglasses until you go without them. I always hated wearing sunglasses as a kid. I started wearing them more for driving and playing sports out in the bright sun of the summer, but I don't need them anymore, havent' needed them for years.
Of course you need more sun and in your eyes, the pineal gland is dependent upon how much Sun goes into it for activation. When the sun enters your eyes your pineal gland gets larger and releases more melatonin, which is the chemical responsible for making you feel sleepy. This in turn connects you to "other side"!
All I know is I never wear sunglasses I allow my body to be naturally exposed to sunlight when I go out, if we've evolved on this earth I believe that we would evolve the ability to protect ourselves from the sun. But there is nothing to protect from the Sun is there to keep you healthy our bodies are designed to absorb it.
Makes me wonder what cataracts really is? From what I've been told they believe it's caused by the sun, it is probably caused by lack of sun.
It's probably the lack of certain nutrients and vitamins getting to the eyes, but what does mainstream science actually say cataracts are?

They say:

-Long-term exposure to ultraviolet light.
-exposure to ionizing radiation.
-diseases such as diabetes.
-hypertension and advanced age.
-trauma usually a result of denaturation of lens protein.

...just for some food for thought!
He seemed to blame cataracts on just about everything!? I'm surprised not saying the flu causes cataracts, but I'm sure if it meant it would make them more money they'd say whatever the hell they needed to like global warming causes cataracts...lol
It's probably the lack of certain nutrients and vitamins getting to the eyes, but what does mainstream science actually say cataracts are?

They say:

-Long-term exposure to ultraviolet light.
-exposure to ionizing radiation.
-diseases such as diabetes.
-hypertension and advanced age.
-trauma usually a result of denaturation of lens protein.

...just for some food for thought!

Usually, whenever we're told (by those that know better, you know, lol) something, the opposite quite often holds true.

Longterm exposure to ultraviolet light, prevents cataracts;
exposure to ionizing radiation, prevents cataracts;
sunlight Prevents diseases such as diabetes;
sunlight prevents such things as hypertention and aging;

You just have to look at what is said, and take the truth from it and re-insert the proper words back in that the illuminati forced the scientist, doctors, and researchers to remove.

You need only trust yourself, and test things out for yourself to know what is true.

Your Pineal Gland suffers with the used of blockers such as Sunglasses!
I think your eyes are like your hands, when you begin to use them you develop calluses which make your hands easier to work with. The calluses protect had your hands/feet and keep the pain away. I believe exposing your eyes to the Sun does a similar thing, you then develop natural protections. Cataracts could be a result of your eyes developing a natural protection from the sun? Just some food for thought.
I think your eyes are like your hands, when you begin to use them you develop calluses which make your hands easier to work with. The calluses protect had your hands/feet and keep the pain away. I believe exposing your eyes to the Sun does a similar thing, you then develop natural protections. Cataracts could be a result of your eyes developing a natural protection from the sun? Just some food for thought.

See now, I can't agree with that. I don't believe for a second that cataracts are formed from exposure to the sun. It's from exposure to other things and most likely lack of exposure to the sun. That's what I believe at this time.
You're under the impression that cataracts are bad, but I'm trying to say is that perhaps we developed of them as natural defense from the Sun. Like calluses on your hands, but because we don't continue to look at the Sun all of a sudden they turned cloudy and become useless?
We developed cataracts for a reason, scientists want them removed? But why? It's like your pancreas they remove it when it becomes active, what is the purpose of your pancreas? Or nipples on males? Or hiccuping?

I believe this is the point that hundred monkeys trying to make Sungazer, they develop for reason, our bodies usually know more about what it's doing and we know.